目的 探讨课程整合的思路与方法.方法 对生物化学、分子生物学、细胞生物学、医学遗传学四门课程的理论和实验教学内容进行优化、精简和融合, 形成了“生命基础理论课”和“生命基础实验课”, 即“四合二”.跨系组建教学团队, 实行多学科联组教学.理论课教学以“细胞→分子→遗传→疾病”为主线展开, 并穿插“翻转课堂”教学.实验课剔除重复的验证性实验, 增设综合性实验.采取形成性评价与总结性评价相结合的方法进行课程考核和成绩评定.结果 这一整合课程的教学模式已连续年在两我校一年级本科生实验班中开展, 对比理论考试成绩, 实验班的综合题成绩明显高于对照班, 差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05) .对比参与科研实践的学生人数, 实验班参与24人, 对照班参与10人.结论 整合课程的实施能促进学生的自主学习, 提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力, 调动学生参与科研实践的兴趣.该整合课程模式为高等医学院校生命科学领域基础课程的整合提供了有益的借鉴和经验.
Objective To explore the thinking and methods of integration curriculum. Methods The content of theory and experiment of the biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, medical genetics are optimized, streamlined and integrated to form theory course and experiment experimental course of “ basis fo life”, namely“four in two”. Forming a teaching team across departments, multi-disciplinary teaching is carried out. The theory takes “ cell-moleculeinheritance-disorders” as the main line, interspersed with “ flipped class model”. The experimental course deletes repeated confirmatory experiments and adds some comprehensive experiments. The course assessment and performance evaluation are carried out with the combination of formative assessment and summative evaluation. Re s ults The teaching mode of integration curriculum has been carried out in the experimental class of undergraduate students for two years. Compared with the theoretical examination scores, the results of the experimental class were significantly higher than that of the control class, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05) . 24 students took part in research in experimental class, but only 10 students did in control class.Conclus ion The implementation of integrated curriculum can promote student's independent learning, improve student's ability to analyze and solve problems, and mobilize student's interest in scientific research practice. It provides useful reference and experience for the integration of basic course in the life science field of higher medical colleges.