An Investigation on the Physical and Mental Health Status of Community Residents in Kunming City
摘要: 目的 了解分析昆明市社区居民身心健康现状.方法 采用生命质量8条简明量表 (SF-8) 中文版对昆明市城区社区居民身心健康进行评估.结果 发放问卷1 000份, 回收有效问卷996份, 有效率99.6%.社区居民生理健康得分 (52.38±5.79) 分, 心理健康得分 (53.81±5.99) 分, 不同年龄段居民生理健康状况比较差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05) , 随着年龄的增加, 社区居民的生理健康状况越差.不同疾病史、婚姻状况、饮食结构的居民生理健康状况比较差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05) .重体力活情况不同的居民生理健康状况和心理健康状况比较, 差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05) .结论 社区居民身心健康状况不容乐观, 不同年龄段、婚姻状况、饮食结构等的社区居民身心健康状况不同, 其中老年人身心健康状况表现较差.Abstract: Objective To investigate and analyze the physical and mental health status of community residents in Kunming.Me thods Quality of life questionnaire (SF-8 health survey, Chinese version) was used to assess the physical and mental health status of community residents in Kunming.Re s ults Totally 1000 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and 996 copies of valid questionnaires were collected, with an effective rate of99.6%.Community health score was (53.28±5.79) points and mental health score was (53.81±5.99) points.The physiological health status of residents in different age groups was significantly different (P <0.05) , the physiological status of community residents becoming worse with the age.There were significant differences in physiological status of residents with different medical history, marital status and dietary structure (P <0.05) .The differences of physical and mental health status among residents with different physical activities were statistically significant ( P <0.05) .Conclus ion The community residents' physical and mental health status is not optimistic.The community residents with different age, marital status and diet structure have different physical and mental health status.Among them, the physical and mental health status of the elderly is poor.
Key words:
- Community residents /
- Physical health /
- Mental health
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