Investigation on Job Burnout in Doctors of Oral Health in Hainan Province
摘要: [摘要]目的 调查分析口腔科医生的职业倦怠现状以及影响因素,以便寻找积极应对措施.方便口腔医生更好的找到提高工作效率以及工作积极性的方法.方法 调查主要采用 MBI-GS调查问卷形式.结果 52%的被试者存在情绪衰竭;58%的被试者存在玩世不恭,61%的被试者存在成就感低落.女性的情绪衰竭较男性重,工资满意度与口腔医生的情绪有明显相关性(P<0.05);婚姻状况、不同性质单位与职业倦怠无较大联系,得分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),不同职称口腔科医生职业倦怠水平相近.结论 海南地区口腔医师有一定程度职业倦怠,应采取多样化治疗措施因地制宜地预防和应对职业倦怠,不同的影响因素采取多样化治疗措施预防和矫治职业倦怠.
- [关键词]口腔科医生 /
- MBI-GS /
- 职业倦怠.
Abstract: [Abstract]Objective In order to find out the properly corresponding solutions of stomatology doctors’ profession exhaustion,we investigated and analyzed the current situations and the influential factors.The solutions would help stomatology doctors improve the working efficiency and the enthusiasm to job. Methods The survey was conducted using MBI-GS questionnaire. Results Among all the participants 52% had a certain degree of emotional exhaustion,58% had emotional exhaustion,61% were cynic and had doubts about personal accomplishments.Females were even worse than the male in emotional exhaustion.Significant correlation was found between wage satisfaction and oral health care provider’s emotions(P<0.05).No significant relationship was seen between the marital status and different nature of the unit,and the score was not statistically significant(P>0.05).No obvious difference wss observed in different professional titles.Conclusion In Hainan Area,the stomatology doctors have partly job burnout,according to these surveys,we now taking diversified and adjusted measures to make corrections and prevent the job burnout.-
Key words:
- [Key words]Dentists;MBI-GS;Job burnout /
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