Effect of Matrix Radiofrequency Combined with Biofeedback Electrical Stimulation on Uterine Prolapse
目的 探讨妇科射频联合生物反馈电刺激对子宫脱垂的临床疗效。 方法 选取符合纳入标准的患者150例,随机分为对照组和观察组,对照组予盆底生物反馈电刺激治疗,观察组予盆底生物反馈电刺激+妇科射频治疗,对2组患者治疗前后子宫脱垂程度、盆底肌功能进行评价。 结果 观察组、对照组治疗后子宫脱垂程度平均值均高于治疗前(P < 0.05),观察组治疗治疗后子宫脱垂程度平均值高于对照组(P < 0.05);观察组、对照组治疗后盆底肌功能平均值均高于治疗前(P < 0.05),观察组治疗后盆底肌功能平均值高于对照组(P < 0.05)。 结论 妇科射频联合生物反馈电刺激对子宫脱垂的治疗优于传统的生物反馈电刺激。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical effect of gynecological RF combined with biofeedback electrical stimulation on uterine prolapse. Methods A total of 150 patients who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into control group and observation group. The control group received pelvic floor biofeedback electrical stimulation, and the degree of uterine prolapse and pelvic floor muscle function before and after treatment were evaluated. Results The mean degree of uterine prolapse in the observation group and control group was higher than before treatment (P < 0.05), and the mean degree was higher than in the control group (P < 0.05), which was higher than before treatment (P < 0.05), and higher than in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion The treatment of uterine prolapse combined with biofeedback electrical stimulation is better than the conventional biofeedback electrical stimulation. -
Key words:
- RF treatment /
- Biofeedback for electrical stimulation /
- Uterine prolapse
表 1 2组基本情况比较(
$\bar x \pm s $ )Table 1. Basic information comparison between the two groups (
$\bar x \pm s $ )组别 n 年龄(岁) 产次(次) 阴道分娩次数(次) 剖宫产分娩次数(次) 观察组 72 34.11 ± 5.68 1.53 ± 0.581 1.33 ± 0.77 0.22 ± 0.54 对照组 68 32.22 ± 6.94 1.25 ± 0.61 0.94 ± 0.81 0.32 ± 0.56 P 0.14 0.735 0.633 0.902 表 2 2组治疗疗效比较[n(%)]
Table 2. Comparison of curative effect between two groups [n(%)]
组别 n 治愈 有效 无效 观察组 72 50(69.4) 14(19.4) 8(11.1) 对照组 68 30(44.1) 23(33.8) 15(22.1) 表 3 2组阴道前后壁情况比较[(
$\bar x \pm s $ ),cm]Table 3. Comparison of the anterior and posterior vaginal walls between the two groups [(
$\bar x \pm s $ ),cm]组别 n 阴道前壁 阴道后壁 治疗前Aa(cm) 治疗后Aa(cm) 治疗前Ap(cm) 治疗后Ap(cm) 观察组 72 −1.12 ± 1.07 −2.51 ± 0.56* −2.17 ± 0.96 −2.73 ± 0.51* 对照组 68 −0.96 ± 1.35 −1.49 ± 1.19* −1.68 ± 1.39 −2.09 ± 1.05* 与治疗前比较,*P < 0.05。 表 4 2组治疗前后子宫脱垂情况比较[(
$\bar x \pm s $ ),cm]Table 4. Comparison of uterine prolapse before and after treatment in two groups [(
$\bar x \pm s $ ),cm]组别 n 治疗前C点 治疗后C点 治疗前后子宫脱垂疗效程度 观察组 72 −3.06 ± 0.97* −5.59 ± 1.34* 2.51 ± 0.122* 对照组 68 −3.48 ± 0.62 −4.31 ± 1.03 0.85 ± 0.89 P 0.017 0 0 与对照组比较,*P < 0.05。 表 5 2组治疗前后慢肌阶段平均值情况对比较(
$\bar x \pm s $ )Table 5. Comparison of the mean value of the slow muscle stage before and after treatment between the two groups (
$\bar x \pm s $ )组别 n 治疗前慢肌阶段平均值 治疗后慢肌阶段平均值 P 观察组 72 22.02 ± 9.49 30.655 ± 8.15 0 对照组 68 23.28 ± 9.47 27.38 ± 1.40 0.004 P 0.363 0.018 表 6 2组治疗前后耐力测试阶段平均值情况比较(
$\bar x \pm s $ )Table 6. Comparison of the mean value of endurance test before and after treatment in two groups (
$\bar x \pm s $ )组别 n 治疗前耐力测试阶段平均值 治疗后耐力测试阶段平均值 P 观察组 72 19.82 ± 8.33 27.81 ± 7.56 0 对照组 68 21.07 ± 8.78 26.39 ± 5.34 0 P 0.366 0.004 表 7 盆底肌电评估
Table 7. Glazer evaluation chart
阶段 指标 测试值 参考值 前静息阶段 平均值 6.44↑ 2~4 μV 变异性 0.10 < 0.2 快肌(Ⅱ 类肌)测试阶段 快速收缩时间 0.26 < 0.5 s 最大值 25.21↓ 35~45 μV 快速放松时间 12.80↓ 30~40 μV 慢肌(Ⅰ类肌)测试阶段 平均值 10.13↓ 25~35 μV 变异性 0.67↑ < 0.5 s 耐心测试 平均值 0.28↑ < 0.2 变异性 0.18 < 0.2 后 10 s/前 10 s比值 0.75↓ 0.8~1.0 后静息阶段 平均值 3.90 2~4 μV 变异性 0.06 < 0.2 -
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