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解琴 梁艳平 张引 徐增辉 尤丽英

解琴, 梁艳平, 张引, 徐增辉, 尤丽英. 多种无创诊断模型诊断慢性肝病患者肝纤维化的效能[J]. 昆明医科大学学报, 2021, 42(7): 115-120. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20210719
引用本文: 解琴, 梁艳平, 张引, 徐增辉, 尤丽英. 多种无创诊断模型诊断慢性肝病患者肝纤维化的效能[J]. 昆明医科大学学报, 2021, 42(7): 115-120. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20210719
Qin XIE, Yan-ping LIANG, Yin ZHANG, Zeng-hui XU, Li-ying YOU. Efficacy of Multiple Non-invasive Diagnostic Models in the Diagnosis of Hepatic Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Liver Diseases[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2021, 42(7): 115-120. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20210719
Citation: Qin XIE, Yan-ping LIANG, Yin ZHANG, Zeng-hui XU, Li-ying YOU. Efficacy of Multiple Non-invasive Diagnostic Models in the Diagnosis of Hepatic Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Liver Diseases[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2021, 42(7): 115-120. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20210719


doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20210719
基金项目: 昆明市卫生健康委员会卫生科研基金资助项目(2021-03-10-0010)




  • 中图分类号: R575.2

Efficacy of Multiple Non-invasive Diagnostic Models in the Diagnosis of Hepatic Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Liver Diseases

  • 摘要:   目的  探讨APRI、FIB-4、Forns、GPR、S指数、King、RPR无创模型在慢性肝病患者肝纤维化中的诊断价值。  方法  回顾性收集2016年1月至2020年12月在昆明医科大学附属甘美医院接受肝穿刺活检的67例慢性肝病患者的临床资料,计算不同模型得分,与肝组织活检病理分期做对照研究和统计学分析。  结果  7种无创模型中,GPR与肝纤维化分期相关性最弱(r = 0.259),RPR最强(r = 0.769);RPR诊断肝纤维化价值相对最高,诊断显著肝纤维化(≥S2)、进展期肝纤维化(≥S3)和肝硬化(S4)AUROC分别为0.866、0.883、0.967;构建联合预测因子RPR + FIB-4 + APRI,诊断显著肝纤维化、进展期肝纤维化和肝硬化能力均提高(AUROC = 0.896、0.919、0.973)。  结论  7种无创模型中RPP诊断性能相对最佳,无创模型联合诊断可提高诊断肝纤维化的准确性。
  • 图  1  RPR + FIB-4 + APRI联合诊断肝纤维化ROC曲线

    A:肝纤维化≥S2期;B:肝纤维化≥S3期;C:肝纤维化 = S4期

    Figure  1.  ROC curve of RPR + FIB-4 + APRI combined diagnosis of liver fibrosis

    表  1  纳入患者临床资料特征比较[$\bar x \pm s$/M(P25,P75)]

    Table  1.   Comparison of clinical data characteristics of included patients [$\bar x \pm s$/M(P25,P75)]

    指标S1(n = 21)S2(n = 17)S3(n = 12)S4(n = 17)χ2/F/HP
    男性 11(52.4) 9(52.9) 8(66.7) 8(47.1) 1.13 0.769
    年龄(岁) 45.1 ± 14.0 50.4 ± 12.1 52.2 ± 12.8 50.5 ± 8.4 1.15 0.335
    ALB(g/L) 48.9 ± 7.1 44.2 ± 4.0 43.0 ± 5.5 31.4 ± 4.2 33.67 < 0.001*
    ALT(U/L) 64
    83(27.5,202.5) 41.5(28.5,99.25) 40(28,102) 2.79 0.425
    AST(U/L) 44(31,52.5) 71(26.5,140.5) 35.5(25.5,47.5) 76(43.5,171.5) 7.97 0.047*
    TBil(mol/L) 15.2(11.3,22.6) 13.5(11.1,20.4) 13.5(9.4,28.6) 35.5(21.4,314.0) 17.80 < 0.001*
    GGT(U/L) 80(29,401.5) 112(26.5,426.5) 40(22.5,170.5) 88(64,141.5) 1.47 0.69
    ALP(U/L) 95(84,135.5) 149(83,264.5) 92.5(56.8,174.3) 187(139,249) 14.15 0.003*
    TC(mmol/L) 4.7 ± 1.1 4.9 ± 1.8 4.3 ± 0.8 3.3 ± 1.2 4.42 0.007*
    PLT(×109/L) 247.5 ± 68.0 200.0 ± 60.0 162.8 ± 58.3 104.5 ± 54.2 18.08 < 0.001*
    RDW(%) 13(12.1,13.6) 13.2(12.1,15.4) 13.4(12.4,14.1) 17.6(15.2,24.4) 26.60 < 0.001*
      注:*P < 0.05;ALB = 白蛋白,ALT = 丙氨酸氨基转氨酶,AST = 天冬氨酸氨基转氨酶,TBiL = 总胆红素,ALP = 碱性磷酸酶,GGT = γ-谷氨酰转移酶,TC = 总胆固醇,PLT = 血小板计数,RDW%为红细胞分布宽度。
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    表  2  不同肝纤维化分期患者无创诊断模型得分[M(P25,P75)]

