The Effect and Its Factors of Autonomy Learning and Its Influencing Factors on the Postgraduates for Professional Degree Education
摘要: 目的 评估自主学习模式用于研究生医学英语学习的效果及其影响因素, 探讨改进完善的方法.方法采用教学实验法、数理统计法, 以昆明医科大学2016级硕士研究生为对象, 专业学位硕士研究生采用自主学习法, 学术学位硕士研究生采用传统教学法作为对照;定量分析2组学生实验前后的英语考试成绩, 定性分析比较问卷调查中反映的学生自主学习困难所在.结果 专硕研究生实验后英语考试成绩略逊色于学硕研究生, 差异有统计学意义 (P<0.01) , 主要原因是时间管理问题.结论 即使对学习积极性高、学习责任感强的研究生而言, 自主学习模式也应辅以过程监管和引导, 方能取得理想的效果.Abstract: Objective To evaluate the effect and its factors of the postgraduates' autonomy learning in medical English, and to suggest improving methods. Me thods The postgraduates enrolled in Kunming Medical University in 2016 were divided into two groups. Those for professional degree education learnt Medical English by the approach of autonomy learning, while those for academic degree education were taught in traditional method. At the end of the semester, an examination was applied to measure and compare the learning effects in both groups, and questionnaires were conducted to investigate their attitudes and satisfaction. The results were evaluated by quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis.Re s ults The postgraduates for professional degree education got lower examination scores than the postgraduates for academic degree education. Time management appeared to be the main problem. Conclus ion Although the postgraduates highly regard the necessity of medical English learning and have great sense of learning responsibility, process supervision from the administration is suggested to assist their time management so that better learning effects can be achieved.
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