Relationship of Cervical Columnar Eithelium Ectopy with Cervical Cancer and Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
摘要: 目的 探讨宫颈柱状上皮异位与宫颈癌及宫颈上皮内瘤变 (CIN) 的关系.方法 选取就诊于昆明医科大学院第二附属医院妇科的患者1 200例, 分为无柱状上皮异位组 (A组) 、轻度柱状上皮异位组 (B组) 、中度柱状上皮异位组 (C组) 和重度柱状上皮异位组 (D组) 4组, 均行LCT检查和HC2检测.对任一项阳性者阴道镜下取活检后送病检.分别比较各组之间LCT、HC2结果、CIN及宫颈癌疾病构成比差异有无统计学意义, 并分析年龄与宫颈柱状上皮异位的关系.结果 从年龄分组来看, 各年龄组间宫颈有无糜烂均差异有统计学意义 (P<0.01) , 且各年龄组间的宫颈柱状上皮异位程度也均差异有统计学意义 (P<0.01) ;各组LCT、HC2结果比较差异无统计学意义 (P>0.05) ;各组CIN和宫颈癌的患病情况差异无统计学意义 (P>0.05) .结论 “宫颈糜烂”与宫颈病变无必然的联系.不应该把宫颈柱状上皮异位作为宫颈病变的高危因素.Abstract: Objective To explore the relationship of cervical columnar epithelium ectopy with cervical cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) . Methods A total of 1200 cases were selected from the department of gynecology in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University and were divided into four groups: no“ erosion” group (group A) , mild“ erosion” group (group B) , moderate erosion“ group (group C) and severe” erosion "group (group D) . Liquid-based cytology test (LCT) and the Hybrid Capture II (HC-2) detection were applied on all the patients. Every positive colposcopic biopsy underwent pathologic examination. LCT and HC2 results and constituent ratios of CIN and cervical cancer were compared. The relationship between age and ectopic cervical columnar epithelium were analyzed.Results There was significant difference when the presence and absence of cervical erosion and the degree of cervical columnar epithelium ectopy among all age groups were compared (P<0.01) . There was no significant difference when the LCT the HC2 results and the prevalence of CIN and cervical cancer were compared among all age groups (P >0.05) . Conclusions There is no positive connection between cervical erosion and cervical lesions. Cervical columnar epithelium ectopy should not be regarded as a risk factor of cervical lesion.
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