Oral Health Status of Undergraduate Students in Kunming City
目的 了解昆明市大学生的龋病和牙周健康状况,分析影响龋病的危险因素。 方法 采用多阶段抽样的方法选取昆明市大学新生,由4名经过培训的检查者,对龋病和牙周病状况分别用DMFT指数、牙龈出血指数和牙周袋指数测量,并对大学生进行口腔健康相关的行为与知识进行问卷调查,利用Binary Logistic回归分析探索与龋病相关的危险因素。 结果 616名大学生参与调查,患龋率为52%,龋均为1.5±2.0。66%的学生有牙龈出血,14%的学生有牙周袋。Binary Logistic回归分析发现口腔健康知识得分越高、过去看过牙医的少数民族大学生患龋风险越高(P < 0.05)。 结论 昆明市大学生患龋状况普遍,大部分学生牙周健康状况不佳,其患龋风险与民族、口腔健康知识及看牙医的习惯有关。 Abstract:Objective To study the dental caries and periodontal status, and to investigate the factors that affect the dental caries of the undergraduate students. Methods A sample of undergraduate students was selected using a multi-stage sampling method. Four calibrated dental students examined the participants. Dental caries and periodontal status were accessed according to the DMFT, gingival bleeding scores and pocket scores, respectively. A self-completed questionnaire was used to study the student’ s oral health-related behaviors and knowledge. A logistic regression analysis was used to explore the risk factors for the dental caries. Results A total of 616 undergraduate students joined the study. 52% of them had caries experience (DMFT > 0), and their mean DMFT score was 1.5±2.0. 66% students had gingival bleeding. Periodontal pockets were found among 14% students. Ethnic minority students with higher oral health-related knowledge and visiting a dentist within the last year had higher caries risk (P < 0.05). Conclusions Dental caries status is moderate among the undergraduate students in Kunming but their periodontal status is unsatisfactory. Their caries prevalence is related to ethnicity, dental knowledge and dental visit habits. -
Key words:
- Dental caries /
- Periodontal disease /
- Undergraduate students /
- Kunming City
表 1 昆明市大学生龋病状况[n(%),
$\bar x \pm s$ ]Table 1. Dental caries status of the university students in Kunming City [n(%),
$\bar x \pm s$ ]龋病状况 患病率 龋均 龋失补牙数(DMFT) 320(52) 1.5 ± 2.0 龋坏且未充填的牙数(DT) 227(37) 0.8 ± 1.4 因龋丧失的牙数(MT) 18(3) < 0.1 ± 0.2 因龋已充填的牙数(FT) 123(20) 0.6 ± 1.6 表 2 龋病状况的单因素分析(n(%)/χ2/P值)
Table 2. Single factor analysis of the prevalence of dental caries
变量 患病率(n(%) χ2 P值 性别 男 312(48) 2.059 0.175 女 352(54) 独生子女 1.597 0.206 是 344(56) 否 308(50) 父亲的文化程度 2.085 0.149 初中及以下 308(50) 高中及以上 344(56) 母亲的文化程度 0.022 0.883 初中及以下 320(52) 高中及以上 314(51) 每月生活费 1.988 0.159 < 800元 283(46) ≥800元 326(53) 民族 4.291 0.038 汉族 301(49) 少数民族 357(58) 刷牙频率 1.018 0.313 < 2次/d 289(47) ≥2次/d 326(53) 过去一年内是否看过牙医 20.368 < 0.001* 无 283(46) 有 412(67) *P < 0.05。 表 3 龋病影响因素的Binary Logistic回归分析
Table 3. Binary logistic analysis of the related factors of caries prevalence
自变量 优势比 95%可信区间 P值 民族 少数民族 1.463 1.020~2.098 0.039 汉族* 过去一年是否看过牙医 是 2.461 1.682~3.601 < 0.001 否* 口腔健康知识得分 0.924 0.858~0.995 0.037 常数项 1.667 0.193 *参考组。 -
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