Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Sofosbuvir and Vipatavir in the Treatment of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C and HCV/HIV co-infection
目的 观察索磷布韦维帕他韦治疗慢性丙型肝炎患者和HCV/HIV合并感染患者的临床疗效和安全性。 方法 将2018年6月至2020年6月就诊于云南省昆明市第三人民医院的419例慢性丙型肝炎患者和56例HCV/HIV合并感染患者纳入到研究中。观察治疗4周、12周、治疗后随访12周持续病毒学应答(SVR12)、生化学应答、肝纤维化改善和治疗期间的不良反应。 结果 停药12周后,单纯HCV患者的基因1(genotype,GT1)型的SVR12率为97.56%,GT2型的SVR12率为98.97%,3型的SVR12率为97.54%,6型的SVR12率为97.85%,P = 0.870;对于HCV/HIV合并感染患者(除抗HIV治疗外给予索磷布韦维帕他韦抗HCV治疗)治疗12周后,GT1型患者的SVR12为85.71%,GT3型患者的SVR12为92.11%,GT6型患者的SVR12为90.91%,P = 0.862;单纯HCV患者抗病毒治疗后的AST、ALT、ALB生化学指标明显好转,肾功能明显改善;单纯HCV患者的肝纤维化指标在治疗后,纤维化程度明显改善;不良反应发生的患者中GT3型出现腹泻、恶心、呕吐、乏力,其他基因型别的患者和HCV/HIV合并感染患者以乏力、头痛为主。 结论 索磷布韦维帕他韦对于治疗初治慢性丙型肝炎患者、HCV/HIV合并感染患者的抗病毒治疗有效且有较高安全性。 Abstract:Objective To observe the efficacy and safety of SofosbuvirVelpatasvir in the treatment to chronic hepatitis C combining with HCV/HIV. Methods 419 patients with chronic hepatitis C and 56 patients with HCV/HIV that were admitted to Kunming Third People’ s Hospital were selected for this study. All kind of indicators such as virological response (SVR), biochemical responses, and liver Fibrosis have been continuously monitored during the treatment of 4 weeks, 12 weeks, as well as additional 12th week follow-up after treatment termination. Results After 12-week treatment the genotype 1 patient solely with HCV has SVR12 of 97.56%; the genotype 2 patient has SVR12 of 98.97%; the genotype 3 patients has SVR12 of 97.54% while the genotype 6 has SVR12 of 97.85%, P = 0.870. In contrast, the patients with HCV/HIV co-infection were treated with SofosbuvirVelpatasvir besides their HIV treatment. After 12 weeks of the treatment, the genotype 1 patient showed SVR12 of 85.71%; the genotype 3 showed SVR12 of 92.11%; the genotype 6 shows SVR12 of 90.91%, P = 0.862. Also, after antiretroviral therapy both patients show the significant improvement in the biochemical indictors, AST, ALT and ALB as well as the renal function. The hepatic fibrosis index from both decreases significantly after the treatment. For the adverse reactions, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and fatigue were found in GT3 genotype patients, while fatigue and headache were the most common in other genotypes patients and HCV/HIV co-infected patients. Conclusion Sofosbuvir and Vipatavir have high efficacy and good safety in the treatment to the patient with chronic hepatitis C and HCV/HIV co-infection. -
Key words:
- C hronic hepatitis C /
- HIV /
- Antiviral therapy
表 1 丙肝患者的基线特征[
$\bar x \pm s$ /n(%)]Table 1. Baseline characteristics of hepatitis C patients[
