Satisfaction Status of Public Health Service Capacity in Poor Mountainous Area of Western Yunnan
目的 调查滇西贫困山区医疗机构对公共卫生服务的重视程度及满意情况,发现问题并探讨解决方法,为滇西公共卫生服务能力建设提供对策建议。 方法 采用多阶段抽样方法,选取滇西贫困山区的3个样本县,以县乡村三级医疗卫生机构的卫生人员作为研究对象,通过文献分析和问卷调查进行定性、定量研究。 结果 基本情况:县乡两级卫生人才学历以大专为主,本科仅占30%;村级卫生人才学历以中专为主,本科仅占1.8%;县乡村三级在公共卫生服务重视程度都存在差异,S市在县乡村三级重视度均高(P < 0.05);满意度情况:L县和C县县级人员对获得上级医疗机构指导与管理的满意度要高(P = 0.004),乡镇人员对开展公共卫生服务补助标准的满意度要高(P = 0.006)。 结论 滇西贫困山区公共卫生服务重视度和满意度总体较高,C县重视度偏低,S市满意度偏低,同时存在公共卫生人才匮乏、学历层次低的问题,应继续加强公共卫生人才队伍建设,推进滇西贫困山区公共卫生服务均等化。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the recognition and satisfaction of medical institutions on public health service in the poor mountainous areas of western Yunnan, to explore issues and solutions, and to provide countermeasures and suggestions for the capacity building of public health service in western Yunnan. Methods Using multi-stage sampling method, three sample counties in the poor mountainous area of western Yunnan were selected, and the health personnel in the county and village level medical and health institutions were taken as the research subjects. Qualitative and quantitative research were conducted through literature analysis and questionnaire survey. Results The majority of health professionals at the county and township levels are college graduates, and only 30% have bachelor’ s degrees. The education level of health professionals at the village level was mainly secondary vocational school, and only 1.8% have bachelor’ s degree. There were differences in the degree of public health care at the county and village levels, and County L had higher degree of public health care at the county and township levels (all P < 0.05). County-level personnel in County L and County C were more satisfied with the guidance and management of superior medical institutions (P = 0.004), and township personnel were more satisfied with the standard of public health service subsidy (P = 0.006). Conclusion The recognition and satisfaction of public health services in the poor mountainous areas of western Yunnan is generally high, the recognition in County C is low, and the degree of satisfaction in City S is low. At the same time, there are problems such as lack of public health talents and low educational level. Therefore, the construction of public health talents should be continued to be strengthened to promote the equality of public health services in the poor mountainous areas of western Yunnan. -
Key words:
- Public health services /
- Satisfaction /
- Poor mountainous area /
- Medical institution
表 1 不同级别调查对象学历基本情况[n(%)]
Table 1. Educational background of respondents at different levels [n(%)]
卫生人才学历 县级
(n = 795)乡镇
(n = 317)村级
(n = 56)大学本科 331(41.6) 102(32.2) 1(1.8) 大专学历 366(46.0) 156(49.2) 17(30.4) 中专学历 79(9.9) 49(15.5) 35(62.5) 高中及以下学历 19(2.4) 10(3.1) 3(5.4) 表 2 县级医疗卫生机构调查对象对公共卫生的重视程度[n(%)]
Table 2. The respondents’ recognition of public health in county-level medical and health institutions [n(%)]
医疗机构 调查人数 不重视 一般重视 比较重视 很重视 H P L县 316 35(11.1) 90(28.5) 128(40.5) 63(19.9) 15.0802 0.0005* S市 225 15(6.7) 72(32.0) 86(38.2) 52(23.1) C县 254 44(5.5) 77(30.3) 107(42.1) 26(10.2) 与C县县级医疗卫生机构比较,*P < 0.05。 表 3 乡镇医疗卫生机构调查对象对公共卫生的重视程度[n(%)]
Table 3. The respondents’ recognition of public health in township medical and health institutions [n(%)]
医疗机构 调查人数 不重视 一般重视 比较重视 很重视 H P L县 115 13(11.3) 28(24.4) 49(42.6) 25(21.7) 7.8540 0.0197* S市 109 3(2.8) 22(20.2) 51(46.8) 33(30.3) C县 93 11(11.8) 21(22.6) 44(47.3) 17(18.3) 与S市乡镇卫生院比较,*P < 0.05。 表 4 村级医疗卫生机构调查对象对公共卫生的重视程度[n(%)]
Table 4. The respondents’ recognition of public health in village-level medical and health institutions [n(%)]
医疗机构 调查人数 不重视 一般重视 比较重视 很重视 H P L县 20 2(10.0) 7(35.0) 7(35.0) 4(20.0) 6.7293 0.0346* S市 18 0(0.0) 2(11.1) 8(44.4) 8(44.4) C县 18 2(11.1) 2(11.1) 12(66.7) 2(11.1) 与S市村卫生室比较,*P < 0.05。 表 5 县级医疗卫生机构公共卫生服务能力建设的满意度情况[n(%)]
Table 5. Satisfaction rate of public health service capacity building of county-level medical and health institutions [n(%)]
调查项目 L县
254χ2 P 开展公卫服务的补助标准 202(63.9) 138(61.3) 145(57.1) 2.781 0.249 所在单位建档立卡情况 257(81.3) 191(84.9) 227(89.4) 7.104 0.029* 获得上级医疗机构指导 268(84.8) 169(75.1)a 217(85.4) 11.043 0.004* 公共卫生服务整体管理水平 284(89.9) 194(86.2) 224(88.2) 1.701 0.427 与L县县级医疗卫生机构比较,*P < 0.05。 表 6 乡镇医疗卫生机构公共卫生服务能力建设的满意度情况[n(%)]
Table 6. Satisfaction rate of public health service capacity building of township medical and health institutions [n(%)]
调查项目 L县
93χ2 P 开展公卫服务的补助标准 89(77.4) 68(62.4)a 75(80.7) 10.153 0.006* 所在单位建档立卡情况 98(85.2) 88(80.7) 84(90.3) 3.654 0.161 获得上级医疗机构指导与管理 93(80.8) 91(83.5) 86(92.5) 5.857 0.053 公共卫生服务整体管理水平 107(93.0) 104(95.4) 86(92.5) 0.862 0.650 与L县县级医疗卫生机构比较,*P < 0.05。 表 7 村级医疗卫生机构公共卫生服务能力建设的满意度情况[n(%)]
Table 7. Satisfaction rate of public health service capacity building of village-level medical and health institutions [n(%)]
调查项目 L县
18χ2 P 开展公卫服务的补助标准 11(55.0) 12(66.7) 14(77.8) 2.197 0.333 所在单位建档立卡情况 19(95.0) 16(88.9) 16(88.9) 0.591 0.744 获得上级医疗机构指导与管理 17(85.0) 16(88.9) 16(88.9) 0.178 0.915 公共卫生服务整体管理水平 17(85.0) 16(88.9) 18(100) 2.777 0.240 -
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