Research on Job Burnout of Doctors in Yunnan Provincial First-class Hospitals
摘要: 目的 对云南省级三甲医院医生的职业倦怠状况及特点进行研究, 为临床医生的身心健康和职业发展提供建议.方法 采用职业倦怠问卷 (MBI) 对3所云南省级三甲医院的518名医生进行测查, 对不同群体进行比较.结果 76.64%的医生表现出倦怠状态, 71.43%的医生表现出较高水平的情感耗竭;工作1120 a的医生职业倦怠程度最严重, 工作45 a的医生情感耗竭水平最高;医生职业倦怠的不同维度在性别 (t=-2.05, df=505, P=0.041) 、行政职务 (t=-2.64, df=510, P=0.009) 、离职意向 (t=5.97, df=506, P=0.000) 方面存在显著差异, 人格解体和个人成就感在工龄 (F=3.124, P=0.005;F=3.933, P=0.001) 、职称 (F=8.925, P=0.000;F=3.31, P=0.037) 方面存在显著差异, 情感耗竭在个人月收入 (F=4.47, P=0.012) 方面存在显著差异, 个人成就感在学历 (F=7.221, P=0.001) 、主要工作区域 (F=4.45, P=0.004) 方面存在显著差异.结论 医生的职业倦怠状况较为普遍, 且严重程度堪忧, 应采取措施预防和缓解医生职业倦怠.Abstract: Objectives To study the job burnout status and the characteristics of doctors in Yunnan provincial 3 A hospitals and provide specific recommendations for clinicians' mental health and vocational development.Methods The investigation was conducted among 518 doctors in three Yunnan provincial 3 A hospitals with Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) , and the results of different groups were compared.Results 76.64%doctors showed burnout state, 71.43% doctors showed higher level of emotional exhaustion;the job burnout of the doctors who worked for 11-20 years is the most serious, the high level of emotional exhaustion of the doctors who worked for 4-5 years should arouse attention;sex (t=-2.05, df=505, P=0.041) , administrative positions (t=-2.64, df=510, P=0.009) , resign intention (t=5.97, df=506, P=0.000) , length of service (F=3.12, P=0.005;F=3.93, P=0.001) , academic title (F=8.93, P=0.000;F=3.31, P=0.037) , economic status (F=4.47, P=0.012) , academic qualification (F=7.22, P=0.001) and the main working area (F=4.45, P=0.004) variables had influence on job burnout.Conclusions The prevalence and severity on job burnout of doctors should be concemed.Measures should be taken to prevent or cure job bumout.
Key words:
- Job burnout /
- Doctors /
- Emotional exhaustion /
- Depersonalization /
- Personal accomplishment
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