Main Pathogenic Bacteria and Their Influencing Factors about Food-borne Diarrhea in Yunnan Province from 2012 to 2016
摘要: 目的 了解2012年至2016年云南食源性腹泻发病及其主要致病菌感染状况, 分析其影响因素.方法收集云南省2012年至2016年11家医院监测到的1 743例食源性腹泻病例数据, 采集其生物样本并检验, 分析其主要致病菌和影响因素.结果 1 743例食源性腹泻病例中检出阳性菌株的样本65份, 阳性率为3.73% (65/1 743) ;引起食源性腹泻的主要致病菌是沙门菌和志贺菌, 主要可疑食品是肉类及其制品和水果类及其制品.职业、加工方式和临床诊断是本研究中发现的影响云南省食源性腹泻病例主要致病微生物检出率的主要因素 (P<0.05) .结论 应针对托幼及散居儿童、农民及民工和学生等特殊人群广泛开展公共卫生健康教育, 提出措施干预;重视食品的加工环节, 减少食品在加工过程中被污染的可能;提高临床诊疗水平和食源性疾病危害识别能力, 提出有针对性的防控措施, 有效防控食源性疾病的发生.Abstract: Objective To investigate the incidence and its main pathogenic bacteria infection status of food-borne diarrhea and analyze their influencing factors in Yunnan province from 2012 to 2016. Me thods 1743 cases of food-borne diarrhea were collected, which were supervised from 11 hospitals covering from 2012 to 2016 years in Yunnan province.We gathered and tested the biological samples. Meanwhile, we analyzed the main pathogenic bacteria and their influencing factors. Re s ults 65 positive strains samples were checked out in 1743 cases of food-borne diarrhea positive samples, the positive rate was 3.73% (65/1743) . Salmonella and Shigella strains were the main pathogenic bacteria, the main suspect food was meat and its products, as well as fruits and their products. In this study, Professions, methods of processing and clinical diagnosis were considered as the main factors of main pathogenic microbe detectable rates of food-borne diarrhea cases in Yunnan province. Conclus ion We should carry out public health education widespreadly in nursery, scattered children, farmers and migrant workers, students and other special crowds, provide intervention measures, attach great importance to food processing, reduce the possible contamination of food during processing, improve the level of clinical diagnosis and treatment and the recognization ability of food-borne diseases, and propose targeted prevention and control measures.Thus, food-borne disease can be prevented and controlled effectively.
Key words:
- Food-borne diarrhea /
- Pathogenic bacteria /
- Influencing factors /
- Control
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