A Review of Advances Related to Serum Gastric Function Test in Diagnosis of Atrophic Gastritis and Risk Assessment of Gastric Cancer
摘要: 慢性萎缩性胃炎 (chronic atrophic gastritis, CAG) 作为公认的癌前疾病, 由于其症状不典型, 早期诊断率较低.大量研究表明, 通过血清胃功能指标测定, 包括蛋白酶原 (pepsinogen, PG) 和胃泌素17 (gastrin 17, G17) 水平的变化可反应胃粘膜功能及形态学状态, 而幽门螺杆菌 (H.pylori) 在粘膜萎缩及肠化过程中又起到促进作用, 间接影响上述指标的变化.就血清胃功能检测对萎缩性胃炎诊断及胃癌风险评估的研究进展作一综述.Abstract: As a recognized precancerous disease, the chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) has a low diagnosis rate at an early stage due to its atypical symptoms. While massive studies have shown that changes in the serum gastric function parameters including pepsinogen (PG) and gastrin 17 (G17) levels which can be reflected by the functional and morphological status of the gastric mucosa, moreover, H. pylori plays a catalytic role in mucosal atrophy and intestinal metaplasia, indirectly affects the values of the above items. In this article, we discussd the progress in the diagnosis of atrophic gastritis and the risk assessment of gastric cancer based on serum gastric function tests.
Key words:
- Pepsinogen /
- Gastrin /
- Helicobacter pylori /
- Atrophic gastritis /
- Gastric cancer
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