The Regularity and Clinical Manifestations of Throat Swab and Fecal Detoxification in New Coronavirus Infected Patients
目的 通过分析咽拭子、粪便新冠病毒核酸均阳性者的临床表现,探索其临床特征及排毒规律,为临床诊疗提供依据。 方法 回顾性分析昆明市第三人民医院2020年2月至12月收治的59例新冠病毒感染者临床症状、实验室指标、咽拭子及粪便新冠病毒排毒规律。 结果 粪便阳性组:潜伏感染7例,首次咽拭子核酸阳性至有症状3~8 d(中位数4 d),持续阳性5例,反复阳性2例;咽拭子阳性后1~28 d粪便呈阳性(中位数6 d)。无症状5例,咽拭子持续阳性2例,反复阳性2例;咽拭子阳性后4~21 d粪便呈阳性(中位数6 d)。21例有症状者发病至咽拭子阳性1~21 d(中位数5 d),8例持续阳性4~20 d,10例反复阳性8~26 d;咽拭子阳性后4~29 d粪便呈阳性(中位数15 d)。粪便阴性组:潜伏感染6例,咽拭子阳性至有症状4~10 d(中位数5 d),持续阳性2例、反复阳性2例;4例无症状者咽拭子持续阳性1例、反复阳性1例;16例有症状者发病至咽拭子阳性1~16 d(中位数5.5 d),持续阳性3例、反复阳性10例。2组咽拭子核酸持续阳性时间有统计学差异(P < 0.05)、反复阳性时间无统计学差异(P > 0.05);2组肺部CT表现有统计学差异(P < 0.05);2组临床表现、肝功、肾功、心肌酶、血常规、CRP、T淋巴细胞等均无统计学差异(P > 0.05)。 结论 2组症状体征、脏器功能损伤、炎症指标均无差异。病毒排毒规律性不强,但咽拭子及粪便均排毒者比仅咽拭子排毒者排毒持续时间更长,肺炎更多见。 Abstract:Objective To explor the clinical characteristics and detoxification rules of the patients with COVID-19 nucleic acid positive by analyzing their clinical manifestations of throat swabs and fecal, so as to provide the evidence for the clinical diagnosis and treatment. Methods The clinical symptoms, laboratory indexes, and the detoxification of throat swab and faecal in 59 patients with COVID-19 infection admitted to Kunming Third People’s Hospital from February 2020 to December were retrospectively analyzed. Result Fecal positive group: In 7 cases of latent infection, the first pharyngeal swab nucleic acid was positive to symptomatic for 3~8 days (median 4 days), 5 cases were continuously positive and 2 cases were repeatedly positive; The stool was positive 1~28 days after the pharyngeal swab was positive (median 6 days). 5 cases were asymptomatic, 2 cases were continuously positive and 2 cases were repeatedly positive; The stool was positive 4~21 days after the pharyngeal swab was positive (median 6 days). 21 symptomatic patients were positive for pharyngeal swab for 1~21 days (median 5 days), 8 cases were continuously positive for 4~20 days, and 10 cases were repeatedly positive for 8~26 days; The stool was positive 4~29 days after the pharyngeal swab was positive (median 15 days). Fecal negative group: In 6 cases of latent infection, pharyngeal swabs were positive to symptomatic for 4~10 days (median 5 days), 2 cases were continuously positive and 2 cases were repeatedly