Efficacy of Case-based Teaching in Medical Genetics Course
目的 探讨案例教学在医学遗传学课程教学的应用和效果。 方法 选择昆明医科大学2018级儿科专业为实验班,2018级临床专业为对照班。在实验班实施案例教学,在对照班实施传统的课堂讲授式教学。通过考试成绩分析和问卷调查,对教学效果进行评价。 结果 实验班的期末考试成绩明显高于对照班(P < 0.0001 )。问卷调查结果显示多数学生对案例教学的效果满意;认为能帮助理解和灵活应用遗传病知识的占:93.04%; 能提高解决问题能力的占:93.04%;能提高分析问题能力的占:95.65%;能提高学习能动性的占:94.78%。结论 案例教学适合医学遗传学课程,能提高教学质量。 Abstract:Objective To explore the efficacy of case-based teaching in medical genetics course. Method The whole class majoring Pediatrics in 2018 batch was the experimental class, and the clinical medicine students in 2018 batch are the control class. Case-teaching was carried out in experimental class and traditional classroom teaching was carried out in control class. Evaluation of the teaching effect was conducted through the examination result analysis and the questionnaire survey. Results The final exam scores of experimental class was significantly higher than that of control class(P < 0.0001 ). The questionnaire survey results showed that the majority of students were satisfied with the effect of case-teaching. 93.04% respondents thought it helped them to understand and apply knowledge about genetic diseas flexibly, 93.04% respondents thought their problem-solving skill were improved; 95.65% respondents thought their reasoning ability improved; 94.78% respondents reported they were more motivated in learning.Conclusion Case-based teaching is suitable for medical genetics course; it improves the teaching efficacy and outcomes. -
Key words:
- Case-based Teaching /
- Medical Genetics /
- Teaching Methods /
- Teaching Effect Evaluation
表 1 学生对案例教学的总体评价(%)
Table 1. The overall evaluation of case-based teaching(%)
项目 非常有
相关知识53.91 39.13 6.09 0.87 灵活应用知识 44.34 48.70 6.09 0.87 提高解决问题的能力 50.43 42.61 6.09 0.87 提高分析问题的能力 54.78 40.87 3.48 0.87 提高学习能动性 64.35 30.43 5.22 0 提高上课效率 50.43 39.13 8.70 1.74 活跃课堂气氛 55.65 39.13 4.35 0.87 -
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