Special Inspection Results of Noise-exposed Workers in Liuzhou during 2015-2017
摘要: 目的 了解柳州市企业工人听力损伤的发生及发展规律, 为职业病防控提供技术依据。方法 收集柳州市2015年1月至2017年10月度噪声作业人员在岗期间职业健康检查结果中的双耳高频平均听阈专项检查结果, 分别从城区、企业规模、经济类型、性别、年龄5个维度进行统计分析和评估。结果 柳州市2015年1月至2017年10月间重点职业病职业健康检查噪声作业专项检查共13 465人, 双耳高频平均听阈异常率为11.4%。检出异常率呈下降趋势, 其中异常率最低的是2016年, 为9.4% (P<0.001) 。周边县城异常率情况较为严重, 3 a异常率均以小型、私有经济为主。2015年至2017年间监测人数中的男性较多, 双耳高频平均听阈异常率明显高于女性。双耳高频平均听阈异常率基本随年龄呈递增趋势, 异常率较高的为40~49岁与50~59岁组。结论 柳州市小型私营等乡镇企业的中年男性噪声作业人员的职业危害较重, 应加强对此上述行业人群的噪声监测工作。Abstract: Objective To understand the occurrence and development of hearing damage of enterprise workers in Liuzhou, and to provide technical basis for precaution of occupational disease. Methods The data of binaural high-frequency average hearing threshold from occupation health examination in Liuzhou during January 2015 and October 2017 were collected. The noise inspection results were analyzed and evaluated from 5 dimensions of district, enterprise scale, economy type, workers' age and gender. Results Totally 13465 workers received the noise special inspection in Liuzhou, January 2015 to October 2017, and the abnormality percentage of binaural high-frequency average hearing threshold result was 11.4%. The rate of abnormality was downwards, and the lowest rate of abnormality was in 2016 with 9.4% (P <0.001) . The abnormal rate of surrounding counties was high.Abnormal rate was higher in small and private township enterprises. Most of noise-exposed workers were male, and the abnormality percentage of binaural high-frequency average hearing threshold results was higher than that in the female. The abnormality percentage of binaural high-frequency average hearing threshold results was increasing accompany with the age growth, which was high in 40-49 year old group and 50-59 year old group. Conclusion The occupational health risk of middle-aged male noise-exposed workers in small-sized private township enterprises is serious in Liuzhou, and it is necessary to strengthen the noise control in these industries and population.
Key words:
- High-frequency average hearing threshold /
- Noise /
- Abnormal rate
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