positive; In 4 asymptomatic patients, pharyngeal swabs were continuously positive in 1 case and repeatedly positive in 1 case; In 16 symptomatic patients, the pharyngeal swab was positive for 1~16 days (median 5.5 days), 3 cases were continuously positive and 10 cases were repeatedly positive. There was significant difference in the continuous positive time of the pharyngeal swab nucleic acid between the two groups (P < 0.05), and there was no significant difference in the repeated positive time (P > 0.05); There was significant difference in CT findings between the two groups (P < 0.05); There was no significant difference in clinical manifestations, liver function, renal function, myocardial enzymes, blood routine, CRP and T lymphocytes between the two groups (P > 0.05). Conclusion There is no difference in symptoms and signs, organ function injury and inflammatory indexes between the two groups. The regularity of virus detoxification is not strong, but those who detoxify with pharyngeal swabs and feces last longer than those who detoxify only with pharyngeal swabs, and pneumonia is more common. -
Key words:
- New Coronavirus infection /
- Pharyngeal swab /
- Faeces /
- Viral nucleic acid
上颌磨牙根管系统的解剖形态变异较大,尤其是近中颊侧第二根管(second mesiobuccal,MB2)增加了临床治疗难度。已有研究发现接受根管治疗的上颌第1磨牙有46.5%遗漏MB2,其中72.7%与其根尖周病变有关[1]。MB2发生率有明显地区和种族差异,我国人群上颌第1磨牙MB2平均发生率为85.4%[2]。笔者采用锥形束CT(cone-beam computed tomography,CBCT)对来自昆明人群上颌第1和第2磨牙的根管系统进行分析研究,总结MB2发生率及根管口分布规律。
1. 资料与方法
1.1 研究对象
1.2 准入标准[3]
1.3 扫描方法
口腔放射科医师严格按照厂家说明进行扫描,仪器为RAYSCAN α-3D口腔数字化体层摄影及全景X射线机(RAY公司),扫描参数设置:90 kVp、4 mA、像素100 μm 、视野100 cm2(10×10 cm)、扫描时间9~14 s、最小层面厚度0.3 mm。
1.4 图像分析
选取上颌第1和第2磨牙轴状面(釉牙骨质界到根尖)、矢状面(近中向远中)和冠状面(颊侧向舌侧)连续观察,记录MB2有无及根管类型,测量MB2-MB1距离(MB2-MB1)、MB2-垂线(MB2与MB1-P连线的垂线)距离、MB1-P距离(MB1-P)、DB-P距离(DB-P),2名牙髓科主治医师独立分析(Xelis dental-CDViewer,有争议时与口腔放射科医师共同决定。
1.5 统计学处理
$\bar x \pm s $ )表示,计数资料用率/构成比表示,组间采用χ2检验,检验水准α = 0.05,以P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。2. 结果
2.1 昆明人群上颌磨牙MB2发生率
本研究人群共有645颗上颌第1磨牙,其中640颗为典型3牙根(99.2%),2颗为2牙根4根管(0.31%),还有3颗为2牙根3根管(0.47%)。上颌第1磨牙MB2平均发生率为86.51%,男性高于女性(89.16% > 83.71%,P < 0.05),左右无显著性差异(85.45%、87.58%,P > 0.05),17~19岁组MB2发生率明显低于其他3组(70.0%,P < 0.05),其他3组间无显著性差异(分别为88.61%、87.39%、79.75%,P > 0.05)。
