Periodontal Health Status and Risk Factors of Wa Adults in Gengma County, Yunnan Province
目的 为了解云南耿马县佤族成人牙周健康状况,收集口腔健康行为资料,对影响牙周状况的相关因素进行分析,为基层少数民族牙周疾病防治提供数据支持。 方法 用随机、年龄分层相结合抽样的方法,选取云南耿马傣族佤族自治县为调查目的地,随机抽取自治县内的10个自然村寨,共计调查486人,并对其进行牙周健康状况检查及相关问卷调查。采用EpiData 3.1和SPSS 19.0软件进行数据的录入和统计分析。 结果 35~44、55~64、65~74 岁组牙龈出血检出率91.22%、88.08%、81.82%,浅牙周袋(4~5 mm)检出率为86.34%,86.53%,81.82%;深牙周袋(≥6 mm) 检出率:13.17%,30.57%,45.45%;牙周健康率:12.68%,14.51%,18.18%; 结合口腔问卷调查内容,经过单因素分析,筛选出具有统计学意义的 7个因素作为自变量,包括:年龄、学历、刷牙次数、对牙齿的自我感觉、自觉牙痛、吸烟和对牙齿出血的观念。再进行多因素Logisitic回归分析,结果显示:对牙齿的自我感觉越差(OR = 1.500,P = 0.003)、牙痛越频繁(OR = 1.510,P = 0.017)和吸烟(OR = 2.161,P = 0.014)佤族成人越倾向患牙周炎;学历越高(OR = 0.527,P = 0.000)及刷牙次数越多(OR = 0.519,P = 0.002),则为牙周炎发生的保护因素。 结论 佤族成人的牙龈出血检出率、浅牙周袋检出率及深牙周袋检出率均高于第4次全国水平,牙周炎患病率较高,口腔卫生状况差,远低于全国口腔保健目标。应当加大对少数民族地区的医疗资源的投入,加强对少数民族的口腔保健宣传力度以提高牙周疾病就诊率从而提高人群生活质量。 Abstract:Objective To characterize adults periodontal health of the Wa nationality in Gengma County, Yunnan province, and to collect oral health knowledge and oral health behavior data and analyze related factors which affect the periodontal health status to provide evidence for prevention of local oral disease. Methods A total of 486 people were randomly selected from 10 natural villages in Gengma Dai and Wa Autonomous County, Yunnan province, and their periodontal health status was examined and questionnaires were conducted. EpiData 3.1 and SPSS 19.0 software were used for data entry and statistical analysis. Results The detection rates of gingival bleeding in 35~44, 55~64 and 65~74 years old group were 91.22%, 88.08%, 81.82%, respectively; and the detection rates of superficial periodontal pocket (4~5 mm) were 86.34%, 86.53%, 81.82%, respectively. Detection rate of deep periodontal pocket (≥6 mm) were 13.17%, 30.57%, 45.45%; Periodontal health rate were 12.68%, 14.51%, 18.18%, respectively. Combined with the contents of oral questionnaire survey, 7 statistically significant factors were screened as independent variables through single factor analysis, including age, education background, brushing frequency, self-perception of teeth, conscious toothache, smoking and the concept of tooth bleeding. Multivariate Logisitic regression analysis showed that the worse the self-perception of teeth (OR = 1.500, P = 0.003), the more frequent the toothache (OR = 1.510, P = 0.017) and smoking (OR = 2.161, P = 0.014), the more likely Wa adults were to develop periodontitis. Higher education (OR = 0.527, P = 0.000) and more times of brushing teeth (OR = 0.519, P = 0.002) were the protective factors for the occurrence of periodontitis. Conclusion The detection rate of gingival bleeding, superficial periodontal pocket and deep periodontal pocket of Wa adults were higher than the fourth national level, the prevalence of periodontitis was higher, the oral health status was poor, far below the national oral health care target. It is necessary to increase the investment of medical resources in ethnic minority areas and strengthen the propaganda of oral health care for ethnic minorities so as to improve the diagnosis rate of periodontal diseases and the quality of life of the population. -
