Application of IBS Method in the Full Sibling Testing of Yunnan Population
摘要: 目的 探讨IBS法在全同胞鉴定中的实践应用情况.方法 采用PowerPlex21System试剂盒中的19个亲权鉴定中常用的常染色体STR基因座对234对确定为“全同胞”关系和200对无关个体样本的进行基因分型检测,分型结果依据《生物学全同胞关系鉴定实施规范》(2014版)计算IBS值.结果 生物学全同胞认定率为82.91%,比规范中75%的检测系统效能略高,有17.09%的样本无法给出倾向性意见;无关个体间13Abstract: Objective To investigate the practical application of IBS method in the full sibling testing.Methods PowerPlex21 System kit was used to amplify the 19 STR loci(D3S1358, D6S1043,D13S317,Penta E,D16S539,D18S51,D2S1338,CSF1 PO,Penta D,TH01, v WA, D21S11, D7S820, D5S818,TPOX,D8S1179,D12S391,D19S433,FGA) from the 234 pairs of determined full siblings and 200 unrelated individuals of Han population in Yunnan province,and ABI3130 genetic analyzer automatic detection and Gene Mapper ID v3.2 software were used for STR genotyping.The typing results were calculated on the basis of the IBS method(SF/Z JD0105002-2014).Results The rate of full siblings was 82.91%, and it was higher than 75%in the standard. 17.09% of the samples could not give tendentious opinions. The scores from 13 to 22 had 65 pairs of unrelated individuals, and it accounted for 32.50%.There were 135 pairs of less than 13 points that accounted for67.50%. Conclusion The application of IBS method in the identification of full siblings in Yunnan has a high value in forensic medicine.
Key words:
- IBS method /
- Fullsibing /
- Paternity test
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