Comparison of BRAVO Sequence and TRICKS Sequence on Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis
摘要: 目的 对比分析磁共振3D BRAVO序列与TRICKS序列对脑静脉血栓检出的优劣,探讨脑静脉血栓的MR检查方法.方法 回顾性分析云南省第二人民医院2011年1月至2014年6月临床确诊脑静脉血栓的40例,所有患者均先行TRICKS序列扫描,结束后再进行3D BRAVO序列扫描,扫描结果分为静脉窦、深静脉及浅静脉组3组进行对比分析,分别评价2种序列对静脉血栓的检出率并对结果进行统计分析.结果 3D BRAVO及TRICKS序列对静脉窦组血栓的检出率分别为48例(98.0%)及49例(100%),深静脉组血栓检出率13例(92.9%)及14例(100%),2组中两种方法无明显统计学差异(P>0.05),浅静脉组血栓检出率12例(66.7%)及18例(100%),2种方法有明显差异(P<0.05).结论 3D BRAVO序列可以精确显示血栓的静脉部位、累及范围,尤其对浅静脉组的血栓显示更具优势,具有较好临床应用价值,结合TRICKS序列3D重建显示更为直观.
- 静脉血栓 /
- 磁共振成像 /
- 时间分辨对比剂动态显像技术 /
- 全脑容积成像
Abstract: Objective To compare the advantages and disadvantages of 3D BRAVO and TRICKS for detecting cerebral venous sinus thrombosis(CVST) and to explore the MR scanning methods on CVST. Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on 40 patients who were diagnosed with CVST in the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University from January 2011 to June, 2014. All the patients underwent TRICKS scan and 3D BRAVO examination and were classified into 3 groups based on dural venous sinuses,deep cerebral vein and superficial cerebral vein. Detection rates of TRICKS and BRAVO were evaluated and the results were analyzed. Result Detection rates of dural venous sinuses by TRICKS and BRAVO were 98.0% and 100% respectively. Detection rates of deep cerebral vein were 92.9% and 100% respectively. No significant difference was found(P>0.05). Detection rates of superficial cerebral vein were 66.7% and 100% respectively. Significant difference was found between the two(P<0.05).Conclusion BRAVO technology can clearly demonstrate the details of CVST,especially in superficial cerebral vein. With the combination use of TRICKS sequences, it will be of higher diagnostic value. -
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