$\bar x \pm s$ /n(%)]基因型 GT1型 GT2型 GT3型 GT6型 F/χ2 P 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV (n = 75) (n = 7) (n = 97) (n = 165) (n = 38) (n = 82) (n = 11) 年龄(岁) 44.55 ± 10.52 46.86 ± 6.99 47.48 ± 9.60 46.25 ± 9.247 46.29 ± 8.19 45.12 ± 9.00 42.18 ± 8.99 2.135 1.165 0.095 0.320 性别 男 41(54.67) 6(85.71) 44(45.36) 90(54.55) 29(76.32) 41(50.00) 10(90.91) 女 34(45.33) 1(14.29) 53(54.64) 75(45.45) 9(23.68) 41(50.00) 1(9.09) AST(U/L) 77.11 ± 34.23 58.86 ± 40.95 65.74 ± 32.59 78.34 ± 36.20 74.69 ± 30.66 58.34 ± 40.45 58.37 ± 38.83 1.926 0.662 0.125 0.521 ALT(U/L) 95.41 ± 31.68 73.00 ± 20.35 80.29 ± 30.77 94.12 ± 36.81 61.32 ± 41.99 74.51 ± 36.72 81.55 ± 36.31 1.445 0.390 0.229 0.680 TBIL(μmol) 20.73 ± 23.75 17.29 ± 8.27 16.96 ± 7.60 21.44 ± 16.42 26.60 ± 13.30 18.36 ± 14.20 20.37 ± 13.02 1.914 1.057 0.127 0.357 ALB(g/L) 42.33 ± 4.69 39.65 ± 5.21 40.74 ± 4.69 40.02 ± 6.45 69.03 ± 9.91 42.79 ± 9.77 74.75 ± 8.05 2.383 0.936 0.069 0.401 GGT(U/L) 105.11 ± 38.94 142.60 ± 30.17 69.32 ± 32.49 130.22 ± 37.74 171.83 ± 39.42 70.47 ± 34.63 76.18 ± 39.70 0.665 1.511 0.108 0.236 共感染 HBV 3(4.00) 1(14.29) 1(1.03) 7(4.24) 1(2.63) 6(7.32) 1(9.09) 共患疾病 高血压 6(8.00) 0 7(7.22) 21(12.73) 3(7.89) 11(13.41) 1(9.09) 2型糖尿病 2(2.44) 0 7(7.22) 20(9.85) 0 3(3.23) 0 肺结核 2(2.44) 1(14.29) 1(1.03) 11(5.42) 1(2.63) 1(1.08) 0 表 2 索磷布韦维帕他韦治疗单纯HCV和HCV/HIV合并感染患者不同基因型病毒学载量情况[n(%)]
Table 2. Comparison of the efficacy of sofosbuvir and vipatavir in the treatment of different genotypes of HCV and HCV patients with HCV and HCV/HIV co-infection [n(%)]
治疗时间 GT1型 GT2型 GT3型 GT6型 χ2 P 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV (n = 75) (n = 7) (n = 97) (n = 165) (n = 38) (n = 82) (n = 11) 基线 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 治疗4周 68(90.67) 5(71.43) 90(92.78) 129(78.18) 21(55.26) 76(92.68) 9(81.82) 20.617 2.839 0.000* 0.242 治疗12周 73(97.33) 6(85.71) 96(98.97) 161(97.58) 35(92.11) 80(97.56) 10(90.91) 0.715 0.297 0.870 0.862 停药后随访12周 73(97.33) 6(85.71) 96(98.97) 161(97.58) 35(92.11) 80(97.56) 10(90.91) 0.715 0.297 0.870 0.862 *P < 0.05。 表 3 索磷布韦维帕他韦治疗单纯HCV和HCV/HIV合并感染患者不同基因型的AST生化学应答比较(n = 475,
$\bar x \pm s$ )Table 3. Comparison of the AST biochemical response of sofosbuvir and vipatavir in the treatment of HCV and HCV/HIV patients with different genotypes (n = 475,
$\bar x \pm s$ )观察指标 治疗时间 GT1型 GT2型 GT3型 GT6型 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV (n = 75) (n = 7) (n = 97) (n = 165) (n = 38) (n = 82) (n = 11) AST(U/L) 基线 77.11 ± 34.23 54.00(34.00,36.00) 65.74 ± 32.59 78.34 ± 36.20 74.69 ± 30.66 58.34 ± 20.45 44.00(32.00,74.00) 治疗4周 36.34 ± 26.70 27.00(22.00,28.00) 41.41 ± 25.92 49.11 ± 31.11 56.90 ± 22.69 36.34 ± 16.70 44.00(23.00,100.00) 治疗12周 29.42 ± 24.02 26.00(16.75,43.50) 34.59 ± 22.11 39.35 ± 29.90 49.80 ± 20.29 34.61 ± 13.75 31.50(22.75,44.75) 停药后随访12周 26.70 ± 20.94 23.00(17.75,26.75) 32.43 ± 20.24 39.18 ± 26.00 43.57 ± 17.29 27.35 ± 9.65 44.00(21.75,46.25) F /z 14.698 −2.023 4.509 4.050 3.133 7.467 −0.593 1.134 −0.730 0.412 3.475 1.749 0.988 −1.892 3.370 −0.816 0.014 4.738 0.156 0.037 −0.730 P 0.000* 0.043* 0.006* 0.049* 0.029* 0.008* 0.553 0.337 0.465 0.738 0.068 0.161 0.460 0.058 0.003* 0.414 0.907 0.034* 0.695 0.946 0.465 *P < 0.05。 表 4 索磷布韦维帕他韦治疗单纯HCV和HCV/HIV合并感染患者不同基因型的ALT生化学应答比较(n = 475,
