Identification of Radix Saussureae lappae from Different Habitats by HPLC Fingerprints Combined with Chemometrics
摘要: 目的 应用高效液相色谱法检测云木香药材指纹图谱, 采用多种化学计量学方法分析, 以鉴别不同产地云木香药材.方法 采用反相高效液相色谱法, 乙腈-水为流动相梯度程序洗脱, 流速1.0 m L/min, 检测波长254 nm, 检测云木香药材的HPLC图谱;结合相似度计算、系统聚类分析、主成分分析等方法分析指纹图谱, 对不同产地云木香进行鉴别.结果 该方法可使云木香中各成分得到较好的分离;根据检测结果确定了18个共有指纹峰, 建立了云木香药材指纹图谱的共有模式, 15个不同来源的云木香有一定相似度;但不同产地云木香药材样品的指纹图谱通过化学计量学分析, 发现存在较大差异.结论 该HPLC指纹图谱重复性好, 特异性高.HPLC指纹图谱联合化学计量学可鉴别不同产地云木香药材, 为云木香药材质量控制提供依据, 并为云木香药材资源合理开发利用提供参考.Abstract: Objectives To identify Radix Saussureae lappae from different habitats by application of HPLC fingerprints and chemometrics. Methods By using reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) , the analysis was carried out with the mobile phases of Acetonitrile and water by gradient elution. The flow rate was 1.0 m L/min, and the UV detection wave length was 254 nm. Similarity calculation, principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were applied to read HPLC fingerprints, then to identify of Radix Saussureae lappae from different habitats. Results The method could be used to separate the components of Radix Saussureae lappae. According to the test results, 18 common fingerprint peaks were assigned, and a common HPLC fingerprint pattern of Radix Saussureae lappae was established, and the similarity of Radix Saussureae lappae from 15 different sources was high. But there were significant differences in the fingerprint patterns of samples from different habitats. Conclusion With excellent specificity and reproducibility, the fingerprinting method provides a feasible method for identification of Radix Saussureae lappae from different habitats, and can provide references for Radix Saussureae lappae quality control, and provide references for resources reasonable development and utilization of Radix Saussureae lappae.
Key words:
- Radix Saussureae lappae /
- HPLC /
- Fingerprints /
- Chemometrics
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