Risk Factors and Early Clinical Characteristics of Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis
目的 探讨新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)发生的危险因素及其早期临床特点,提高NEC的早期预警、尽早干预,从而提高NEC的预后。 方法 收集2017年11月22日—2020年11月22日在云南省第一人民医院儿科NICU确诊为NEC的患儿95例,按照1∶1配对比例,选取同期95例非NEC患儿作为对照组,对临床资料进行回顾性分析,单因素变量采用χ2 检验,筛选可能对NEC发生有影响的因素,再对其进行多因素Logistic回归分析,计数资料采用t检验、秩和检验,等级资料运用Spearman秩相关检验等统计学方法,α= 0.05。 结果 提示早产、低出生体重、感染、机械通气是NEC的独立高危因素,早期以腹胀、胃潴留为主要临床表现,白细胞及中性粒细胞与NEC的严重程度无明显相关性,C反应蛋白及降钙素原与疾病的严重程度成正相关,淋巴细胞及血小板与病情严重程度成负相关(P < 0.05),腹部立位X片对NEC早期诊断无明显特异性。 结论 当患儿存在早产、低出生体重、感染、机械通气危险因素时,且出现腹胀、吃奶欠佳表现,同时伴有C反应蛋白及降钙素原升高,需警惕NEC的发生,并动态行腹部立位X片,提高早期诊断率。 Abstract:Objective To explore the risk factors and early clinical characteristics of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), so as to improve the early warning of NEC and early intervention, so as to improve the prognosis of NEC. Methods A total of 95 children diagnosed with NEC in our NICU from November 22, 2017 to November 22, 2020 were collected, and 95 non-NEC children in the same period were selected as the control group according to the 1∶1 matching ratio. The univariate variables were screened by χ2 test, and then multivariate Logistic regression analysis was performed. The count data were analyzed by t test and rank sum test, and the rank data were analyzed by Spearman rank correlation test, α= 0.05. Results It suggested that premature birth, low birth weight, infection and mechanical ventilation were independent risk factors for NEC, and abdominal distention and gastric retention were the main clinical manifestations in the early stage. There was no significant correlation between leukocytes and neutrophils and the severity of NEC, while C-Reactive Protein and procalcitonin were positively correlated with the severity of NEC. Lymphocytes and platelets were negatively correlated with the severity of the disease, (P < 0.05 ). Abdominal orthostatic X-ray had no obvious specificity for the early diagnosis of NEC. Conclusion When the children have the premature birth, low birth weight, infection and mechanical ventilation risk factors, abdominal distension and poor feeding performance, accompanied by the increase of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin, it is necessary to be alert to the occurrence of NEC, and dynamic abdominal orthostatic X-ray and abdominal ultrasound can be performed to improve the early diagnosis rate. -
Key words:
- Necrotizing enterocolitis /
- Neonate /
- Risk factors /
- Clinical characteristics
表 1 2组患儿出生时一般情况对比[n = 95,n(%)]
Table 1. Comparison of general conditions at birth between the two groups [n = 95,n(%)]
变量 NEC组 对照组 χ2 P 试管儿 33(34.7) 10(10.5) 15.901 < 0.001 * 早产 83(87.3) 19(20.0) 86.702 < 0.001 * 低体重 78(82.1) 22(23.1) 66.204 < 0.001 * 剖宫产 53(55.7) 40(42.1) 4.130 0.042* *P < 0.05。 表 2 NEC患儿母亲围产期合并症分析[n = 95,n(%)]
Table 2. Analysis of perinatal complications in mothers of children with NEC [n = 95,n(%)]
围产期合并症 NEC组 对照组 χ2 P 胎膜早破 30(31.5) 17(17.8) 4.778 0.029* 前置胎盘 7(7.3) 2(2.1) 1.866 0.172 宫内生长受限 12(12.6) 2(2.1) 6.246 0.012* 妊娠期糖尿病 22(23.2) 18(18.9) 0.507 0.477 妊娠期高血压 21(22.1) 6(6.3) 9.714 0.002* 妊娠合并甲减 8(8.4) 11(11.6) 0.526 0.468 *P < 0.05。 表 3 确诊为NEC时患儿自身合并症分析[n = 95,n(%)]
Table 3. Analysis of self complications in children with NEC [n = 95,n(%)]
患儿合并症 NEC组 对照组 χ2 P 窒息 32(33.6) 5(5.2) 23.538 < 0.001 * 感染 85(89.4) 48(50.5) 34.311 < 0.001 * 心肌损伤 20(21.0) 9(9.4) 4.924 0.026* 电解质、酸碱紊乱 38(40.0) 5(5.2) 32.734 < 0.001 * 低蛋白血症 36(37.8) 3(3.1) 33.038 < 0.001 * 机械通气 50(52.6) 6(6.3) 49.019 < 0.001 * *P< 0.05。 表 4 Logistic回归分析各变量的赋值
Table 4. Logistic regression analysis of the assignment of variables
变量 赋值 因变量 NEC 0 = 未患NEC,1 = 患有NEC 自变量 早产 0 = 非早产,1 = 早产 低出生体重 0 = 非低出生体重,1 = 低出生体重 感染 0 = 无感染,1 = 有感染 机械通气 0 = 无机械通气,1 = 有机械通气 胎膜早破 0 = 无胎膜早破,1 = 有胎膜早破 窒息 0 = 无窒息,1 = 有窒息 试管婴儿 0 = 非试管婴儿,1 = 是试管婴儿 心肌损伤 0 = 无心机损伤,1 = 有心机损伤 电解质紊乱 0 = 无电解质紊乱,1 = 有电解质紊乱 低蛋白血症 0 = 无低蛋白血症,1 = 有低蛋白血症 剖宫产 0 = 非剖宫产,1 = 是剖宫产 宫内生长受限 0 = 有宫内生长受限,1 = 无生长受限 表 5 NEC患儿可能存在的高危因素分析
Table 5. Analysis of possible high risk factors in children with NEC
变量 回归系数 Wald P OR 95%CI 早产 2.365 15.070 < 0.001 * 10.644 3.225-35.129 低出生体重 1.630 8.743 0.003* 5.105 1.733-15.042 感染 1.332 5.970 0.015* 3.787 1.301-11.021 机械通气 1.511 4.952 0.026* 4.531 1.197-17.149 *P< 0.05。 表 6 早期NEC组与确诊NEC组炎症指标的对比[n = 95,(
$\bar x\pm s $ )]Table 6. Comparison of inflammatory indexes between early NEC group and diagnosed NEC group [n = 95,(
$\bar x\pm s $ )]组别 WBC(×109/L) N(%) L(%) Plt(×109/L) Crp(ng/mL) PCT(μg/L) 早期NEC 11.16 ± 7.37 54.65 ± 16.82 33.64 ± 15.19 278.11 ± 110.05 4.49 ± 11.77 1.00 ± 1.90 确诊NEC 12.18 ± 9.21 54.48 ± 16.39 31.68 ± 13.94 282.97 ± 143.49 32.92 ± 56.34 9.42 ± 23.03 t −1.285 0.080 1.044 −0.338 −5.109 −3.611 P 0.202 0.936 0.299 0.736 < 0.001 * < 0.001 * *P< 0.05。 表 7 炎症指标与NEC严重程度的Spearman秩相关分析[n = 95]
Table 7. Spearman rank correlation analysis between inflammatory indexes and NEC severity [n = 95]
指标 WBC N L Plt Crp PCT rs −0.144 0.163 −0.210 −0.325 0.257 0.230 P 0.164 0.114 0.041* 0.001* 0.012* 0.025* *P< 0.05。 -
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