$\bar x \pm s$ )Table 4. Comparison of the ALT biochemical response of sofosbuvir and vipatavir in the treatment of HCV and HCV/HIV patients with different genotypes (n = 475,
$\bar x \pm s$ )观察指标 治疗时间 GT1型 GT2型 GT3型 GT6型 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV (n = 75) (n = 7) (n = 97) (n = 165) (n = 38) (n = 82) (n = 11) ALT(U/L) 基线 95.41 ± 32.68 59.00(51.00,84.00) 80.29 ± 30.77 94.12 ± 36.81 61.32 ± 31.99 74.51 ± 36.72 43.00(33.00,80.00) 治疗4周 34.94 ± 30.42 21.00(10.00,26.00) 39.04 ± 29.87 58.78 ± 35.11 46.00 ± 28.89 37.67 ± 20.89 31.50(17.75,39.50) 治疗12周 21.61 ± 16.11 15.00(9.25,25.25) 28.97 ± 19.73 33.29 ± 25.57 33.20 ± 21.23 22.67 ± 15.13 17.00(12.50,31.50) 停药后随访12周 16.90 ± 8.77 38(12.50,72.50) 22.11 ± 16.33 28.48 ± 11.48 22.88 ± 10.86 23.81 ± 14.23 31.00(14.25,67.25) F /z 14.326 −2.366 2.757 4.247 4.861 6.012 −2.092 1.201 −0.365 0.797 1.490 4.769 1.185 −2.313 0.789 −1.342 0.591 4.128 5.587 1.405 −1.461 P 0.001* 0.018* 0.047* 0.006* 0.003* 0.002* 0.036* 0.293 0.715 0.499 0.220 0.004* 0.336 0.021* 0.503 0.180 0.449 0.047* 0.023* 0.283 0.144 *P < 0.05。 表 5 索磷布韦维帕他韦治疗单纯HCV和HCV/HIV合并感染患者不同基因型的TBIL生化学应答比较(n = 475,
$\bar x \pm s$ )Table 5. Comparison of the TBIL biochemical response of sofosbuvir and vipatavir in the treatment of HCV and HCV/HIV patients with different genotypes (n = 475,
$\bar x \pm s$ )观察指标 治疗时间 GT1型 GT2型 GT3型 GT6型 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV (n = 75) (n = 7) (n = 97) (n = 165) (n = 38) (n = 82) (n = 11) TBIL(μmol) 基线 20.73 ± 23.75 14.00(12.70,18.80) 16.96 ± 7.60 21.44 ± 16.42 26.60 ± 13.30 18.36 ± 14.20 19.00(13.30,24.90) 治疗4周 19.84 ± 26.90 10.90(9.30,14.80) 17.40 ± 9.98 22.16 ± 14.67 22.73 ± 15.80 19.54 ± 22.94 14.95(11.53,23.85) 治疗12周 17.54 ± 7.30 10.45(7.03,18.15) 17.11 ± 7.79 22.52 ± 10.49 21.54 ± 9.21 15.93 ± 7.26 12.80(9.75,19.65) 停药后随访12周 17.76 ± 3.89 12.30(9.05,14.88) 14.72 ± 6.59 20.52 ± 12.39 18.00 ± 8.45 16.15 ± 6.17 19.55(10.55,26.15) F /z 2.260 −1.521 0.604 0.164 4.179 0.661 −0.459 1.968 −0.365 0.061 0.528 2.878 0.681 −0.840 10.989 0.715 0.402 0.111 1.586 6.599 −0.730 P 0.084 0.128 0.801 0.920 0.048* 0.582 0.646 0.041* 0.715 0.806 0.786 0.098 0.666 0.401 0.001* 0.593 0.531 0.895 0.216 0.012* 0.465 *P < 0.05。 表 6 索磷布韦维帕他韦治疗单纯HCV和HCV/HIV合并感染患者不同基因型的ALB生化学应答比较(n = 475,
$\bar x \pm s$ )Table 6. Comparison of the ALB biochemical response of sofosbuvir and vipatavir in the treatment of HCV and HCV/HIV patients with different genotypes (n = 475,
