Application of Internet Technology in Triage Prevention and Control of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
目的 观察并探讨互联网信息技术在儿童传染病分诊防控中的应用方法和效果。 方法 随机选取云南省某三级甲等儿童医院2020年6~12月感染性疾病门诊就诊患者500例为对照组,采用传统的预检分诊方法;随机选取2021年6~12月儿童肠道传染病门诊就诊患者500例为实验组,采用互联网技术的智能预检分诊系统进行预检分诊。比较2组患者的儿童肠道传染病的预检分诊准确率、患者与医务人员接触频次、儿童肠道传染病门诊医务人员职业暴露发生率、患者家属满意度评价等。 结果 儿童肠道传染病的预检分诊准确率,实验组优于对照组(P < 0.001),患者家属满意度,实验组优于对照组(P < 0.05)。实验组患者与医务人员接触频次较,对照组均有下降,无医务人员职业暴露发生,患者就诊后能及时有效的获取健康教育知识。 结论 基于互联网技术的智能预检分诊系统应用可有效提高儿童传染病预检分诊中质量与效率,提升患者及家属的满意度,使患者及医护人员的安全得到有效保障,对儿童传染病的防控有较好的指导意义。 Abstract:Objective To observe and explore the application methods and effects of Internet information technology in the triage prevention and control of pediatric infectious diseases. Methods We randomly selected 500 patients of infectious diseases from June 2020 to December 2020, using the traditional pre-examination and triage method, 500 patients with intestinal infectious diseases from June to December 2021, and adopted the intelligent pre-examination and triage system with Internet technology. The accuracy of pre-examination and triage of pediatric intestinal infectious diseases, frequency of contact between patients and medical staff, incidence of occupational exposure of medical staff, and satisfaction evaluation of patients’ families were compared. Results The accuracy of pre-examination and triage of enteric infectious diseases in children was better than the control group (P < 0.001), and the patient family satisfaction in the experimental group was better than the control group (P < 0.05). The frequency of contact between patients and medical staff in the experimental group decreased compared with that of the control group, and no occupational exposure of medical staff occurred. Patients could obtain timely and effectively the knowledge of health education after medical treatment. Conclusion The application of the intelligent pre-examination and triage system based on the Internet technology can effectively improve the quality and efficiency of the pre-examination and triage of pediatric infectious diseases, improve the satisfaction of patients and their families, make the safety of patients and medical staff effectively guaranteed, and have a good guiding significance for the prevention and control of pediatric infectious diseases. -
Key words:
- Intelligent pre-examination and triage /
- Children /
- Infectious diseases
表 1 2组儿童肠道传染病的分诊准确率[n(%)]
Table 1. Triage accuracy of intestinal infectious diseases in child patients [n(%)]
组别 n 分诊准确率 对照组 500 268(53.6) 实验组 500 386(77.2) t/χ2 61.53 p < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 2 2组患者与医务人员接触频次(
$ \bar x \pm s $ )Table 2. Frequency of contact with medical staff of patients (
$ \bar x \pm s $ )组别 n 往返科室次数 医务人员接触频次 对照组 500 3 ± 1.03 3.8 ± 2.4 实验组 500 2.6 ± 1.1 2.8 ± 1.6 t 5.935 7.752 p < 0.001 < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 3 2组患者家属满意度评价n(%)
Table 3. Satisfaction evaluation Family member of patients n(%)
组别 n 候诊环境 分诊护士的服务态度 就诊秩序 分诊流程 对照组 500 386(77.2) 338(67.6) 397(79.4) 404(80.8) 实验组 500 419(83.8) 373(74.6) 426(85.2) 431(86.2) χ2 - 6.937 5.962 5.773 5.291 p - 0.008 0.015 0.016 0.021* *P < 0.05。 表 4 2组医务人员职业暴露发生率比较[n(%)]
Table 4. The incidence of occupational exposure in the 2 groups was compared [n(%)]
组别 医务人员例数 职业暴露发生率 对照组 33 2(6) 实验组 33 0(0) χ2 2.062 p 0.151 -
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