Factors Influencing Potential Inappropriate Medication Use in Elderly Patients Based on Beers Criteria 2019 Edition
目的 探讨住院老年患者潜在不适当用药(potentially inappropriate medication,PIM)发生情况及影响因素,为促进老年患者合理用药提供参考。 方法 采用美国老年医学会( american geriatrics society,AGS) 2019年版Beers标准,回顾性调查昆明市第二人民医院2019年1~12月出院老年患者PIM发生情况,收集患者基本信息及伴发疾病情况,采用Logistic回归方法分析PIM的影响因素。 结果 依据2019AGS Beers标准评价,3 577例老年患者中,PIM发生率为58.51%,共涉及到45种药品,3 198例次用药,占比在前3位的药物是胃肠系统用药(48.23%)、利尿剂(39.47%)和中枢神经系统用药(25.0%)。Logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄≥75岁、住院≥25 d、用药≥10种、心力衰竭、房颤、脑血管疾病、胃肠道疾病、失眠、骨质疏松、高尿酸血症和疼痛是发生PIM的危险因素(P < 0.05)。 结论 昆明市第二人民医院超过50%的老年住院患者存在PIM,高龄、住院时间过长、心力衰竭、房颤、脑血管疾病、胃肠道疾病、失眠、骨质疏松、高尿酸血症和疼痛等均是PIM的独立危险因素。 -
- 老年人 /
- Beers(2019版) /
- 住院患者 /
- 潜在不适当用药
Abstract:Objective To investigate the incidence and influencing factors of potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) among hospitalized elderly patients, and provide reference for promoting rational drug use among elderly patients. Methods The incidence of PIM in elderly patients discharged from Kunming Second People’s Hospital from January to December 2019 was retrospectively investigated using Beers criteria (2019 edition) of American Geriatrics Society. The basic information and concomitant diseases of patients were collected, and the influencing factors of PIM were analyzed by Logistic regression method. Results According to the assessment of 2019 AGS Beers criteria, among 3577 elderly patients, the incidence of PIM was 58.51%, involving a total of 45 drugs and 3198 times. The top three drugs were gastrointestinal system drugs (48.23%), diuretic drugs (39.47%) and central nervous system drugs (25.0%). Logistic regression analysis showed that age ≥ 75 years, hospitalization ≥ 25 days, medication ≥ 10 kinds, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, cerebrovascular disease, gastrointestinal disease, insomnia, osteoporosis, hyperuricemia and pain were risk factors for PIM (P < 0.05). Conclusion PIM was present in more than 50% of elderly inpatients in Kunming Second People’s Hospital. Advanced age, long hospital stay, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, cerebrovascular disease, gastrointestinal disease, insomnia, osteoporosis, hyperuricemia and pain were all independent risk factors for PIM. -
Key words:
- Elderly /
- Beers criteria(2019) /
- Inpatients /
- Potentially inappropriate medication
表 1 老年住院患者PIM分布情况[n(%)]
Table 1. Distribution of potentially inappropriate medications for elderly patients [n(%)]
标准 药物类别 PIM 与药物相关潜在
不适当用药胃肠道系统:甲氧氯普胺、质子泵抑制药 1 725(48.23) 中枢神经系统:帕罗西汀、抗精神病药、苯巴比妥、苯二氮卓类(阿普唑仑、艾司唑仑、奥沙西泮)、唑吡坦 894(25) 止痛药:哌替啶、布洛芬 185(5.17) 心血管系统:特拉唑嗪、地高辛作为治疗心房颤动或心力衰竭、速释硝苯地平、胺碘酮 207(5.79) 抗胆碱能药物:苯海索、阿托品 116(3.24) 内分泌系统:格列美脲 71(1.98) 与疾病相关潜在
