Effect of Cardiac Exercise Rehabilitation on Cardiac Function and Quality of Life in Patients with Hypertensive Heart Disease Complicated with Heart Failure
目的 探讨分阶段延伸的个性化心脏康复运动方案对高血压性心脏病心衰患者心功能及日常生活能力的影响。 方法 将60例高血压性心脏病心衰患者随机分为对照组和干预组各30例,对照组给予常规抗心衰治疗及常规护理,干预组在对照组的基础上开展个性化的心脏康复运动,分别于干预前及干预6个月评价两组患者的心功能情况、日常生活能力及再住院率。 结果 干预6个月后,干预组患者的6MWT距离显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);两组患者的ADL量表的躯体生活自理和工具性生活自理维度得分比干预前明显下降,且干预组明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);干预组6个月内再住院率显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 分阶段延伸的个性化心脏康复运动方案能明显改善高血压性心脏病心衰患者的心功能、运动耐量,提高患者的日常生活能力,从而提高生活质量,降低再住院率,促进患者的康复。 Abstract:Objective To explore the effect of individualized cardiac rehabilitation exercise program extended in stages on cardiac function and daily living ability in patients with hypertension and heart failure. Methods Sixty patients with heart failure were randomly divided into the control group and the intervention group, with 30 cases in each group. The control group was given the routine anti-heart failure treatment and routine care. The intervention group carried out personalized cardiac rehabilitation based on the control group exercise before the intervention and 6 months after the intervention to evaluate the cardiac function, daily life ability and rehospitalization rate of the two groups of patients. Results After 6 months of the intervention, the 6MWT distance of patients in the intervention group was significantly higher than that of the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05); Before the intervention, the intervention group was significantly lower than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05); the intervention group within 6 months was significantly lower than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion The personalized cardiac rehabilitation exercise program extended in stages can significantly improve the cardiac function and exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure and hypertension and improve the daily life ability of patients. Thus it can improve the quality of life, reduce the rate of rehospitalization and promote the rehabilitation of patients. -
表 1 两组一般资料的比较[(n)%]
Table 1. Comparison of two groups of general information [(n)%]
一般资料 类别 实验组(n = 30) 对照组(n = 30) P 性别 男 20(66.67) 18(60.00) 0.592 女 10(33.33) 12(40.00) 年龄(岁) < 60 15(50.00) 14(46.67) 0.796 ≥60 15(50.00) 16(53.33) 文化程度 初中及以上 18(60.00) 22(73.33) 0.428 高中 9(30.00) 7(23.33) 大学及以上 3(10.00) 1(3.33) 职业 工人 5(16.67) 4(13.33) 0.829 农民 13(43.33) 12(40.00) 公务员 2(6.67) 1(3.33) 其他 10(33.33) 13(43.33) 医保类型 新农合 16(53.33) 15(50.00) 0.655 职工 9(30.00) 11(36.67) 居民 4(13.33) 4(13.33) 自费 1(3.33) 0(0.00) 合并疾病 无 17(56.67) 21(70.00) 0.724 糖尿病 6(20.00) 4(13.33) 高脂血症 2(6.67) 2(6.67) 冠心病 5(16.67) 3(10.00) 规律服药 有 13(43.33) 15(50.00) 0.605 无 17(56.67) 15(50.00) 运动习惯 有 9(30.00) 7(23.33) 0.559 无 21(70.00) 23(76.67) 吸烟史(a) < 10 16(53.33) 20(66.67) 0.292 ≥10 14(46.67) 10(33.33) 表 2 两组干预前后6MWT距离比较[(
$\bar{x}\pm s$ ),m]Table 2. Comparison of 6MWT distance between the two groups before and after intervention [
$\bar{x}\pm s$ ) ,m]组别 n 干预前 干预6个月 t P 实验组 30 385.57 ± 37.73 460.40 ± 38.95 −16.27 < 0.001* 对照组 30 384 ± 37.79 387.37 ± 42.97 −0.82 0.417 t 0.16 6.90 P 0.873 < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 3 两组干预前后工具性生活自理评分比较[(
$\bar{x}\pm s$ ),分]Table 3. Comparison of instrumental life self-care scores between the two groups before and after intervention [(
$\bar{x}\pm s$ ),points]组别 例数 干预前 干预6个月 t P 实验组 30 22.07 ± 2.75 10.80 ± 2.04 27.52 < 0.001* 对照组 30 21.07 ± 2.33 16.47 ± 2.62 15.86 < 0.001* t 1.52 −9.34 P 0.135 < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 4 两组干预前后躯体生活自理评分比较[(
$\bar{x}\pm s$ ),分]Table 4. Comparison of physical life self-care scores between the two groups before and after intervention [(
$\bar{x}\pm s$ ),points]组别 n 干预前 干预6个月 t P 实验组 30 9.93 ± 1.23 6.53 ± 0.86 16.90 < 0.001* 对照组 30 9.87 ± 1.11 7.67 ± 1.03 12.54 < 0.001* t 0.22 0.23 P 0.826 < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 -
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