目的 探讨移动护士站在艾滋病临床护理工作中的应用效果.方法 在艾滋病科病房设置使用可移动护士站4个, 对使用移动护士站的工作进行分析, 对比分析使用前后, 病区医生、护士及患者的满意度情况.结果 使用移动护士工作站前后, 病区医生、护士、患者, 满意度效果差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05) .结论 移动护士站在艾滋病临床护理工作中的应用, 简化了工作流程, 提高了护理安全系数, 减轻了护士工作量, 提高了医、护、患的满意度.
Objective To analyze the effects of applying mobile nursing stations in providing clinical nursing service for HIV/AIDS patients.Me thods Four mobile nursing stations were applied in the wards of HIV/AIDS Department of the third people's hospital of Kunming. We evaluated the satisfaction of physicians, nurses, and patients towards the application of mobile nursing stations, and compared the changes of their satisfaction before and after their use. Re s ult After using the mobile nursing stations, the satisfaction among physicians, nurses and patients was significantly different in the wards of HIV/AIDS Department (P <0.05) .Conclus ion The application of mobile nursing stations could simplify workflow, improve nursing safety, and reduce the workload of nurses during clinical nursing service in the wards of HIV/AIDS Department, which consequently increase the satisfaction of physicians, nurses and AIDS patients.