$\bar x \pm s$ )观察指标 治疗时间 GT1型 GT2型 GT3型 GT6型 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV (n = 75) (n = 7) (n = 97) (n = 165) (n = 38) (n = 82) (n = 11) ALB(g/L) 基线 42.33 ± 4.69 36.40(34.00,43.60) 40.74 ± 4.69 40.02 ± 6.45 69.03 ± 9.91 42.79 ± 9.77 44.10(34.60,44.50) 治疗4周 41.62 ± 4.89 39.00(34.00,43.10) 39.98 ± 4.05 40.43 ± 8.17 69.48 ± 8.62 41.70 ± 6.54 41.65(39.35,46.48) 治疗12周 41.98 ± 4.19 37.05(35.75,39.10) 39.13 ± 4.76 39.06 ± 7.17 68.76 ± 8.89 40.26 ± 3.49 42.00(39.00,45.75) 停药后随访12周 40.11 ± 3.57 38.75(35.38,44.83) 38.65 ± 3.64 38.96 ± 6.54 69.59 ± 2.39 40.62 ± 3.84 41.30(39.18,44.18) F /z 4.830 −0.315 1.354 9.837 0.782 0.224 −1.070 1.552 −1.095 0.023 3.002 1.602 0.204 −0.700 5.620 −0.730 5.047 1.938 0.054 23.980 −0.730 P 0.003* 0.752 0.263 0.001* 0.507 0.879 0.285 0.127 0.273 0.995 0.032 0.193 0.973 0.484 0.001* 0.465 0.034* 0.017* 0.818 0.001* 0.465 *P < 0.05。 表 7 索磷布韦维帕他韦治疗单纯HCV和HCV/HIV合并感染患者不同基因型的GGT生化学应答比较(n = 475,
$\bar x \pm s$ )Table 7. Comparison of the GGT biochemical response of sofosbuvir and vipatavir in the treatment of HCV and HCV/HIV patients with different genotypes (n = 475,
$\bar x \pm s$ )观察指标 治疗时间 GT1型 GT2型 GT3型 GT6型 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV (n = 75) (n = 7) (n = 97) (n = 165) (n = 38) (n = 82) (n = 11) GGT(U/L) 基线 105.11 ± 38.94 75.00(31.00,88.00) 69.32 ± 29.49 130.22 ± 27.74 171.83 ± 39.42 70.47 ± 34.63 49.00(34.00,72.00) 治疗4周 81.98 ± 30.72 62.50(21.50,89.75) 60.66 ± 24.33 118.70 ± 19.49 149.91 ± 29.62 58.68 ± 22.92 46.50(30.75,68.25) 治疗12周 59.88 ± 20.09 48.00(36.00,88.50) 50.20 ± 14.74 97.35 ± 13.45 96.14 ± 17.00 41.24 ± 16.29 37.00(22.00,42.50) 停药后随访12周 42.80 ± 17.08 33.00(30.50,83.50) 40.33 ± 10.23 79.29 ± 10.95 83.40 ± 9.46 34.71 ± 10.47 29.50(17.75,39.75) F /z 9.597 −0.730 0.309 17.735 0.782 4.856 −0.701 0.748 −0.535 0.432 4.475 0.193 0.979 −1.483 2.075 −1.604 0.311 0.014 0.540 1.757 −0.535 P 0.001* 0.465 0.819 0.001* 0.706 0.005* 0.483 0.665 0.593 0.731 0.005* 0.901 0.450 0.138 0.108 0.109 0.585 0.906 0.471 0.204 0.593 *P < 0.05。 表 8 索磷布韦维帕他韦治疗单纯HCV和HCV/HIV合并感染患者治疗前后FibroScan值比较(n = 475,
$\bar x \pm s$ )Table 8. Comparison of FibroScan value before and after treatment with sofosbuvir and vipatavir in HCV and HCV/HIV patients (n = 475,
$\bar x \pm s$ )治疗时间 GT1型 GT2型 GT3型 GT6型 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV 单纯HCV HCV/HIV (n = 75) (n = 7) (n = 97) (n = 165) (n = 38) (n = 82) (n = 11) 治疗前 11.44 ± 5.78 10.20(6.40,14.30) 10.07 ± 7.00 12.78 ± 10.01 14.48 ± 12.26 8.93 ± 5.44 9.40(6.80,13.90) 治疗后 5.54 ± 1.96 5.90(5.20,7.50) 4.24 ± 2.71 5.43 ± 1.70 5.26 ± 1.62 5.61 ± 1.81 5.50(4.60,7.10) t 6.120 −2.028 3.625 8.931 3.836 4.455 −2.134 P 0.001 0.043* 0.001* 0.001* 0.001* 0.001* 0.033* *P < 0.05。 -
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