Key words:
- Wa nationality /
- Periodontal health status /
- Epidemiology /
- Logisitic regression analysis
表 1 佤族人群牙周疾病检出情况(1)
Table 1. Detection rate of periodontal disease of population in WA(1)
组别 性别 受检人数
(n)牙龈出血 χ2 P 牙周健康率 χ2 P 检出牙数
[( $\bar x \pm s $)个]检出率
(%)35~44岁 男 96 7.68 ± 5.62 93.75 1.443 0.230 6.25 6.747 0.009* 女 109 6.06 ± 5.57 88.99 18.34 合计 205 6.81 ± 5.58 91.22 12.68 55~64岁 男 84 8.04 ± 6.04 84.52 1.795 0.180 9.52 2.979 0.084 女 109 6.55 ± 5.37 90.83 18.35 合计 193 7.39 ± 5.73 88.08 14.51 65~74岁 男 42 5.83 ± 5.19 85.71 0.820 0.365 19.05 0.152 0.697 女 46 5.78 ± 5.56 78.26 17.39 合计 88 5.82 ± 5.34 81.82 18.18 *P < 0.05。 表 1 佤族人群牙周疾病检出情况(2)
Table 1. Detection rate of periodontal disease of population in WA (2)
组别 性别 受检人数
(n)浅牙周袋 χ2 P 深牙周袋 χ2 P 检出牙数
[( $\bar x \pm s $)个]检出率
[( $\bar x \pm s $)个]检出率
(%)35~44岁 男 96 6.46 ± 5.39 93.75 8.403 0.004* 0.75 ± 2.35 13.54 0.022 0.883 女 109 4.48 ± 4.22 79.82 0.50 ± 1.94 12.84 合计 205 3.50 ± 4.98 86.34 0.67 ± 2.30 13.17 55~64岁 男 84 6.30 ± 5.21 89.29 0.970 0.325 2.25 ± 3.71 40.48 6.877 0.009* 女 109 5.10 ± 4.62 84.40 1.01 ± 2.46 22.94 合计 193 3.68 ± 4.78 86.53 1.34 ± 3.01 30.57 65~74岁 男 42 4.81 ± 4.62 80.95 0.040 0.841 1.90 ± 2.60 47.62 0.152 0.697 女 46 3.76 ± 3.77 82.61 2.20 ± 3.48 43.48 合计 88 4.20 ± 4.17 81.82 2.05 ± 3.07 45.45 *P < 0.05。 表 2 佤族成人牙周炎相关危险因素与牙周患病率的关系
Table 2. Detection rate of periodontal disease of population in Wa adults
因 素 受检人数(n) 牙周炎(n) 患病率(%) χ2 P 性别 男性 222 185 83.33 2.156 0.142 女性 264 206 78.03 年龄(岁) 35~44 205 125 60.98 84.749 < 0.001* 55~64 193 178 92.22 65~74 88 87 98.87 学历 文盲 211 190 90.05 25.552 < 0.001* 小学 196 149 76.02 初中及以上 79 52 66.67 刷牙次数 ≤1次/d 360 313 86.94 23.350 < 0.001* 2次/d 108 73 67.59 ≥3次/d 8 5 62.50 刷牙时间 ≤1 min/次 358 295 82.40 0.057 1~2 min/次 99 78 78.79 2~3 min/次 18 11 61.11 ≥3 min/次 11 7 63.64 吸烟 不吸或已戒 346 268 77.46 0.698 0.010* 吸烟 139 122 87.77 自觉牙齿如何 非常好 14 7 50.00 22.906 < 0.001* 很好 119 90 75.63 一般 121 89 73.55 较差及很差 232 205 88.36 刷牙出血是否正常 正常 11 8 72.73 6.213 0.045* 不正常 38 25 65.79 不知道 437 358 81.92 近一年来牙痛情况 无 175 122 69.71 21.631 < 0.001* 有时 160 134 83.75 经常 151 135 89.40 *P < 0.05。 表 3 佤族成人一般人口学因素及口腔健康行为与牙周患病率的关系
Table 3. Detection rate of periodontal disease of population in Wa adults
变量 回归系数Β 标准误S.E. Wald OR 95%CI P 年龄 0.059 0.013 21.400 1.060 1.034~1.087 0.000* 学历 0.915 0.173 27.932 0.401 0.285~0.562 0.000* 刷牙次数 0.542 0.221 6.013 0.582 0.377~0.897 0.014* 对牙齿的自我感觉 0.381 0.142 7.153 1.463 1.107~1.935 0.007* 吸烟 0.767 0.322 5.666 2.154 1.145~4.053 0.017* 常量 1.601 0.997 2.579 0.202 0.108 *P < 0.05。 -
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