Clinical Characteristics and Prognostic Risk Factors of Tetanus Patients in A Hospital from 2013 to 2020
目的 对2013年至2020年昆明市第三人民医院破伤风患者临床特点及预后危险因素进行分析和探讨,为指导破伤风临床诊治、早期识别危险因素提供依据。 方法 收集2013年1月至2020年12月收治的80例破伤风患者的临床病例资料,将可能影响破伤风预后的20个因素建立数据库,总结其临床特点,分析其预后危险因素。 结果 80例患者临床表现主要为牙关紧闭(97.5%)、吞咽困难(92.5%)、四肢痉挛抽搐(77.5%),常见并发症为呼吸衰竭(32.5%)、心肌损害(30%)。以下8个因素:ICU患者、机械通气、发热、并发呼吸衰竭、四肢痉挛抽搐、APACHEⅡ评分、Ablett分级、住院时间,死亡组与存活组比较,差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。二分类多因素Logistic回归分析提示,住院时间、机械通气、Ablett分级皆为破伤风预后的危险因素(P < 0.05)。 结论 加强体力劳动者对破伤风的认识;创伤后早期彻底清创并及时行人工免疫是预防破伤风的关键措施;破伤风患者若出现住院时间长、实施机械通气、Ablett分级高,对此类患者临床应加强治疗管理。 Abstract:Objective To analyze and discuss the clinical characteristics and prognostic risk factors of 80 patients with tetanus in our hospital,and to provide a basis for tetanus in clinical diagnosis and treatment, early identification of risk factors and reduction of mortality . Methods The clinical case data of 80 tetanus patients were collected from our hospital from January 2013 to December 2020. A database of 20 factors that may affect the prognosis of tetanus was established, its clinical characteristics were summarized, and its prognostic risk factors were analyzed. Results Among the 80 patients, the main clinical manifestations were closed teeth (97.5%), dysphagia (92.5%), spasms and convulsions of extremities (77.5%), and the common complications were respiratory failure (32.5%) and myocardial damage (30%).The following 8 factors: ICU patients, mechanical ventilation, fever, concurrent respiratory failure, limb spasm and convulsions, Apache Ⅱ score, Ablett classification, length of hospitalization, the difference between the death group and the survival group was statistically significant (P < 0.05).The logistic regression analysis suggested that Hospital stay, mechanical ventilation and Ablett classification were risk factors for prognosis of tetanus (P < 0.05). Conclusions The awareness of tetanus for manual workers should be strengthened. Complete debridement early after trauma and timely artificial immunization are the key measures to prevent tetanus; If patients with tetanus have long hospitalization time, mechanical ventilation and high Ablett grade, clinical management should be strengthened.. -
Key words:
- Tetanus /
- Clinical characteristics /
- Prognostic risk factors
表 1 患者一般情况
Table 1. General status of patients
