Differences of Adverse Events and Survival Rates of Patients with Premature Coronary Artery Disease after PCI in Different Age Groups
目的 探讨不同年龄层早发冠心病患者PCI治疗术后的不良事件及生存率差异。 方法 入选2015 年01 月至2017 年01月就诊于西安交通大学第一附属医院心血管内科被诊断为早发冠心病的患者861例,按照年龄分18~40岁组、41~50岁组、51岁以上组,对比3组患者入院时的一般基线资料,临床特征及PCI术后5 a的不良事件发生率及生存率差异。 结果 不同年龄层危险因素存在一定统计学差异(P < 0.05),在18~40岁和41~49岁组中,吸烟、饮酒的占比均高于51岁以上组,而51岁以上组糖尿病、高血压占比高于18~40岁和41~49岁组。3个年龄层患者PCI术后5 a的有效性终点事件和安全性终点事件以及生存概率差异均无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。 结论 不同年龄层早发冠心病PCI术后5 a不良事件发生率及生存率无统计学差异,青年人群的早发冠心病更值得关注。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the adverse events and survival rates differences of patients with premature coronary artery disease after PCI in different age groups. Methods The general and clinical data, incidence of adverse events and survival rates of 861 patients diagnosed with premature coronary artery disease from Jan 2015 to Jan 2017 in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University were obtained. We categorized the participants into three age groups (18~40 years, 41~50 years and ≥51 years ) according to their age. Results Compared with the ≥51 years group, the proportion of smoking, drinking were higher in the 18~40 years group and 41~49 years group, and the proportion of diabetes, hypertension were lower in the 18~40 years group and 41~49 years group. There were no statistically differences in the effectivity end points and safety end points among the three age groups (P > 0.05). There was no significant statistical difference in 5-year survival after PCI among the three groups (P > 0.05). Conclusion There is no statistical difference of the 5-year incidence of adverse events and survival rate in different age groups with premature coronary artery disease after PCI, and we should pay more attention to the young population once they are diagnosed with premature coronary arteryt disease. -
表 1 BARC 出血定义
Table 1. BARC bleeding definition
类型 临床指征 BARC 0型 定义为无出血; BARC 1型 非活动性的出血,患者不需要就诊,自行停药可以停止的出血。 BARC 2型 任何明显活动性出血,未达到3级以上的标准,需要临床干预治疗,或者住院进一步评估。 BARC3型 3a型 有明显的出血,且伴有与出血相关的血红蛋白下降3~5 g/dL,需要输血的明显出血; 3b型 血红蛋白下降≥5 g/dL,心包填塞,需要外科手术治疗进行干预或治疗的出血(不包括牙龈和皮肤粘膜出血); 3c型 颅内出血,(脑微量出血除外),经尸体检查,影像学检查以及腰穿证实的出血,或影响到视力的颅内出血。 BARC4型 与搭桥有关的出血。 BARC5型 致死性的出血。 5a级 无尸检或影像学支持,但临床怀疑。 5b级 经过尸体检查证实的致死性的出血 表 2 不同年龄组早发冠心病PCI患者一般资料比较(
$\bar x \pm s $ )Table 2. Comparison of general data of PCI patients with early-onset coronary heart disease in diffirent groups (
$\bar x \pm s $ )研究目标 18~40岁组
(n = 51)41~50岁组
(n = 315)≥51岁组
(n = 495)总人群
(n = 861)H/ χ2值 P值 吸烟[n(%)] 38(74.51) 234(74.29) 189(38.18) 461(53.54) 110.456 < 0.001 饮酒[n(%)] 28(54.9) 125(39.68) 111(22.42) 264(30.66) 94.248 < 0.001 家族史[n(%)] 1(1.96) 34(10.79) 55(11.11) 90(10.45) 4.197 0.123 高血压[n(%)] 23(45.1) 159(50.48) 305(61.62) 487(56.56) 12.623 0.002* 糖尿病[n(%)] 10(19.61) 54(17.14) 133(26.87) 197 (22.88) 10.648 0.005* 糖耐量减退[n(%)] 2(3.92) 13 (4.13) 5 (1.01) 20(2.32) - 0.005* 血脂异常[n(%)] 6(11.76) 61 (19.37) 63(12.73) 130(15.1) 