上颌第2磨牙总共634颗,其中524颗为典型3牙根(82.6%),65颗为2牙根(10.3%),42颗为融合单根(6.6%),MB2平均发生率为52.05%,男女间无显著性差异(分别为53.96%和50.00%,P > 0.05),左右无显著性差异(分别为48.74%和55.38%,P > 0.05),各年龄组无显著性差异(分别为40.00%、51.08%、52.44%、59.38%,P > 0.05),见表1。
表 1 昆明人群上颌第1和第2磨牙MB2发生率(%)Table 1. MB2 in maxillary first and second molars in Kunming population (%)牙位项目 上颌第1磨牙 上颌第2磨牙 数量 MB2 发生率 数量 MB2 发生率 性别 男 n = 332 n = 296 89.16 n = 328 n = 177 53.96 女 n = 313 n = 262 83.71 n = 306 n = 153 50.00 牙位 左 n = 323 n = 276 85.45 n = 318 n = 155 48.74 右 n = 322 n = 282 87.58 n = 316 n = 175 55.38 年龄(岁) 17~19 n = 20 n = 14 70.00 n = 20 n = 8 40.00 20~39 n = 316 n = 280 88.61 n = 325 n = 166 51.08 40~59 n = 230 n = 201 87.39 n = 225 n = 118 52.44 > 59 n = 79 n = 63 79.75 n = 64 n = 38 59.38 2.2 上颌磨牙MB2根管类型构成比分析
表 2 昆明人群上颌第1和第2磨牙MB2根管构成(%)Table 2. The composition of MB2 in maxillary first and second molars in Kunming population (%)牙位
根管类型上颌第1磨牙 上颌第2磨牙 数量 构成比(%) 数量 构成比(%) Ⅱ n = 87 15.59 n = 57 17.27 Ⅲ n = 35 6.27 n = 24 7.27 Ⅳ n = 360 64.52 n = 165 50.00 Ⅴ n = 76 13.62 n = 84 25.46 合计 n = 558 100 n = 330 100 2.3 上颌第1磨牙各根管口间距测量
表 3 昆明人群上颌第1磨牙各根管口间距($\bar x \pm s $ ,mm)Table 3. The distance between canal orifices in maxillary first molars in a Kunming population ($\bar x \pm s $ ,mm)上颌第1磨牙 MB1-MB2 MB2-垂线 MB1-P DB-P MB1-P/DB-P 有MB2 $\bar x \pm s $ 1.70 ± 0.72 0.78 ± 0.49 6.45 ± 1.16 5.12 ± 1.08 1.28 ± 0.08 最大值 4.58 7.63 10.72 9.74 - 最小值 0.41 0.18 0.80 2.80 - 无MB2 $\bar x \pm s $ - - 5.48 ± 0.08 4.48 ± 0.08 1.23 ± 0.02 最大值 - - 7.70 6.70 - 最小值 - - 3.97 3.19 - 3. 讨论
本研究人群上颌第1磨牙绝大部分为3个牙根(99.2%),有2颗牙齿仅有颊根和腭根2牙根,但每个牙根均包含2根管,另有3颗牙齿也是2牙根,但根管为3个(近中颊、远中颊和腭根管)。本研究人群上颌第1磨牙MB2平均发生率为86.51%,青年人发生率较低,随年龄增长MB2明显增加,与Zhang[2]和Tian等研究结果一致。可能的原因是继发性牙本质沿根管颊舌向不断沉积,导致1个宽大的扁根管分为2个根管。Zhang等[8]研究发现我国四川地区人群上颌第1磨牙MB2发生率为52%,低于本研究结果。Kewalramani R等[9]研究发现印度人群上颌第1磨牙MB2发生率为61.9%(低于本研究人群),20~40岁最高,> 40岁次之,< 20岁最低(分别为67.4%、57.5%、50.6%),与本研究结果相似。最近一项大型研究[10]综合分析全世界21个国家和地区人群总共5250颗上颌第1磨牙,发现MB2平均发生率为73.8%,男性高于女性(76.3% > 71.8%),与本研究结果一致。
本研究人群上颌第1磨牙近颊根管大部分为Vertucci Ⅳ型,即MB2有独立的根管口和根尖孔,其次为Ⅱ型和Ⅴ型,提示MB2与MB1间有融合或交通,Ⅲ型最少,MB2与MB1由融合到分开再发生融合,形态最为复杂。Faraj等[11]研究伊拉克人群上颌第1磨牙的根尖孔解剖,结果发现有MB2的牙齿66.28%为1根尖孔,33.72%为2根尖孔,与本研究结果一致。MB2根管口多为椭圆形,与MB1形态一致,但明显要细小,常有偏向近中腭侧的弯曲,然后再移向中心,最后到达根尖,治疗时应特别注意。
既往研究MB2定位时常沿MB1和P根管口画条参照线,MB2位于参照线近中侧,距离MB1根管口2~3 mm处[13]。本研究人群上颌第1磨牙MB2均位于参照线近中侧,与MB1距离为(1.70±0.72)mm,与垂线距离为(0.78±0.49)mm。