不适当用药跌倒或骨折史-抗癫痫药;抗精神病药; 苯二氮卓类药物;苯二氮卓受体激动药类催眠药: 右佐匹克隆、唑吡坦;抗抑郁药: TCAs、SSRIs 类 药 物、 SNRIs 类药物、阿片类药物 83(2.32) 老年痴呆症或认知障碍-抗胆碱能药;苯二氮卓类;苯二氮卓受体激动药类催眠药: 右佐匹克隆、唑吡坦;抗精神病药( 长期服用) 66(1.85) 谵妄-抗胆碱能药;抗精神病药;苯二氮卓类药物;H2受体拮抗药: 西咪替丁、法莫替丁;苯二氮卓受体激动剂催眠药: 左佐匹克隆、唑吡坦 14(0.39) 心脏衰竭-塞来昔布、布洛芬 7(0.20) 胃或十二指肠溃疡的病史-阿司匹林( > 325mg·d - 1 ) ;非 COX-2 选择性 NSAIDs 6(0.17) 帕金森病-止吐药( 甲氧氯普胺、异丙嗪) ;所有抗精神病药( 除喹硫平、氯氮平) 5(0.14) 晕厥-特拉唑嗪、 氯丙嗪、奥氮平 4(0.11) 老年患者慎用 利尿药 1 412(39.47) SSRIs 类药物 179(5) 右美沙芬 115(3.21) 利伐沙班,达比加群 87(2.43) 曲马多 86(2.4) 卡马西平 30(0.84) 抗精神病药 23(0.64) 米氮平 21(0.59 ) SNRIs 类药物 4(0.11) 老年患者中避免的药物-药物相互作用 华法林-胺碘酮 106(2.96) 茶碱-环丙沙星 9(0.25) 茶碱-西咪替丁 3(0.08) 老年患者基于肾功能
的 PIM螺内酯< 30 48(1.34) 利伐沙班< 50 37(1.03) 加巴喷丁< 60 35(0.98) 曲马多< 30 17(0.48) 秋水仙碱< 30 11(0.31) 左乙拉西坦< 80 1(0.03) 表 2 Beers标准(2019版)筛选潜在不适当用药及影响因素分析[
$ \bar x \pm s $ /n(%)]Table 2. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Potentially Inappropriate Medication using Beers criteria(2019) in Elderly Inpatients [
$ \bar x \pm s $ /n(%)]特征 总数(n = 3577) 无PIM(n = 1484) 有PIM(n = 2093) χ2/t P 年龄 77.29 ± 5.36 73.08 ± 7.40 78.33 ± 7.48 5.194 < 0.001* 性别(男/女) (1815/1762) (771/713) (1046/1047) 1.632 0.428 住院时长(d) 15.31 ± 6.11 13.94 ± 6.40 16.88 ± 8.91 18.324 < 0.001* 药品品种数 13.82 ± 3.52 11.05 ± 6.54 15.79 ± 5.37 9.530 < 0.001* 慢性疾病种类数 3.59 ± 2.34 2.38 ± 1.12 4.48 ± 1.36 4.697 < 0.001* 长期用药品种数 4.96 ± 1.38 3.36 ± 2.46 6.01 ± 2.03 16.758 < 0.001* 人均PIM数 1.74 ± 1.01 患者共病状态 高血压 1684(47.08) 662(44.61) 1022(50.12) 9.675 0.07 冠心病 482(13.89) 168(11.32) 314(15.40) 1.347 0.16 心力衰竭 461(12.89) 60(4.04) 401(19.67) 18.918 < 0.001* 糖尿病 697(19.49) 262(17.65) 435(21.33) 6.135 0.63 房颤 178(4.98) 23(1.55) 155(7.60) 48.376 < 0.001* 血脂异常 390(10.90) 175(11.79) 215(10.54) 2.664 0.141 脑血管疾病 1237(34.58) 417(28.10) 820(40.22) 126.919 < 0.001* 胃肠道疾病 782(21.86) 203(13.68) 579(28.40) 67.481 < 0.001* COPD 496(13.87) 145(9.77) 251(11.99) 2.597 0.201 帕金森 36(1.01) 15(1.01) 21(1.03) 6.794 0.917 失眠症状 408(11.41) 11(0.74) 397(19.47) 59.783 < 0.001* 骨质疏松 486(13.59) 158(10.65) 328(16.09) 35.451 < 0.001* 跌倒或骨折史 330(9.23) 120(8.09) 210(10.30) 6.478 0.08 肾功能不全 93(2.60) 37(2.49) 56(2.67) 1.399 0.326 痴呆或认知功能障碍 251(7.02) 81(5.46) 170(8.34) 4.679 0.06 高尿酸血症 200(5.59) 60(4.04) 140(6.87) 9.768 < 0.005* 疼痛 202(5.65) 23(1.55) 179(8.78) 7.763 < 0.001* 感染 990(27.68) 338(22.78) 652(31.98) 9.970 < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 3 Beers标准(2019版)筛选潜在不适当用药多因素Logistic回归分析
Table 3. The logistic regression analysis on related risk factors of potentially inappropriate medication in elderly inpatients according to Beers criteria(2019)
变量 B SE waldχ2 OR 95%CI P 常数项 5.317 3.055 17.331 --- --- < 0.001* 年龄(≥75岁) 0.486 0.154 8.788 1.891 1.031-2.983 0.003* 住院天数(>25 d) 0.873 0.295 8.744 2.395 1.342-4.271 0.003* 慢性疾病种类数(>6种) 0.971 0.465 18.493 2.066 1.321-4.672 0.031* 长期用药品种数(≥10种) 0.781 0.414 23.184 1.967 1.085-6.663 0.024* 心力衰竭 1.171 0.408 11.549 1.889 1.206-1.466 < 0.001* 房颤 1.008 0.339 8.8 1.365 1.788-1.710 0.001* 脑血管疾病 0.513 0.121 17.957 1.599 1.473-1.759 < 0.001* 胃肠道疾病 0.871 0.436 20.585 2.419 1.087-2.368 < 0.001* 失眠 3.493 0.345 32.351 10.235 2.985-18.321 < 0.001* 骨质疏松 0.603 0.265 13.325 3.547 1.396-2.756 < 0.001* 高尿酸血症 0.947 0.437 4.689 0.889 1.568-2.633 0.019 疼痛 4.533 0.316 23.564 0.963 1.116-2.401 < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 -
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