Observation on the Interference of Anti-nuclear Antibody on Detection of Syphilis Antibody in Pregnant Women
摘要: 目的 探讨抗核抗体 (ANA) 及9种抗ENA抗体 (Ro-52, SSA, SSB, Jo-1, RNP/Sm, Sm, Scl-70, Sm, Scl-70, PM-Scl, ds DNA) 对孕妇梅毒抗体 (TP-Ab) 检测的干扰及影响.方法 经ELISA方法检测138例抗核抗体阳性孕妇 (实验组1) 、55例抗核抗体阴性孕妇 (实验组2) 和60例非孕妇健康体检者 (健康对照组) 血清TP-Ab抗体, 合计253例, 并分析ANA及其9种抗ENA抗体的TP-Ab检出情况, 运用TPPA法进行确认评价;各组间率的比较采用χ2.结果 实验组1中TP-Ab阳性12例占8.70% (12/138) , 显著高于健康对照组全部阴性 (P<0.05) ;2组间[实验组2中TP-Ab阳性1例占1.82% (1/55) 与健康对照组中TP-Ab全部阴性]差异无统计学意义 (P>0.05) ;抗ENV抗体的TP-Ab阳性仅出现在Ro-52和SSA, 阳性率分别为14.71% (10/68) 和5.40% (2/37) , 2组间差异无统计学意义 (P>0.05) ;253标本TPPA结果均为阴性.结论 ANA可干扰TP-Ab的检测, 造成假阳性结果, 尤其是Ro-52引起的发生率较高.Abstract: Objectives To investigate the effects of anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) and nine anti-ENA antibodies (Ro-52, SSA, SSB, Jo-1, RNP/Sm, Sm, Scl-70, Sm, Scl-70, PM-Scl, ds DNA) on the detection of syphilis antibody in pregnant women. Methods A total of 253 cases was recruited, with 138 anti-nuclear antibody positive pregnant women (experimental group 1) , 55 anti-nuclear antibody negative pregnant women (experimental group 2) and 60 healthy non-pregnant women (healthy control group) and serum TP-Ab was detected with ELISA as screening method. The positive incidents of TP-Ab of ANA and its nine anti-ENA antibody were confirmed by TPPA method. Chi-square test was used to compared positive rate. Results There were 12 cases of TP-Ab positive in the experimental group 1, accounting for 8.70% (12/138) , which was significantly higher than that in the healthy control group (P<0.05) , while there was no significant difference (P>0.05) between experimental group 2 and control group, with TP-Ab rate of 1.82% (1/55) and zero re.positive antibody TP-Ab of Anti-ENV antibody were only detected in Ro-52 and SSA, which of positive incidence accounted for 14.71% (10/68) and 5.40% (2/37) respectively, there was significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05) . The results in 253 cases were totally confirmed negative through TPPA method. Conclusions ANA can interfere with the detection of TP-Ab, which caused false positive results, especially the risk of false positivity caused by Ro-52 is higher.
Key words:
- Antinuclear antibodies /
- Pregnant women /
- Syphilis antibody
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