Zhang等[2]分析南京地区人群1008颗上颌第1磨牙CBCT资料,经受试者工作特征曲线分析后首次提出:MB1-P和DB-P比值可用于预测上颌第1磨牙MB2的存在,大于1.26提示有MB2可能性很大。本研究人群有MB2的上颌第1磨牙MB1-P/DB-P比值为1.28±0.08,表明该理论有一定诊断价值,但需要更多的临床数据证实。Su等[14]研究发现上颌磨牙有和无MB2的MP(比值比 = 1.891)和MD间距(比值比 = 1.448)存在显著性差异,提示有MB2的上颌磨牙根管治疗时应该改良髓腔入路设计以便MB2的定位,但未对MP/MD比值与MB2的相关性进行研究。
表 1 粪便新冠核酸阳性病例与阴性病例临床表现比较[n(%)] (1)
Table 1. Comparison of clinical manifestations between fecal COVID-19 positive cases and negative cases [n(%)] (1)
粪便 发热 畏寒 咽痛 咽干 全身酸痛 阳性组 16(48.48) 2(6.06) 9(27.27) 8(24.24) 6(18.18) 阴性组 13(50.00) 3(11.54) 8(30.77) 3(11.54) 6(23.08) χ2 0.01 0.56 0.09 1.54 0.22 P 0.91 0.65 0.77 0.21 0.64 n = 59。 表 1 粪便新冠核酸阳性病例与阴性病例临床表现比较[n(%)] (2)
Table 1. Comparison of clinical manifestations between fecal COVID-19 positive cases and negative cases [n(%)] (2)
粪便 咯痰 咳嗽 气促 SaO2(≤93%) CT示肺炎病例数 阳性组 12(36.36) 18(54.55) 5(15.15) 9(27.27) 28(84.85) 阴性组 8(30.77) 11(42.30) 6(23.08) 3(11.54) 16(61.54) χ2 0.20 0.87 0.60 2.22 4.17 P 0.65 0.35 0.44 0.14 0.04* n = 59,*P < 0.05。 表 2 粪便新冠核酸阳性病例与阴性病例实验室检查结果比较n = 59 [M(QR)]
Table 2. Comparison of laboratory test results between fecal COVID-19 positive cases and negative cases n = 59 [M(QR)]
项目(正常范围) 粪便核酸结果 [M(QR)] Z P 白细胞 + 4.94(1.79) −0.61 0.54 (4~10)×109/L − 5.62(30.70) 淋巴细胞计数 + 1.46(0.88) −0.53 0.60 (0.8~4)×109/L − 1.65(1.18) 中性粒细胞计数计数 + 3.09(2.33) −0.46 0.65 (2~7)×109/L − 3.09(2.75) 嗜酸性粒细胞计数 + 0.06(0.11) −0.38 0.71 (0.02~0.5) − 0.05(0.10) 血小板(×109/L) + 250(121.50) −1.79 0.07 (100~300)×109/L − 207(83) CRP + 1.30(4.87) −0.04 0.97 (0~6)mg/L − 1.35(12.04) CD4+计数 + 414.50(545.75) −1.58 0.11 (706~1125)个/μL − 495(531.75) CD3+计数 + 1004(640) −0.12 0.91 (1027~2086)个/μL − 1100(920.75) CD8+计数 + 371(306) −0.57 0.57 (323~836)个/μL − 382(340) 尿素氮 + 3.50(1.40) −1.72 0.09 (1.43~7.14) mmol/L − 3.10(1.27) 肌酐 + 63.10(28.40) −0.40 0.69 (35~97) μmol/L − 63.50(25.40) 尿酸 + 290.5(128) −0.91 0.37 (155~428) μmol/L − 267.350(143.53) r-谷氨酰氨基转移酶 + 25.20(20.90) −0.55 0.58 (7~50) U/L − 28.95(27.20) 丙氨酸氨基转移酶 + 22(13.50) −0.21 0.83 (5~40) U/L − 22.85(14.10) 门冬氨酸氨基转移酶 + 23(10.50) −0.54 0.59 (8~40) U/L − 23.5(10.50) 乳酸脱氢酶 + 176(26.50) −1.25 0.21 (109~245) U/L − 191(86.50) 肌酸激酶 + 79(47.10) −1.48 0.88 (26~174) U/L − 78.30(44) 肌红蛋白 + 17.44(10.02) −0.38 0.71 (0~68) ng/mL − 18.22(11.26) -
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