目的 了解集中连片贫困地区医疗机构卫生资源配置现状, 为合理制定健康扶贫政策, 提高全国贫困地区医疗机构整体服务能力提供决策依据.方法 对680个贫困县的医疗机构总体的机构、床位数、人员配置进行描述性分析.结果 14个集中连片贫困地区政府卫生支出占比均低于15%;卫生机构个数最多的是大别山区, 为349个, 最少的西藏区仅为70个;床位数均低于全国平均水平5.11张;千人口卫生技术人员数最多的四省藏区4.42人, 最少乌蒙山区为2.72人;千人口注册护士 (数) 最多的罗萧山区达到1.56人, 最少的西藏区, 仅为0.39人.千人口执业 (助理) 医师数西藏区最多为2.98人, 最低的为新疆南疆三地州为1.07人;医护比最低的西藏区为1:0.54.结论 目前, 我国集中连片贫困地区县级医疗机构资源极度短缺, 配置不平衡.
Abstract:Objective To understand the status quo of health resource allocation of medical institutions in poverty-stricken areas, and to provide decision-making basis for rationalizing health and poverty alleviation policies and improving the overall service capacity of medical institutions in poverty-stricken areas. Me thods The overall institutions, bed capacity and staffs in medical institutions in 680 poor counties were analyzed. Re s ults The proportion of government health expenditure in 14 concentrated areas was lower than 15% . The largest number of health institutions was 349 in the Dabie Mountains and 70 in Xizang, and the number of beds was lower than the national average level of 5.11.The largest number of health technical staff for 1 000 people of the four provinces is 4.42 people, the smallest number is 2.72 in Wumeng mountain area;the registered nurses (number) for 1 000 people is up to 1.56 people in the Luo Xia mountain area, the lowest Xizang, only 0.39 people. Thousands of population practice (assistant) physician number of Tibetans is up to 2.98 people, the lowest is 1.07 for the Xinjiang Southern Xinjiang three states; health care than the lowest in Xizang 1:0.54. Conclus ion At present, China's centralized contiguous poverty-stricken areas of county-level medical institutions is extremely short of resources, and the health resource allocation is uneven.
Key words:
- Poor areas /
- Medical institutions /
- Resource allocation /
- Status analysis
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