Construction of Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Model via Ligation of Left Anterior Descending Artery by using Diannan Miniporcine
摘要: [摘要]目的 建立心梗诱导的缺血性心肌病大动物模型.方法 选择雄性滇南小耳猪8只,体重(20±4)kg,全麻气管插管后,动态监测心电图和血压,取胸骨旁切口,左第4~5肋间进胸,打开心包,于前降支下1/4处结扎,术前、术后28 d和60 d行常规心脏彩色多普勒超声检查,60 d时对实验猪行安乐死,获取心脏,评估心梗情况并行H&E染色.结果 8只实验猪前降支结扎后均出现不同程度室性心律失常,其中2只死于难治性室颤,病死率为25%;彩超检查示左心功能受损,左室心尖部变薄,左心扩大;组织学检查提示梗死心肌局部纤维化,形成纤维瘢痕.结论 开胸直视下结扎前降支是制备滇南小耳猪心梗模型的可靠方法,实验猪逐步进展为缺血性心功能不全.
- [关键词]缺血性心肌病 /
- 心肌梗死 /
- 动物模型 /
- 滇南小耳猪
Abstract: [Abstract]Objective To construct a large animal model of ischemic heart disease induced by acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Methods Male Diannan Mini-pigs were selected (n=8), weight 20 ± 4 Kg. After general anesthesia and endotracheal intubation, blood pressure and electrocardiograph were monitored. Parasternal incision was taken and thoracotomyv was performed at 4th-to-5th intercostalgap. Pericardium was opened and left anterior descending artery was ligated. Echocardiography was performed at baseline,postoperative 28 and 60 day. Euthanasia and heart explanted was conducted at 60 day of experimental pig. After gross examination of the heart,the histological examination was used to assess myocardial infarction by using H&E staining. Results All of the pigs were presented with ventricular arrhythmias in varying degrees after ligation of the left anterior descending artery, of whom 2 died of refractory ventricular fibrillation,the mortality was 25%. Echocardiography assessment showed the loss left ventricular function, the thinning of left ventricular apical and the enlargement of left ventricule. Histological examination revealed that myocardial fibrosis and fibrous scar were formed in myocardial infarction area. Conclusion The ligation of left anterior descending artery through thoracotomy under direct vision is a reliable strategy for construction of AMI porcine model and the experimental porcine can develop ischemic cardiac dysfunction progressively. -

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