Effect of Short-term High-level PEEP on Oxygen Metabolism and Hemodynamics in Patients with ALI/ARDS
摘要: [摘要]目的 研究短暂高水平呼气末正压(positive end expiratory pressure,PEEP)肺复张对急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratory distress syndrome,ARDS)患者氧合情况及血流动力学的影响.方法 40例患者被随机分为实验组(22例)和对照组(18例),实验组采用压力控制通气+短暂高水平呼气末正压肺复张,对照组采用压力控制通气,分别对两组患者的氧合、血流动力学及预后进行比较.结果 实验组氧合指标较对照组明显改善(P<0.05).结论 短暂高水平呼气末正压肺复张对于改善ARDS患者的氧合是安全有效的.Abstract: [Abstract]Objective To study the effect of short-term high-level PEEP on oxygen metabolism and hemodynamics in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.Methods 40 cases with ALI/SRDS were randomly divided into study group (pressure control ventilation and short-term high-level PEEP, 22 cases) and control group(pressure control ventilation only,18 cases).The changes of oxygenation,hemodynamics and prognosis of patients were compared between the two groups. Result After short-term high-level PEEP,there was a significant improving in PaO2,PaO2/FiO2 (P<0.05) in the study group,but there was no significant difference in the the side effects and prognosis of patients.Conclusion Short-term high-level PEEP is effective and safe for patients with ALI/ARDS.

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