Application of Whole-cell Patch Clamp Techniques in Inherited Long QT Syndrome and Sudden Unexplained Death
摘要: 基因突变导致的心脏离子通道疾病被认为是引起不明原因猝死的首要死因,长QT综合征作为最常见的心脏离子通道疾病之一,其致病基因突变在各类SUD中被不断报道。利用全细胞膜片钳技术进行心脏离子通道功能验证对于评估基因突变的致病性、明确SUD死者的死亡原因、筛查SUD危险人群具有重要的法医学意义。对全细胞膜片钳技术的基本原理及其在长QT综合征的发病机制与不明原因猝死研究中的应用进行综述。Abstract: Cardiac channelopathy caused by genetic mutations have been recognized as a leading cause of sudden unexplained death (SUD). Long QT syndrome is one of the most common cardiac channelopathies and its pathogenic genetic mutations have been continuously reported in various types of SUD. The functional verification of cardiac ion channel using whole-cell patch clamp techniques has important forensic significance for assessing of pathogenic of genetic mutations, identifying of cause of death of SUD and screening of risk population of SUD. This review summarizes the basic principles of whole-cell patch clamp techniques and its application in the study of pathogenesis of long QT syndrome and sudden unexplained death.
表 1 长QT综合征各亚型相关的致病基因和致病机制
Table 1. Pathogenic genes and mechanism of different LQTS subtypes
亚型 突变基因 染色体位置 编码蛋白 干扰离子(电流) 致病机制 LQTS1 KCNQ1 11p15.5 KV7.1 K+(IKs) 减少IKs延长动作电位复极过程 LQTS2 KCNH2 7q35-36 KV11.1 K+(IKr) 减少IKr延长QT间期导致心脏复极过程延长 LQTS3 SCN5A 3p21-24 NaV1.5 Na+(INA) 增加Nav1.5电流延长QT间期致心脏复极延长 LQTS4 ANK2 4q25-27 Ankyrin-B Na+(INA) 钙离子稳态破坏导致复极化延迟长 LQTS5 KCNE1 21q22.1-22.2 KCNE1 K+(IKs) 破坏多聚体复合离子通道稳定性 LQTS6 KCNE2 21q22.1-22.2 KCNE2 K+(IKr) 破坏多聚体复合离子通道稳定性 LQTS7 KCNJ2 17q23 Kir2.1 K+(Kir2.1) 干扰钾离子流 LQTS8 CACNA1C 12p13.3 CaV1.2 Ca2+(ICa-L) 破坏开放状态失活的电压依赖的L型钙通道 LQTS9 CAV3 3p25 Caveolin-3 Na+(INA) 功能获得型导致晚期Na电流增加 LQTS10 SCN4A 11q23.3 NaVB4 Na+(INA) 功能获得型导致晚期Na电流增加 LQTS11 AKAP9 7q21-22 Yotiao K+(IKs) 降低与KCNQ1的相互作用 LQTS12 SNTA1 20q11.2 α-syntrophin Na+(INA) 功能获得型导致晚期Na电流增加 LQTS13 KCNJ5 11q24.3 Kir3.4 K+(Kir) 心室复极异常导致QT间期、QT波峰延长 LQTS14 CALM1 14q24-31 Calmodulin Ca2+ 破坏Ca2+与相关蛋白质的结合 LQTS15 CALM2 2p21.1-21.3 Calmodulin Ca2+ 同上 LQTS16 CALM3 19q13.2-13.3 Calmodulin Ca2+ 同上 LQTS17 Triadin 6p13 Triadin Ca2+ 干扰Ca2+释放及兴奋-收缩偶联导致心律失常 -
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