Comparative Study of Prevalence and Influencing Factors of Diabetes Mellitus between Han and Bai Ethnic Groups in Rural Areas of Yunnan Province
目的 对比分析云南省汉族和白族农村居民糖尿病的流行现状及影响因素。 方法 采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,分别抽取昆明市富民县和大理白族自治州剑川县共5 003名35岁及以上常住农村居民进行现场问卷与体格检查,采用χ2检验分析汉族与白族糖尿病患病差异,用多因素Logistic回归分析糖尿病患病的影响因素。 结果 汉族和白族糖尿病前期的患病率分别为16.30%和14.43%,糖尿病的患病率分别为11.83%和7.83%;汉族不同性别、文化程度和人均年收入的糖尿病患病率均高于白族(P < 0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,汉族和白族均是年龄越大者(OR = 1.016和OR = 1.032)、肥胖者(OR = 1.580和OR = 2.561)、中心性肥胖者(OR = 2.372和OR = 1.593)、缺乏体力活动者(OR = 1.246和OR = 1.312)和有糖尿病家族史者(OR = 3.925和OR = 3.781)患糖尿病的风险越大(P < 0.05);此外,汉族人均年收入越高者患糖尿病的风险越大(OR = 1.459, P < 0.01),而白族男性比女性更容易患糖尿病(OR = 0.561,P < 0.05)。 结论 白族与汉族糖尿病前期及糖尿病的患病率均存在差异,且年龄越大、肥胖、中心性肥胖、缺乏体力活动和有糖尿病家族史是糖尿病患病的危险因素。汉族与白族居民应养成良好的生活习惯和合理运动,降低糖尿病的患病风险。 Abstract:Objective To compare prevalence of diabetes and its influencing factors between Han and Bai ethnic groups in rural Yunnan. Methods A total of 5, 003 rural residents aged ≥ 35 years in Fumin County of Kunming city and Jianchuan County of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture were selected by multi-stage stratified random sampling method, each participant received on-site questionnaire interview and physical examination. Chi-square test was used to analyze the difference of diabetes prevalence between Han and Bai ethnic groups, and multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of diabetes prevalence. Results The prevalence of prediabetes in Han and Bai was 16.30% and 14.43%, and the prevalence of diabetes was 11.83% and 7.83%, respectively. The prevalence of diabetes in Han was higher than that in Bai by gender, educational level and per capita annual income (P < 0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis results indicated that older age (OR = 1.016 and OR = 1.032), obese (OR = 1.580 and OR = 2.561), central obese (OR = 2.372 and OR = 1.593), physical inactivity (OR = 1.246 and OR = 1.312) and family history of diabetes (OR = 3.925 and OR = 3.781) are risk factors of diabetes in both Han and Bai ethnic population (P < 0.05). In addition, Han people with higher per capita annual income were more likely to develop diabetes (OR = 1.459, P < 0.05), and males in Bai ethnic minority had higher risk of suffering from diabetes than females (OR = 0.561, P < 0.05). Conclusion The prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes is different between Bai and Han ethnic groups; and older age, obesity, central obesity, lack of physical activity and family history of diabetes are risk factors for diabetes. Han and Bai people should build healthy habits and exercise regularly to reduce the risk of diabetes. -
Key words:
- Han majority /
- Bai ethnic minority /
- Pre-diabetes /
- Diabetes /
- Prevalence /
- Influencing factors
表 1 汉族与白族35岁及以上人群基本情况[n(%)]
Table 1. Basic information of Han and Bai people aged 35 and above [n(%)]
项目 汉族 白族 χ2 P 性别 3.990 0.046 男 1 216(51.5) 1 145(48.5) 女 1 286(48.7) 1 356(51.3) 年龄组(岁) 18.975 0.001 35~44 270(48.0) 292(52.0) 45~54 590(50.0) 591(50.0) 55~64 590(50.3) 584(49.7) 65~74 700(54.1) 595(45.9) ≥ 75 352(44.5) 439(55.5) 文化程度 71.670 0.000 小学及以下 1 701(54.7) 1 410(45.3) 初中及以上 801(42.3) 1 091(57.7) 人均收入 3.124 0.077 低 1 183(48.7) 1 245(51.3) 高 1 319(51.2) 1 256(48.8) 合计 2 502(50.0) 2 501(50.0) 表 2 云南农村汉族与白族不同特征糖尿病前期与糖尿病的患病情况比较
Table 2. Prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes with different characteristics between Han and Bai nationalities in rural Yunnan
项目 糖尿病前期 糖尿病 汉族 白族 汉族 白族 n(%) 标化率 n(%) 标化率 n(%) 标化率 n(%) 标化率 性别 男 222(18.27)a 18.24 188(16.41)a 16.50 148(12.17)b 12.12 104(9.08)a 9.04 女 186(14.46) 14.48 173(12.75) 12.69 148(11.50)b 11.42 92(6.78) 6.81 年龄组(岁) 35~44 26(9.63) 9.63 28(9.59) 9.59 17(6.30)b 6.30 9(3.08) 3.08 45~54 85(14.41) 14.41 83(14.04) 14.04 62(10.51)b 10.51 38(6.43) 6.43 55~64 114(19.32) 19.32 80(13.70) 13.70 74(12.54)b 12.54 45(7.71) 7.71 65~74 121(17.29) 17.29 98(16.47) 16.47 101(14.43)ab 14.43 57(9.58) 9.58 ≥75 62(17.29) 17.61 72(16.40) 16.40 42(11.93) 11.93 47(10.71)a 10.71 文化程度 小学及以下 292(17.16) 17.25 208(14.75) 14.73 203(11.93)b 11.94 108(7.65) 7.57 初中及以上 116(14.48) 14.31 153(14.02) 14.02 93(11.82)b 11.61 88(8.03) 8.07 人均收入 低 213(18.01)ab 17.99 178(14.29) 17.36 119(10.05)b 9.91 90(7.23) 7.30 高 195(14.78) 14.71 183(14.57) 14.46 177(13.42)ab 13.45 106(8.44) 8.37 合计 408(16.30) 16.27 361(14.43) 14.46 296(11.83) 11.75 196(7.83) 7.84 同一民族不同特征间患病率比较,aP < 0.05;与白族比较,bP < 0.05。 表 3 云南农村汉族与白族糖尿病患病的影响因素分析
Table 3. Analysis of influencing factors of diabetes mellitus between Han and Bai nationalities in rural Yunnan
变量 汉族 白族 回归系数 标准误 Wald χ2 P OR 95%CI 回归系数 标准误 Wald χ2 P OR 95%CI 性别 −0.059 0.204 0.085 0.771 0.942 0.632~1.404 −0.578 0.245 5.552 0.018 0.561 0.347~0.907 年龄 0.016 0.006 7.059 0.008 1.016 1.004~1.028 0.031 0.007 20.178 0.000 1.032 1.018~1.046 人均收入 0.377 0.131 8.310 0.004 1.459 1.128~1.885 0.141 0.154 0.838 0.360 1.152 0.851~1.559 肥胖 0.458 0.181 6.364 0.012 1.580 1.107~2.255 0.940 0.201 21.804 0.000 2.561 1.726~3.801 中心性肥胖 0.864 0.149 33.517 0.000 2.372 1.771~3.178 0.466 0.175 7.066 0.008 1.593 1.130~2.246 家族史 1.367 0.202 45.789 0.000 3.925 2.642~5.833 1.330 0.239 30.976 0.000 3.781 2.367~6.040 缺乏体力活动 0.220 0.137 2.564 0.049 1.246 1.104~1.630 0.272 0.158 2.942 0.046 1.312 1.246~1.790 -
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