An Analysis of Self-reported Income Status and Related Determinants among Primary Care Providers in a County in Dali
摘要: 目的 了解大理州某县基层卫生人员自评收入现状, 分析其影响因素.方法 2016年8月至10月, 问卷调查随机抽取的该县191名乡镇卫生人员和217名村卫生室人员收入情况.结果 2015年度, 该县乡镇卫生人员自评年收入为3.4 (2.6, 4.6) 万元、满意率为62.3% (95%CI 55.4%69.2%) 、基本药物 (零差率) 实施后绝大部分 (74.7%) 收入没有变化;村卫生室人员自评年收入为2.0 (1.5, 2.4) 万元、满意率为40.6% (95%CI 34.0%47.1%) 、基本药物 (零差率) 实施后超过半数 (53.5%) 收入有所下降.结论 与全国水平相比, 该县乡镇卫生人员收入满意度略高, 村卫生室人员收入满意度水平较低.应加强政府在基层卫生人才队伍建设投入, 完善薪酬激励制度, 推进乡村一体化管理.Abstract: Objective To assess the income status of primary care providers and to explore the determinants of income in a county of Dali. Methods In August 2016, the questionnaire was employed to collect the data of income status of 191 rural health workers and 217 village doctors in the county. Results Through the study, we found that the income of rural health workers in the county was 34, 000 (26, 000, 46, 000) yuan with a satisfaction rate of 62.3% (95% CI 55.4%69.2%) and no change (74.7%) was seen in the income among majorities after implementing the Zero Mark-up Policy for essential medicines. For the village doctors, the income was 20, 000 (15, 000, 24, 000) yuan with a satisfaction rate of 40.6% (95% CI 34.0% 47.1%) and a fall of the income was found in more than half of the doctors after the implement of the policy.Conclusion Health care workers in towns are quite satisfied with their income whereas those in health stations of villages are not content, compared with the average income at the national level. We should increase government's investments on grass-root healthcare team, improve the incentive pay plans and promote the integrated management of health facilities in towns and villages.
Key words:
- Borderland /
- Primary care provider /
- Income
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