Comparison of Space Infections in Oral Maxillofacial Region between Patients with and without Diabetes
摘要: 目的 比较口腔颌面部感染伴糖尿病和非糖尿病的不同临床特征.方法 对昆明医科大学第四附属医院口腔颌面外科收治的61例诊断为间隙感染的患者进行研究,将其分为糖尿病组(28例)和非糖尿病组(33例).研究内容包括:一般资料,临床指标(性别、年龄、病因、症状发作至入院时间,受累间隙数),实验室检查(细菌学、入院血糖水平、白细胞计数、中性粒细胞的百分比),治疗变量(住院天数、并发症).2组数据分别进行比较,对数据采用t检验和χ2检验分析.结果 口腔颌面部间隙感染糖尿病组(28例)与非糖尿病组(33例)相比较,糖尿病组与非糖尿病组2组性别比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).2组在年龄上比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),在2组感染间隙上差异有统计学意义(P<0.001).在感染来源方面2组比较(P>0.05),差异无统计学意义,2组患者感染的主要来源为牙源性,其次为腺源性.2组患者入院时血糖浓度比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.001).2组患者入院时白细胞计数及中性粒细胞计数分别进行比较(P>0.05),2组比较差异无统计学意义,2组患者在住院天数及并发症上分别比较(P<0.05)差异有统计学意义.总之:与非糖尿病组相比,糖尿病组发病年龄大,受累间隙多,入院时血糖浓度高,住院时间长,更易发生并发症,且后果严重.结论 口腔颌面部感染伴糖尿病时,患者的面部感染程度更重,相对住院天数长,并发症多,对此类患者应高度重视.Abstract: Objective To compare the clinical features of space infections in the oral maxillofacial region between patients with diabetes mellitus and patients without diabetes.Methods A retrospective study was conducted on 61 patients diagnosed with space infections in the oral maxillofacial region and receiving treatment at the department of oral and The 4nd Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University between 2013 and 2016.The patients were divided into 2 groups:diabetic group(n =28) and non-diabetic group(n =33).The study variables were demography,etiology,clinical and laboratory examinations(bacteriology, admission blood glucose level,admission white blood cell count and percent of neutrophil on admission).The outcome was compared.The length of hospital stay and complications were also compared.Statistical analyses of the results between groups were performed using the t test and chi square test.Results For oral and maxillofacial space infection,there was no statistically significant difference in gender between the diabetic group and(28 cases) and non diabetes group(33cases)(χ2test,P=0.5929);while there were statistically significant differences between two groups in age(t test,P<0.001) and in the number of infection space(t test,P<0.001);there was no significant difference between the two groups in the sources of infection(χ2,P>0.05);The main source of infection was odontogenic,followed by adenogenous.There were statistically significant differences between two groups in blood glucose concentration at admission(t test,P<0.001) and in the hospitalization time and complications(t test and χ2test P<0.05),while no statistically significant differences in the white blood cells count and neutrophil count(t test,P >0.05).Compared with the non diabetic group,for patients in the diabetic group,the age of onset was older,the involvd gaps were more,the blood glucose concentration was higher on admission,the length of stay was longer,complications were more likely to occur,and the consequences were more serious.Conclusion Compared with non diabetes group,space infection in oral and maxillofacial region is more serious and the hospital stay is longer and has more complications in diabetic patients which should be paid higher attention to.
Key words:
- Infections of the oral maxillofacial /
- Space /
- Diabetes
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