Reflection on Online Teaching Practice in Medical Parasitology for MBBS Students in Post-epidemic Era
目的 探讨新冠疫情影响下MBBS留学生线上教学的更好的教学模式。 方法 以基于雨课堂的“PPT+语音模式”和基于钉钉软件的“线上直播模式”进行线上教学,通过分析学生的出勤率和考试成绩评价2种模式的优劣;以问卷调查,探讨学生对线上教学的接受程度。 结果 2018级“PPT+语音模式”组和2019级“线上直播模式”组,出勤率分别为(89.66±5.58)%和(95.67±1.94)%,2组比较,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.001);学生知识点内容测验成绩分别为(72.49±22.12)分和(69.94±11.34)分,两者之间的差异无统计学意义( P > 0.05);期末考试分别为(71.56±7.44)分和(88.40±4.95)分,2组比较,差异有统计学意义( P < 0.0001)。学生问卷调查结果为,7.14%的同学更愿意在线教学;74.08%的同学对在线教学的方式没有偏好。 结论 与“PPT+语音模式”相比,基于钉钉软件的“线上直播模式”更好,学生出勤率更高,期末考试成绩更好。 Abstract:Objectives To explore a better online teaching model for MBBS international students under the impact of COVID-19. Methods The “PPT+ voice mode” based on rain classroom and the “live online mode” based on Dingding software were used for online teaching. The advantages and disadvantages of the two modes were evaluated by analyzing students’attendance rate and test scores. Questionnaire was used to explore students’acceptance of online teaching. Results The attendance rates of the batch 2018 "PPT + voice courseware" group and the batch 2019 "live online mode" group were (89.66±5.58)% and (95.67±1.94)%, respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.001). The results of knowledge content test were (72.49±22.12) and (69.94±11.34) respectively, and there was no significant difference between them ( P > 0.05). The final exam scores were (71.56±7.44) and (88.40±4.95) respectively, and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant ( P < 0.0001). The results of the questionnaire survey are that 7.14% of students prefer online teaching. 74.08% students have no preference for online teaching methods. Conclusion Compared with "PPT+ voice mode", "live online mode" based on Dingding software yielded higher attendance rate and better final exam results. -
Key words:
- MBBS /
- Medical parasitology /
- Online teaching
表 1 问卷调查结果
Table 1. Questionnaire results
调查项目 结果 人数(n) 比例(%) 1.若非疫情,更爱
何种教学方式传统教学 20 71.43 线上 2 7.14 两者结合 6 21.43 2.更喜欢的线上
教学模式PPT自学 1 3.70 直播 4 14.81 录播 2 7.41 以上均可 20 74.08 3.是否预习,
及预习时间是,< 1 h 6 21.43 否 1 3.57 是,1-2 h 18 64.29 是,> 2 h 3 10.71 4.复习的方式 复习PPT 4 14.29 复习视频 0 0 做练习 4 14.29 以上都做 20 71.42 -
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