7.087 0.029* 高HCY[n(%)] 4(7.84) 23 (7.3) 21 (4.24) 48(5.57) - 0.047* 收缩压(mmHg) 126.33 ± 17.13 128.36 ± 18.31 131.72 ± 20.45 130.17 ± 19.57 8.990 0.001 舒张压(mmHg) 80.51 ± 13.26 79.68 ± 12.84 79.63 ± 11.28 79.7 ± 11.98 0.588 0.745 心率(次/min) 75.71 ± 11.65 74.93 ± 12.00 75.11 ± 12.49 75.08 ± 12.25 0.637 0.727 白细胞计数(×109/L) 7.56 ± 2.39 7.98 ± 2.84 7.33 ± 2.83 7.58 ± 2.83 16.403 < 0.001 红细胞计数(×1012/L) 4.6 ± 0.71 4.71 ± 1.99 4.43 ± 0.54 4.54 ± 1.29 29.902 < 0.001 血红蛋白(g/L) 141.94 ± 20.33 144.35 ± 16.52 136.87 ± 16.29 139.9 ± 16.99 47.031 < 0.001 血小板计数(×109/L) 216.84 ± 79.32 212.46 ± 71.91 203.35 ± 62.32 207.48 ± 67.15 3.032 0.220 脑钠肽(pg/mL) 828.04 ± 1776.62 1269.74 ± 3259.21 1211.15 ± 2407.04 1209.89 ± 2720.29 12.283 0.002* 左室射血分数(%) 58 ± 12.74 59.21 ± 11.61 58.88 ± 13.22 58.95 ± 12.61 0.582 0.748 CHOL(mmol/L) 4.72 ± 1.97 3.98 ± 1.00 4.05 ± 1.03 4.07 ± 1.11 12.408 0.002* LDL(mmol/L) 2.67 ± 0.84 2.78 ± 8.28 2.37 ± 0.87 2.54 ± 5.05 7.795 0.020* HDL(mmol/L) 0.99 ± 0.22 0.95 ± 0.23 1.14 ± 0.79 1.06 ± 0.63 12.001 0.002* TG(mmol/L) 2.06 ± 1.23 2.00 ± 1.47 2.19 ± 5.39 2.11 ± 4.19 1.341 0.511 糖化血红蛋白(%) 6.48 ± 1.79 5.92 ± 1.48 6.17 ± 1.4 6.09 ± 1.46 18.978 < 0.001 血糖(mmol/L) 7.47 ± 3.67 6.47 ± 3.05 7.00 ± 3.47 6.83 ± 3.34 8.027 0.018* 注:运用Fisher确切概率法所得P值无对应卡方值,*P < 0.05。 表 3 不同年龄组早发冠心病PCI患者冠脉病变特征比较[n(%)]
Table 3. Comparison of coronary lesion characteristics of PCI patients with early-onset coronary heart [n(%)]
冠脉病变特点 18~40岁组(n = 51) 41~50岁组(n = 315) ≥51岁组(n = 495) 总人群(n = 861) H/χ2值 P值 单支病变 12(23.53) 72(22.86) 108(21.82) 192(22.29) 4.068 0.131 双支病变 17(33.33) 109(34.60) 161(32.53) 287(33.33) 三支病变 22(43.14) 134(42.54) 226(45.66) 382(44.37) 弥漫病变 27(45.21) 188(59.68) 292(58.99) 507(58.89) 0.828 0.661 管状病变 8(15.69) 31 (9.84) 25 (5.05) 64 (7.43) − 0.002* 左主干 9 (17.65) 25(7.94) 43(8.69) 77(8.94) − 0.809 慢性完全阻塞病变 15(29.41) 98 (31.11) 135(27.27) 248(26.80) 1.393 0.498 再狭窄 3 (5.88) 10 (3.17) 13(2.63) 26(3.02() − 0.430 血栓 3(5.88) 8 (2.54) 6(1.21) 17(1.97) − 0.082 钙化 1 (1.96) 2 (0.63) 14 (2.83) 17(1.97) − 0.046 多支架植入 26(50.98) 182(57.78) 288(58.18) 496(57.61) 0.988 0.610 注:运用Fisher确切概率法所得P值无对应卡方值,*P < 0.05。 表 4 不同年龄组早发冠心病患者PCI术后不良事件发生情况比较[n(%)]
Table 4. Comparison of adverse events after PCI in patients with early-onset coronary heart disease [n(%)]
不良事件 18~40岁组
(n = 51)41~50岁组
(n = 315)≥51岁组
(n = 495)总人群
(n = 861)χ2值 P值 主要终点事件 再发心绞痛 9(17.65) 67(21.27) 116(23.43) 192(22.29) 1.198 0.549 再发心梗 0(0.00) 3(0.95) 2(0.40) 5(0.58) − 0.656 脑梗 1(1.96) 1 (0.32) 8(1.62) 10(1.16) − 0.203 死亡 1 (1.96) 7 (2.22) 20(4.04) 28 (3.25) − 0.173 次要终点事件 TIA 0(0.00) 1(0.32) 5(1.01) 6 (0.69) − 0.249 心衰 0 (0.00) 2(0.63) 4(0.81) 6 (0.69) − 1.000 BARC1-2型 眼底出血 0(0.00) 1 (0.32) 3(0.61) 4 (0.46) − 0.641 皮肤/牙龈/鼻腔出血 7 (13.73) 34 (10.79) 54(10.91) 95 (11.03) 0.403 0.818 BARC 3-5型 消化道出血 1(1.96) 4(1.27) 10(2.02) 15(1.74) − 0.602 脑出血 0(0.00) 1 (0.32) 3(0.61) 4 (0.46) − 0.641 其他(输血) 0 (0.00) 3(0.95) 5(1.01) 8(0.93) − 1.000 注:运用Fisher确切概率法所得P值无对应卡方值。 -
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