Prevalence Rate and Associated Risk Factors of Hypertension in Bai Ethnic Group in Yunnan
目的 调查了解云南大理白族成人高血压患病率及相关危险因素.方法 选择云南省大理白族自治区白族村落中大于50岁的白族村民为研究对象, 且该村民为村中常住人口 (每年在村中居住的时间大于6个月) , 采用整群抽样的方法, 抽取50岁人以上人群, 按国际血压测量方法和有关质量控制规定进行血压测定, 调查内容包括问卷和体检两部分, 问卷部分主要有:一般状况、职业、学历、吸烟史、饮酒史和家族史等.体检部分包括:测量血压、身高、体重.采用多因素logistic回归分析高血压的危险因素 (P<0.05) .结果 云南省大理白族自治区白族村落中大于50岁的白族村民人高血压患病率为41.7%, 男性患病率为41.5%, 女性患病率为41.9%.多因素logistic回归分析显示, 年龄、肥胖、高血压家族史、吸烟、饮酒为高血压危险因素.结论 云南大理白族成人高血压患病率高于全国部份地区, 高血压防治力度有待加强.
Abstract:Objective To observe the risk factors and prevalence rate of hypertension in Bai ethnic group in Dali, Yunnan. Methods Bai ethnic minority villagers aged over 50 and been living in the villages in Dali for more than 6 months each year were recruited by cluster sampling and their blood pressure were taken.Data of the risk factors including occupation, smoking, drinking, family history, height and weight were collected and then analyzed with multiple factor logistic regression (P<0.05). Results The prevalence rate of all the villagers enrolled was 41.7%, with male prevalence rate being 41.5%, and female rate being 41.9%. Multiple factor Logistic regression analysis showed that age, obesity, family history, smoking and drinking were risk factors of the hypertension (P<0.05). Conclusions The prevalence rate of hypertension in Bai ethnic adults is higher than some regions of China. The prevention and treatment of hypertension should be reinforced.
Key words:
- Hypertension /
- Prevalence /
- Bai ethnic group /
- Risk factors
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