The Awareness, Treatment and Control of Hypertension and Its Determinants in the Elderly Hypertensive Patients of Dean Nationality: A Multilevel Model Analysis
摘要: 目的 了解德昂族老年高血压患者的知晓率、治疗率和控制率现状, 探讨相关影响因素.方法2016年79月, 现况调查分层整群抽取的939名≥60岁德昂族老年人高血压患病情况, 并收集病史和体检资料.结果 调查939名德昂族老年人, 检出高血压患者353例, 其知晓率、治疗率和控制率 (47.3%、36.5%和22.1%) 均高于全国水平, 且都有随年龄增长而上升的趋势 (P<0.05) .与参照组相比, 经济发展水平中等地区高血压患者的知晓率、治疗率和控制率相对较高 (P<0.05) .控制协变量的多水平Logistic回归模型结果显示, 经济发展水平与血脂异常 (对于知晓率和治疗率) 、经济发展水平与低脂膳食 (对于控制率) 有跨层交互作用 (P<0.05) ;个体水平协变量中, 年龄 (OR=1.3412、1.3144, 95%CI 1.02171.7609、1.00301.7225) 和糖尿病 (OR=2.6735、2.3078, 95%CI 1.07216.6672、1.02405.2007) 与知晓率和治疗率呈正相关;年龄 (OR=1.4740, 95%CI 1.00342.1654) 、不饮酒 (OR=3.2056, 95%CI 1.55546.6066) 和低盐膳食 (OR=3.6969, 95%CI1.79967.5946) 与控制率呈正相关.结论 德昂族老年高血压患者知晓率、治疗率和控制率高于全国水平, 主要影响因素是经济发展水平、年龄、血脂异常史、糖尿病史、不饮酒、低脂膳食和低盐膳食等.Abstract: Objective To determine the awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and its determinants in the elderly hypertensive patients of Dean nationality so as to explore the associated determinants.Methods This was a cross-sectional, population-based survey. A total of 939 persons aged 60 years and older sampled by stratified sampling method from the elderly population of Dean nationality were examined from July to September 2016. Meanwhile, the data of medical history and examination were collected. Results There were 353 elderly patients with hypertension in the 939 subjects. The awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in the elderly hypertensive patients (EHP) , which was 47.3%, 36.5% and 22.1% respectively, were higher than the results of previous national study and had the upward trends with the increasing age (P<0.05) . In comparison with the reference group, EHP living in middle economic level area had the higher awareness, treatment and control of hypertension (P<0.05) . The results of covariate-adjusted multilevel logistic regression model indicated that there was a cross-level interaction effect between middle economic level area and dyslipidemia on the awareness and treatment of hypertension respectively, and a cross-level interaction effect between middle economic level area and low fat diet on the control of hypertension (P<0.05) . The individual level covariates, age (OR=1.3412, 1.3144, 95% CI 1.0217-1.7609, 1.0030-1.7225) and diabetes ( OR=2.6735, 2.3078, 95% CI1.0721-6.6672, 1.0240-5.2007) , had the positive association with the awareness and treatment of hypertension;age (OR=1.4740, 95%CI 1.0034-2.1654) , non-drinking (OR=3.2056, 95%CI 1.5554-6.6066) and low salt diet (OR=3.6969, 95%CI 1.7996-7.5946) had the positive association with the control of hypertension.Conclusion The awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in the EHP of Dean nationality were higher than those of the national level, and the dominant factors were economic level, age, dyslipidemia, diabetes, non-drinking, low fat diet and low salt diet, etc.
Key words:
- Hypertension /
- Awareness /
- Treatment /
- Control /
- Multilevel model
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