Application of MTHFR C677T Combined with CYP2C19 Gene Detection after Percutaneous Paclitaxel Eluting Coronary Balloon Dilatation Coronary Angioplasty
目的 探讨四氢叶酸还原酶叶酸代谢677基因(MTHFR C677T)联合CYP2C19基因检测在紫杉醇释放冠脉球囊导管术后患者的应用价值。 方法 纳入行紫杉醇释放冠脉球囊导管术的患者300名,随机分为2组,一组为对照组,按照常规服药方案治疗;一组为实验组,对患者进行MTHFR C677T、CYP2C19基因检测,根据基因检测结果进行针对性药物干预,随访所有患者360 d内发生 MACE事件(包括包括心脏死亡、心肌梗死、心力衰竭、心脏原因再次入院、靶血管再次血运重建)、重要脏器并发症(包括脑梗死、脑出血、消化道出血、泌尿系出血、眼底出血、鼻出血)以及药物不良反应(包括肝肾功损伤、胃肠症状、皮疹、血小板或血红蛋白下降)的情况。 结果 (1)实验组术后360 d的 MACE事件发生率、重要脏器并发症显著低于对照组(P < 0.05);(2)实验组与对照组的药物不良反应发生率,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。 结论 (1)紫杉醇释放冠脉球囊导管术后患者进行MTHFR C677T、CYP2C19基因检测可显著改善临床疗效;(2)紫杉醇释放冠脉球囊导管术后患者进行MTHFR C677T、CYP2C19基因检测后用药不增加药物不良反应。 -
- MTHFR C677T /
- CYP2C19 /
- 紫杉醇释放冠脉球囊导管 /
Abstract:Objective To investigate the value of MTHFR C677T combined with CYP2C19 gene detection in patients after paclitaxel releasing coronary balloon catheter. Methods 300 patients who underwent paclitaxel releasing coronary balloon catheterization were randomly divided into two groups: first group was the control group, which was treated according to the routine medication scheme; second group was the experimental group. The patients were tested for MTHFR C677T and CYP2C19 genes, and targeted drug intervention was carried out according to the gene test results. Mace events (including cardiac death, myocardial infarction, heart failure, readmission for cardiac reasons, target vessel revascularization), important organ complications (including cerebral infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage, gastrointestinal bleeding, urinary bleeding, fundus hemorrhage and epistaxis) and adverse drug reactions occurred within 360 days of follow-up (including liver and kidney function injury, gastrointestinal symptoms, rash, decreased platelet or hemoglobin) were recorded. Results (1) The incidence of mace events and important organ complications 360 days after operation in the test group was significantly lower than those in the control group (P < 0.05). (2) There was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse drug reactions between the experimental group and the control group (P > 0.05). Conclusions (1) MTHFR C677T and CYP2C19 gene detection in patients after paclitaxel releasing coronary balloon catheter can significantly improve the clinical efficacy. (2) After the detection of MTHFR C677T and CYP2C19 genes in patients after paclitaxel releasing coronary balloon catheter, the medication did not increase the adverse drug reactions. -
表 1 实验组用药方案
Table 1. Treatment plan of experimental group
检测基因 检测位点 分型 用药方案 MTHFR C677 T/T 加用马来酸依那普利叶酸片 1次/d C/C、C/T 常规治疗 CYP2C19 CYP2C19*2
CYP2C19*17超快代谢型 氯吡格雷剂量为50 mg 1次/d 快代谢型 氯吡格雷剂量为75 mg 1次/d 中间代谢型 氯吡格雷150 mg 1次/d 1个月后改为75 mg 1次/d 慢代谢型 替格瑞洛片 90 mg 2次/d 表 2 2组组患者的临床特征(