观察指标 分类 n(%) /($\bar x \pm s $) 性别 男 54(67.5) 女 26(32.5) 年龄(岁) - 44.88±14.72 职业构成 农民 52(65.0) 工人 8(10.0) 无业 6(7.5) 学生 6(7.5) 自由职业 4(5.0) 个体 2(2.5) 儿童 2(2.5) 常驻地 农村 68(85.0) 城镇 12(15.0) 外伤部位 四肢 30(37.5) 手部 22(27.5) 足部 28(35.0) 致伤原因 金属制品刺伤 34(42.5) 木桩刺伤 20(25.0) 石头砸伤 8(10.0) 鞭炮炸伤 4(5.0) 车祸外伤 4(5.0) 皮肤破损感染 2(2.5) 玻璃划伤 2(2.5) 家禽抓伤 2(2.5) 冻伤 2(2.5) 注射毒品 2(2.5) 表 2 破伤风各观察指标及预后影响因素的单因素分析[n(%)/(
$\bar x \pm s $ )]Table 2. The single factor analysis of various observation indexes and prognostic factors of tetanus [n(%)/(
$\bar x \pm s $ )]观察指标 死亡组(n = 32) 存活组(n = 48) χ2/t P 性别 1.538 0.215 男 18(33.3) 36(66.7) 女 14(53.8) 12(46.2) 年龄(岁) 47.31 ± 1.43 42.71 ± 14.25 0.968 0.339 职业构成 0.073 0.787 农民 20(38.5) 32(61.5) 其他 12(42.9) 16(57.1) 常驻地 0.294 0.668 农村 26(38.2) 42(61.8) 城镇 6(50.0) 6(50.0) 外伤部位 0.550 0.780 四肢 10(33.3) 20(266.7) 手部 10(45.5) 12(54.5) 足部 12(42.9) 16(57.1) 潜伏期(d) 9.88 ± 6.33 13.67 ± 11.33 −1.215 0.232 发病至就医时间(d) 2.88 ± 1.50 3.96 ± 2.58 −1.514 0.138 住院时间(d) 13.19 ± 13.15 24.83 ± 12.28 −2.857 0.007* Ablett分级 31.427 < 0.001* I级 0(0) 18(100) II级 0(0) 16(100) III级 8(36.4) 14(63.6) IV级 24(100) 0(0) APACHEⅡ评分 24.7 ± 3.9 13.6 ± 4.4 3.571 0.047* ICU患者 13(68.4) 6(31.6) 12.180 < 0.001* 机械通气 14(77.8) 4(22.2) 19.461 < 0.001* 机械通气时间(d) 5.50 ± 6.79 3.45 ± 9.49 0.742 0.463 入院伤后清创 1.172 0.279 是 8(40.0) 20(71.4) 否 24(46.2) 28(53.8) 发热 5.293 0.021* 是 18(64.3) 10(36.7) 否 14(26.9) 38(73.1) 牙关紧闭 0.684 0.600 是 32(41.0) 46(59.0) 否 0(0) 2(100) 吞咽困难 2.162 0.205 是 32(43.2) 42(56.8) 否 0(0) 6(100) 四肢痉挛、抽搐 7.742 0.005* 是 32(51.6) 30(48.4) 否 0(0) 18(100) 并发呼吸衰竭 10.940 0.001* 是 20(76.9) 6(23.1) 否 12(22.2) 42(77.8) 并发心肌损害 2.401 0.166 是 14(58.3) 10(41.7) 否 18(32.1) 38(67.9) *P < 0.05。 表 3 破伤风预后的影响因素及其赋值
Table 3. The prognostic factors and assignment of tetanus
因素 变量名 赋值 住院时间 X1 实际数值 ICU患者 X2 1 = 是;0 = 否 机械通气 X3 1 = 是;0 = 否 发热 X4 1 = 是;0 = 否 并发呼吸衰竭 X5 1 = 是;0 = 否 四肢痉挛、抽搐 X6 1 = 是;0 = 否 APACHEⅡ评分 X7 1 = 小于15分;2 = 15分及以上 Ablett分级 X8 1 = I级;2 = II级;3 = III级;4 = IV级 表 4 影响破伤风预后的多因素Logistic 回归分析
Table 4. The logistic regression analysis of multiple factors affecting the prognosis of tetanus
指标 B S.E Wald P OR OR的95%CI 住院时间 0.169 0.072 5.516 0.019 1.185 1.028~1.365 机械通气 −6.268 2.248 7.776 0.005 0.002 0.002~0.155 Ablett分级 5.050 0.025 Ablett分级(1) −4.764 2.443 3.802 0.049 0.044 0.003~1.025 Ablett分级(2) −5.398 2.402 5.050 0.037 0.020 0.014~1.502 Ablett分级(3) −5.124 2.257 5.517 0.043 0.006 0.001~0.496 常量 −0.093 1.087 0.007 0.932 注:Ablett分级为多分类变量,以Ablett分级 = 4(Ablett IV级)为对照组。 -
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