Evaluating the Effects and Analyzing the Influencing Factors of Clinical Clerkship for Undergraduates of General Practice
摘要: 目的 评估全科医学方向医学生临床轮转实习效果, 分析影响临床学习的因素.方法 选取昆明医科大学2011级全科医学方向临床学生, 用修订过的临床实习和学习2个评估问卷进行实习效果评估.结果63.5%的学生认为整体实习效果好, 对“病史采集”、“临床思维”、“医患沟通能力”得到提高方面同意率较高:74.4%, 71.3%和70.5%;实习效果评价问卷信度高 (α=0.784) .学生对“临床体验的真实性”评价, 县级医院高于省级医院 (P<0.05) ;“病例为基础的问题解决学习”和“带教老师的督导”等评价, 省级医院高于县级医院 (P<0.05) .有11个方面对学生实习积极性影响明显, 其中“我能表达自己的学习需求”和“我得到指导教师的尊重”2个方面影响较大.结论 合理组织实习, 提高教师督导水平, 加强临床体验真实性, 激励学习积极性以提高实习质量.Abstract: Objective To evaluate the effects of overall clinical clerkship and rotations within the difference hospitals, to analyze the factors influencing students' motivation of learning in clinical settings.Methods We used modified Clinical Clerkships' Evaluation Questionnaire (CCEQ) , and Clinical Learning Evaluation Questionnaire (CLEQ) to assess the effects of clinical clerkship and learning.Both questionnaires items using a five-point Likert scale were administered to a sample of students (n=100) from Kunming Medical University.Results There were 63.5% students agreed that they got the good clerkships' quality;Over 70% students agreed that the abilities of History taking, Clinical reasoning and Patient-doctor relationship were improved.The overall the internal consistency of the CCEQ is high (Cronbach's alpha=0.784) .There was no statistical significant difference in Organization of clinical activities (P>0.05) , but there were statistical significant differences in the Authenticity of clinical experiences, Case-based problem solving learning (PSL) and Supervision (P<0.05) between the provincial and county hospital.There were 11 factors influencing the learning motivation of students, Express myself and Respected by teachers were highly related to the learning motivation.Conclusions In order to promote the clerkship's quality, we should improve the clinical clerkship organization and supervision, make students integrate into clerkship, and stimulate learning activity.
Key words:
- General practice /
- Undergraduates /
- Clinical clerkship /
- Effects evaluation /
- Influencing factors
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