A Study on Family Function Assessment and Simple Coping Style Questionnaire of Parents with Cleft Lip and Palate Children
摘要: 目的 探讨唇腭裂患儿父母的家庭功能和简易应对方式, 促进唇腭裂父母改善自身情绪和家庭问题, 为预防唇腭裂儿童心理问题提供一些依据.方法 采用家庭功能量表和简易应对方式量表对住院期间的79例6岁以下的唇腭裂患儿父母进行问卷调查.结果 家庭功能量表的相关问题解决、行为控制差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05) ;简易应对方式量表相关分析中家长年龄与家长的积极应对呈显著统计学差异 (P<0.05) .结论 唇腭裂患儿父母应对刺激时的情感反应和问题解决等能力差, 如情感和情绪难以表达和倾诉、家庭成员间的信息交流、语言沟通不足等, 在面对突发事件和危险情况时的行为控制模式不好, 容易出现手足无措;且父母年龄越大, 采取的积极应对方式越少.父母的家庭功能和应对方式对唇腭裂患儿身心健康具有重大意义, 需及时进行心理干预.Abstract: Objective To explore the family function and simple coping style of parents with cleft lip and palate, and to promote the improvement of their emotional and family problems, and to provide some basis for the prevention of psychological problems in children with cleft lip and palate. Methods A total of 79 parents of cleft lip and cleft palate children under 6 years old were surveyed by means of family function scale and simple coping style scale.Results The was statistical significance in the correlation analysis of family function scale, solve the problem of (r=0.237, P < 0.05) , behavioral control (r=0.267, P < 0.05) . Simple coping style scale correlation analysis of positive coping in age of parents and parents showed significant statistical difference (r=-0.246, P < 0.05) . Conclusion Parents of children with cleft lip and palate have poor ability to deal with emotional reaction and problem solving when stimulating, such as emotional and emotional expression and confession, family members' lack of information communication and language communication, etc, in the face of unexpected events and dangerous situations, the behavior control model is not good, and it is easy to be at a loss; and the older parents are, the fewer positive coping styles they take. The family function and coping style of parents are of great significance to the physical and mental health of children with cleft lip and palate, and psychological intervention should be carried out in time.
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