Analysis on the Epidemiological Characteristics and Clinical Characteristics of 1 570 Hospitalized Children with Rotavirus Infection in Kunming Area
目的 探讨昆明地区轮状病毒感染住院患儿的流行特点和不同的临床表现。 方法 收集2014年1月至2018年12月昆明市儿童医院1570例轮状病毒感染住院患儿的临床资料,回顾性分析患儿人群特征、时间分布和不同的临床特点。 结果 1570例轮状病毒感染患儿中,男987例,女583例。年龄构成:6~24月龄(79.0%),平均年龄为:(12.90±9.24)月。冬季(12月~次年2月)是发病高峰(46.8%)。单纯以消化道症状为表现患儿380例,住院天数(7.07±4.49) d,合并肠道外症状患儿1190例,占75.8%,住院天数(9.09±3.65) d;其中2014~2017年住院患儿多见肠道外症状,但2018年少见肠道外症状,3月龄至3岁患儿多见肠道外症状。 结论 轮状病毒感染后肠道外损伤或并发症发生率较高。 Abstract:Objective To study the prevalence and different clinical manifestations of hospitalized children with rotavirus infection in Kunming. Methods The clinical data of 1570 cases of children hospitalized with rotavirus infection from 2014 to 2018 in Kunming Children`s Hospital were collected and the retrospective analysis of population characteristics, time distribution and different clinical features were conducted. Results Of the 1570 children with rotavirus infection, 987 were male and 583 were female. Age composition: six to 24 months of age(79%), average age: (12.9±9.24)months. Winter(December to February of the following year)is the peak season of illness(46.8%). There were 380 children only presenting with digestive symptoms, the hospitalization days are(7.07±4.49)d. There were 1 190 children incorporative presenting with extraintestinal symptoms which occupy a proportion of 75.8%, the hospitalization days are(9.09±3.65)d; In these cases, most of children who were hospitalized between year 2014 and year 2017 were likely to have extraintestinal symptoms, but the symptoms are rare in 2018. Children aged 3 months to 3 years old are more likely to have extraintestinal symptoms. Conclusion The incidence of extraintestinal injury or complications after rotavirus infection is high. -
表 1 2014~2018年昆明市儿童医院RV感染住院患儿年龄分布(n)
Table 1. Age distribution of children with RV infection in Kunming Children's Hospital from 2014 to 2018(n)
年龄 频率 有效百分比(%) 3月及以下 85 5.4 > 3~≤6月 140 8.9 > 6~≤12月 669 42.6 > 1~≤2岁 571 36.4 > 2~≤3岁 71 4.5 3岁以上 34 2.2 表 2 2014~2018年昆明市儿童医院RV感染住院患儿临床症状比较[(n)%]
Table 2. Clinical symptoms of hospitalized children with rotavirus infection in Kunming Children's Hospital from 2014 to 2018[(n)%]
年份 症状 合计(n) 单纯肠道症状组 合并肠道外症状组 2014年 13(4.4) 282(95.6) 295 2015年 13(4.0) 310(96.0) 323 2016年 27(10.0) 243(90.0) 270 2017年 39(12.1) 283(87.9) 322 2018年 288(80.0) 72(20.0) 360 表 3 2014年~2018年昆明市儿童医院RV感染住院患儿单纯肠道症状组与合并肠道外症状组的年龄段分布(n)
Table 3. Age distribution of children with RV infection in Kunming children's Hospital from 2014 to 2018(n)
症状 年龄段 合计 3月及以下 > 3~≤6月 > 6~≤12月 > 1~≤2岁 > 2~≤3岁 3岁以上 单纯肠道症状组 37 24 171 124 15 9 380 合并肠道外症状组 48 116 498 447 56 25 1190 合计 85 140 669 571 71 34 1570 表 4 2014年~2018年昆明市儿童医院RV感染住院患儿单纯肠道症状组与合并肠道外症状组的民族分布(n)
Table 4. Ethnic distribution of children with RV infection in Kunming Children's Hospital from 2014 to 2018(n)
症状 民族 合计 汉族 少数民族 单纯肠道症状组 348 32 380 合并肠道外症状组 1098 92 1190 合计 1446 124 1570 -
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