Influencing Factors of Malnutrition of Dulong Nationality Residents Aged 6-80 Years in Gongshan County in Yunnan Province in 2016
目的 分析2016年云南贡山县6~80岁独龙族居民营养不良状况,探讨其影响因素。 方法 采用分层整群随机抽样的方法,抽取云南省贡山县460名6~80岁独龙族,通过询问调查和膳食调查进行问卷调查,并测量身高、体重,采用BMI进行营养状况评价,计算营养不良率。采用非条件logistic回归多因素分析。 结果 20016年云南贡山县6~14岁独龙族儿童青少年生长迟缓率为16.1%,消瘦率为1.8%。18~80岁成人低体重率为5.9%。排除了其他变量的影响后显示,过去12个月内吃过草鱼(β:-1.116,OR = 0.328,95%CI:0.142~0.755)和茶叶(β:-0.899,OR = 0.407,95%CI:0.184~0.902)较未吃过的更不容易患营养不良,过去12个月内吃过低脂脱脂液体奶(β:1.973,OR = 7.192,95%CI:1.392~37.179)较未吃过者更容易患营养不良。 结论 独龙族居民营养不良患病状况不容忽视。营养不良的影响因素主要有进食奶类、鱼类和茶叶等食物。 -
- 独龙族 /
- 食物频率法(FFQ) /
- 营养不良 /
- 影响因素
Abstract:Objective To analyze the status of malnutrition for Dulong residents aged 6-80 years in Gongshan county of Yunnan in 2006 and to study it's influencing factors. Methods By using a stratified cluster sampling method, 460 Dulong nationality residents aged 6-80 years were selected from Gongshan county in Yunnan Province. The questionnaire survey including questionnaire, and dietary survey such as body height and weight were used respectively for the survey. The status of nutrition was determined by Dulong residents' body mass index(BMI). The prevalence of malnutrition was calculated by statistics software. Multiple factors analysis were finished by non condition logistic regression in software. Results In 2016, of all Dulong children and adolescents aged 6-17 years, the prevalence of stunting was 16.1% and that of waisting was 1.8% in Gongshan county of Yunnan Province. Of all Dulong residents aged 18-80 years, the prevalence of underweight was 5.9%. Removing other variables, the result indicated: For the Dulong minority residents aged from 6 to 80, eaten fish(grass carp)(β: -1.116, OR = 0.328, 95%CI: 0.142-0.755)and tea(β: -0.899, OR = 0.407, 95%CI: 0.184-0.902)in the past 12 months were less possible to get malnutrition than those residents who were not. However, eaten liquid milk(low fat)(β: 1.973, OR = 7.192, 95%CI: 1.392-37.179)in the past 12 months decreased the possibility to get malnutrition. Conclusions The malnutrition of Dulong residents can not be ignored. The main influencing factors of malnutrition in Dulong minority are milk, fish and tea. -
Key words:
- Dulong minority /
- Food frequency questionnaire /
- Malnutrition /
- Influencing factors
表 1 云南省贡山县6~80岁营养不良患病情况
Table 1. Malnutrition status of dulong residents aged 6−80 years of yunnan province
月龄(月) n 低体重 生长迟缓 消瘦 n r% n r% n r% 6~17 56 0 0.0 9 16.1 1 1.8 18~80 404 24 5.9 0 0.0 0 0.0 合计 460 24 5.2 9 2.0 1 0.2 表 2 6~80岁独龙族居民营养不良影响因素单因素分析(n)
Table 2. Univariate analysis of malnutrition of dulong residents aged 6−80 years (n)
项目 调查人数 患病例数 患病率(%) χ2 P值 婚姻状况 未婚 78 11 14.1 7.900 0.048 有配偶 316 17 5.4 离异 6 0 0.0 丧偶 53 5 9.4 进食热带水果 是 24 4 16.7 3.338 0.068 否 431 29 6.7 进食低脂脱脂液体奶 是 7 3 42.9 13.398 < 0.001 否 448 30 6.7 进食冰激凌 是 13 3 23.1 4.982 0.026 否 442 30 6.8 进食草鱼 是 224 8 3.6 8.889 0.003 否 231 25 10.8 进食面包 是 271 15 5.5 2.939 0.086 否 184 18 9.8 进食饼干 是 274 14 5.1 4.704 0.030 否 181 19 10.5 进食茶叶 是 369 21 5.7 7.078 0.008 否 86 12 14.0 表 3 云南省贡山县460例不同年龄独龙族居民各类食物摄入频率分布及摄入量
Table 3. Frequency distribution and intake of various kinds of food for 460 dulong residents aged 6–80 years in gongshan county Yunnan province
摄入频率 6~17岁(56例) 18~80岁(404例) 是否吃[n(%)] 摄入频率
摄入量(g)是否吃[n(%)] 摄入频率
摄入量(g)是 否 是 否 热带水果 3(5.4) 53(94.6) 100.0 31(7.6) 373(92.4) 140.9 1~3次/周 66.7 16.0 1次/月~1次/周* 33.3 56.0 < 1次/月 0.0 28.0 低脂脱脂液体奶 7(12.5) 49(87.5) 225.0 2(0.5) 402(99.5) 85.0 ≥1次/d 85.7 50.0 1次/月~1次/周* 14.3 50.0 冰激凌 6(10.7) 50(89.3) 152.2 8(2.0) 396(98.0) 152.5 1~3次/周 16.7 11.1 1次/月~1次/周* 16.7 55.6 < 1次/月 66.7 33.3 草鱼 19(33.9) 37(60.1) 90.0 210(52.00 194(48.0) 141.5 ≥1次/d 10.7 1.7 1~3次/周 17.9 18.2 1次/月~1次/周* 60.7 67.2 < 1次/月 10.7 12.9 面包 40(71.4) 16(28.6) 95.3 226(55.9) 178(44.1) ≥1次/d 3.4 1.9 4~6次/周 6.9 56.5 1~3次/周 56.9 31.5 1次/月~1次/周* 29.4 5.8 < 1次/月 3.4 4.2 饼干 36(64.3) 20(35.7) 109.0 234(57.9) 170(42.1) 124.6 ≥1次/d 1.9 1.9 4~6次/周 5.8 56.2 1~3次/周 55.8 35.6 1次/月~1次/周* 28.8 3.0 < 1次/月 7.7 3.3 茶叶 25(44.6) 31(55.4) 17.8 344(85.1) 60(14.9) 19.9 ≥1次/d 44.4 73.6 4~6次/周 8.3 12.3 1~3次/周 11.2 10.1 1次/月~1次/周* 36.1 4.0 注:*不含1次/周。 表 4 6~80岁独龙族居民营养不良多因素Logistic 回归分析
Table 4. Multiple factors analysis of malnutrition of dulong residents aged 6–80 years
变量 B SE Wald P 0R 95%CI 过去12个月内吃过低脂脱脂液体奶 1.973 0.838 5.540 0.019 7.192 1.392~37.179 过去12个月内吃过草鱼 –1.116 0.426 6.863 0.009 0.328 0.142~0.755 过去12个月内吃过茶叶 –0.899 0.406 4.899 0.027 0.407 0.184~0.902 常量 –2.943 1.569 3.516 0.061 0.053 -
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