$\bar x \pm s $ )Table 2. Clinical features of patients in two groups (
$\bar x \pm s $ )临床特征 对照组(147例) 实验组(153例) t/χ2 P 年龄(岁) 55.74 ± 9.39 54.94 ± 9.57 0.642 0.709 男性[n(%)] 90(61.2) 91(59.4) 0.507 0.783 糖尿病[n(%)] 42(28.5) 47(30.7) 1.484 0.291 高血压[n(%)] 51(34.6) 54(35.2) 1.526 0.224 吸烟[n(%)] 61(41.4) 64(43.1) 2.404 0.217 心脑血管病家族史[n(%)] 67(45.5) 63(41.7) 2.284 0.274 ALT(U) 37.6 ± 14.12 36.7 ± 12.15 0.781 0.553 AST(U) 31.3 ± 11.27 31.5 ± 12.73 0.751 0.712 Scr(μmol/L) 74.9 ± 17.05 75.7 ± 16.09 0.809 0.677 TC(mmol/L) 4.49 ± 0.97 4.54 ± 0.96 0.907 0.703 TG(mmol/L) 2.07 ± 2.60 2.09 ± 1.74 0.784 0.624 LDL-C(mmol/L) 3.63 ± 0.92 3.57 ± 0.77 0.800 0.678 HDL-C(mmol/L) 1.09 ± 0.61 1.11 ± 0.93 0.854 0.794 左心室射血分数(%) 44.02 ± 10.29 43.22 ± 11.27 0.773 0.761 左心室舒张末期内径(mm) 50.31 ± 7.27 51.31 ± 6.27 0.774 0.793 表 3 2组患者基因分布情况[n(%)]
Table 3. Genotype distribution of patients in two groups [n(%)]
基因分布 对照组
(153例)t/χ2 P MTHFR C677 T/T 24(16.3) 26(16.9) 1.862 0.264 C/C、C/T 123(83.6) 127(83.0) 2.395 0.235 CYP2C19 超快代谢型 28(19.0) 31(20.2) 1.865 0.257 快代谢型 44(29.9) 46(30.6) 1.609 0.223 中间代谢型 46(31.2) 44(28.7) 1.521 0.241 慢代谢型 29(19.7) 32(20.9) 1.679 0.262 表 4 2组患者的合并用药情况[n(%)]
Table 4. Combined medication features of patients in two groups [n(%)]
(153例)t/χ2 P 低分子肝素 31(21.0) 30(19.6) 1.845 0.216 β-受体阻滞剂 69(46.9) 71(46.4) 1.956 0.257 Ⅱb/Ⅲa 24(16.3) 26(15.6) 1.874 0.253 比伐芦丁 11(7.4) 10(6.5) 2.017 0.272 降糖药物 41(27.8) 45(29.4) 1.809 0.201 CCB 49(33.3) 50(32.6) 1.874 0.255 ACEI/ARB/ARNI 23(15.6) 26(16.9) 1.852 0.253 表 5 2组患者的冠脉SYNTAX II评分、CRUSADE出血风险评分及手术情况(
$\bar x \pm s $ )Table 5. SYNTAX II score, CRUSADE score and operation condition of patients in two groups (
$\bar x \pm s $ )
(153例)t/χ2 P SYNTAX II评分 22.86 ± 8.59 21.63 ± 9.42 2.81 0.22 CRUSADE出血风险评分 34.84 ± 12.59 31.97 ± 11.57 2.86 0.29 平均靶血管狭窄程度(%) 86.4 ± 11.4 85.3 ± 12.3 1.86 0.21 平均球囊直径(mm) 3.37 ± 0.81 3.40 ± 0.42 1.75 0.25 平均球囊长度(mm) 23.4 ± 4.40 24.9 ± 3.87 1.81 0.24 表 6 术后360 d MACE[n(%)]
Table 6. MACE within 360 days after operation [n(%)]
(153例)t/χ2 P 心脏死亡 2(1.3) 1(0.6) 2.133 0.246 心肌梗死 6(4.0) 1(0.6) 2.461 0.154 心力衰竭 6(4.0) 2(1.3) 2.846 0.196 心脏原因再次入院 10(6.8) 3(1.9) 3.551 0.101 靶血管再次血运重建 8(5.4) 1(0.6) 4.461 0.068 总MACE事件 32(21.7) 8(5.2) 6.861 0.014* *P < 0.05。 表 7 术后360 d 重要脏器并发症[n(%)]
Table 7. Important organ complications within 360 days after operation [n(%)]
(153例)t/χ2 P 脑梗死 2(1.3) 1(0.6) 2.133 0.246 脑出血 4(2.6) 1(0.6) 2.012 0.184 消化道出血 3(2.0) 1(0.6) 2.098 0.198 泌尿系出血 2(1.3) 1(0.6) 2.133 0.246 眼底出血 4(2.6) 1(0.6) 2.012 0.184 鼻出血 4(2.6) 0 - - 总并发症 16(10.8) 5(3.2) 4.861 0.042* *P < 0.05。 表 8 药物不良反应情况[n(%)]
Table 8. Adverse drug reactions [n(%)]
(153例)t/χ2 P 肝肾功损伤 2(1.3) 2(1.3) 2.131 0.298 胃肠症状 3(2.0) 2(1.3) 2.456 0.196 皮疹 2(1.3) 2(1.3) 2.131 0.298 干咳 3(2.0) 4(2.6) 2.984 0.296 血小板或血红蛋白下降 2(1.3) 2(1.3) 2.131 0.298 -
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