目的 探讨臭氧、胶原酶联合治疗椎间盘突出症的方法及疗效.方法 2006年6月至2009年12月间腰椎间盘突出症97例,97个椎间盘,用21C无损伤酒精穿刺针在X光定位下穿刺至椎间盘后1/3处,缓慢注入60 mg/L的臭氧气体15 mL/间盘,注射后5分钟内CT扫描了解臭氧在椎间盘内分布情况,同组病例97个椎间盘臭氧治疗术同时或术后第3~5天穿刺至病变椎间盘突出物位置(椎后间隙),造影+脊髓麻醉试验确认后,注入胶原酶600 U的生理盐水液2.5 mL.术后给预防感染、脱水、活血化淤等治疗.结果 手术成功率100%,97例患者完成随访,随访时间6~36个月,按MacNab腰腿痛手术评价标准判定:显效93例,有效3例,占95.87%,无效1例.结论 臭氧与胶原酶联合应用能降低病变椎间盘盘内压,解除或缓解突出对神经根的压迫和缓解腰椎间盘突出临床症状,是一种安全、有效的治疗方法.
臭氧 /
胶原酶 /
联合 /
Objective To explore the therapeutic effects of combination of ozone and collagenase on lubar intervertebral disc protrusion.Methods Ninety-seven patients with lubar intervertebral disc protrusion were enrolled in this study.21G atraumatic puncture needle was punctured into astern 1/3 site of intervertebral disc guided by X-ray localization,then ozone at 60 mg/L was injected slowly by 15 mL/disk.CT scaning was used to learn the distribution of ozone in intervertebral disc in 5 min after injection of ozone.2...