    Table  2.   Comparison of non-invasive diagnostic model scores for patients in different stages of liver fibrosis [M(P25,P75)]

    无创模型S1(n = 21)S2(n = 17)S3(n = 12)S4(n = 17)HP
    APRI 0.46(0.3,0.7) 0.77(0.4,2.5) 0.52(0.5,1.2) 2.13(1.0,5.2) 21.2 < 0.001*
    FIB-4 0.96(0.8,1.5) 1.82(1.2,3.2) 1.71(1.2,4.7) 5.46(3.6,16.8) 34.281 < 0.001*
    Forns 7.24(6.2,8.3) 8.71(6.9,9.9) 8.81(7.4,9.6) 10.25(9.2,13.0) 23.479 < 0.001*
    GPR 0.65(0.3,3.8) 1.13(0.3,4.1) 0.69(0.4,3.3) 2.50(1.3,5.6) 6.488 0.09
    S指数 0.15(0.06,0.51) 0.35(0.07,0.98) 0.19(0.07,0.80) 1.06(0.67,2.47) 17.815 < 0.001*
    King评分 8.43(4.8,13.8) 20.23(7.4,43.2) 10.40(7.7,27.3) 49.10(26.5,132.4) 26.293 < 0.001*
    RPR 0.055(0.045,0.064) 0.067(0.059,0.090) 0.087(0.060,0.111) 0.193(0.131,0.317) 40.991 < 0.001*
      *P < 0.05。
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    表  3  各模型与炎症分级(G)肝纤维化分期(F)的相关性

    Table  3.   Correlation between each model and inflammation grade (G) and liver fibrosis stage (F)

    APRI 0.623 < 0.001 0.512 < 0.001
    FIB-4 0.669 < 0.001 0.692 < 0.001
    Forns 0.539 < 0.001 0.58 < 0.001
    GPR 0.425 0.003 0.259 0.034
    S指数 0.554 < 0.001 0.45 < 0.001
    King 0.660 < 0.001 0.578 < 0.001
    RPR 0.609 < 0.001 0.769 < 0.001
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    表  4  各模型诊断肝纤维化的AUROC比较

    Table  4.   Comparison of AUROC in liver fibrosis diagnosis of each model

    模型显著肝纤维化(≥S2) 进展期肝纤维化(≥S3) 肝硬化(S4)
    AUROC95%置信区间P AUROC95%置信区间P AUROC95%置信区间P
    APRI 0.754 0.633~0.851 0.001* 0.719a 0.596~0.822 0.002* 0.842a 0.733~0.920 < 0.001*
    FIB4 0.86b 0.754~0.933 < 0.001* 0.815 0.701~0.899 < 0.001* 0.913 0.818~0.968 < 0.001*
    Forns 0.784 0.666~0.875 < 0.001* 0.78a 0.663~0.872 < 0.001* 0.852a 0.744~0.927 < 0.001*
    GPR 0.609 0.482~0.726 0.154 0.611 0.484~0.728 0.121 0.701 0.577~0.807 0.019*
    S指数 0.692 0.567~0.799 0.012* 0.703a 0.579~0.809 0.005* 0.834a 0.723~0.914 < 0.001*
    King 0.879 0.776~0.946 < 0.001* 0.75a 0.630~0.848 < 0.001* 0.789a 0.672~0.879 < 0.001*
    RPR 0.866 0.761~0.937 < 0.001* 0.883 0.781~0.949 < 0.001* 0.967 0.892~0.995 < 0.001*
      注:*P < 0.05。与RPR比较,aP < 0.05;与King比较,bP < 0.05;GPR未纳入比较;S4期:RPR与APRI、Forns、S、King比较的Z值分别为2.596、2.434、2.488、2.088;≥S3期:与APRI、Forns、S、King比较的Z值分别为2.895、1.96、2.736、2.415;≥S2期:King与FIB-4比较Z值为2.34。
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    表  5  APRI、FIB-4、RPR联合诊断肝纤维化效能比较

    Table  5.   Comparison of efficacy of APRI,FIB-4 and RPR in the combined diagnosis of liver fibrosis

    APRI + FIB-4 ≥S2 0.872 0.786~0.957 0.935 0.113 0.571 2.179
    ≥S3 0.887 0.803~0.971 0.862 0.181 0.763 3.637
    S4 0.944 0.891~0.996 0.882 0.134 0.88 7.35
    APRI + RPR ≥S2 0.879 0.798~0.96 0.717 0.349 0.81 3.774
    ≥S3 0.891 0.812~0.97 0.828 0.204 0.842 5.241
    S4 0.961 0.919~1 1 / 0.9 10
    FIB-4 + RPR ≥S2 0.903 0.829~0.977 0.674 0.342 0.952 14.04
    ≥S3 0.898 0.825~0.972 0.69 0.318 0.974 26.54
    S4 0.967 0.93~1 1 / 0.88 8.333
    RPR + FIB-4 + APRI ≥S2 0.896 0.822~0.971 0.696 0.304 1 /
    ≥S3 0.919 0.853~0.985 0.897 0.23 0.447 1.622
    S4 0.973 0.940~1.000 1 / 0.92 12.5
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