The Effect of Clinical Four-handed Dentstry Training for Stomatological Students Under the Background of Public Health Emergencies
目的 分析突发公共卫生事件背景下口腔医学生临床四手操作技能混合课程建设的培训效果,为口腔医学本科生拓展四手操作教学提供依据。 方法 以2020年至2021年在云南省口腔医院实习的医学生为研究对象,2020年30名学生为对照组、2021年30名学生为实验组,对照组按临床实习大纲进行传统椅旁带教,实验组在椅旁带教的基础上同时采用混合课程教学(线上理论培训→线下情景模拟实操训练),培训结束后对2组理论及技能考核结果、职业暴露和教学满意度进行分析。 结果 6项核心技能的考核结果与教学满意度评价,实验组均优于对照组,2组差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);6项核心技能诊疗时长实验组均少于对照组,2组差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);职业暴露发生率实验组与对照组比较下降23.3%,2组差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 在新冠疫情背景下,线上及线下结合的教学模式可提高口腔医学生临床岗位胜任力及诊疗效率,保障感染控制要求,降低职业暴露风险,对培养综合型、实用型口腔医学人才具有较高的应用价值与临床意义。 Abstract:Objective To analyze the training effect of the mixed curriculum construction of clinical four handed dentistry skills for stomatological students under the background of public health emergencies, so as to provide basis for stomatological undergraduates to expand four handed dentistry teaching. Methods Medical students who practiced in Yunnan Stomatological Hospital from 2020 to 2021 were selected as the research subjects. 30 students who practiced in 2020 were selected as the control group, and 30 students who practiced in 2021 were selected as the experimental group. The control group received traditional chair-side teaching following the clinical practice syllabus, while the experimental group received mixed teaching on the basis of chair-side teaching (online theoretical training → offline situational simulation practical training). After the training, the two groups’ theory and skill assessment results, occupational exposure and teaching satisfaction were analyzed. Results The examination results of six core skills and teaching satisfaction in the experimental group were better than those in the control group, and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P < 0.05). The duration of diagnosis and treatment of six core skills in the experimental group was less than that in the control group, and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05); The incidence of occupational exposure in the experimental group decreased by 23.3% compared with the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion Under the background of COVID-19, the online and offline teaching mode can improve the clinical competency and diagnosis and treatment efficiency of stomatological students, meet the requirements of infection control, and reduce the occupational exposure risk. It has high application value and clinical significance for training comprehensive and practical stomatological talents. -
Key words:
- Mixed courses /
- Four handed dentistry /
- Stomatological students
表 1 2组考核结果比较[(
$ \bar x \pm s $ ),分]Table 1. Comparison of assessment results between the two groups[(
$ \bar x \pm s $ ),scores]组别 n 印模制取及
成绩对照组 30 86.53 ± 4.26 88.10 ± 5.16 84.83 ± 3.16 84.87 ± 3.67 82.83 ± 4.62 82.83 ± 4.62 87.67 ± 5.13 实验组 30 94.67 ± 2.60 95.50 ± 2.74 92.67 ± 11.35 92.93 ± 3.97 92.67 ± 9.63 94.33 ± 3.14 97.07 ± 3.47 t − − 8.927 − 6.936 − 3.641 − 8.172 − 5.044 − 7.367 − 8.305 P − < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 2 2组诊疗时长比较[(
$ \bar x \pm s $ ),s]Table 2. Comparison of diagnosis and treatment duration between the two groups[(
$ \bar x \pm s $ ),s]组别 n 印模制取及
四手操作对照组 30 31.07 ± 4.92 55.95 ± 5.42 6.70 ± 1.34 98.69 ± 17.73 61.39 ± 13.06 38.33 ± 5.23 实验组 30 26.72 ± 4.25 50.61 ± 6.72 5.59 ± 0.71 64.38 ± 5.31 47.73 ± 6.61 29.56 ± 8.79 t − 3.666 3.390 3.963 10.154 5.077 4.696 P − < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 3 2组教学满意度评分比较[(
$ \bar x \pm s $ ),分]Table 3. Comparison of teaching satisfaction scores between the two groups[(
$ \bar x \pm s $ ),scores]组别 n 学生对四手操作技能培训满意度 带教老师对四手操作技能培训满意度 对照组 30 75.23 ± 10.68 70.25 ± 11.59 实验组 30 84.50 ± 10.34 91.50 ± 6.30 t − − 3.414 − 4.557 P − < 0.001* < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 4 2组医学生职业暴露率比较[n,%]
Table 4. Comparison of occupational exposure rates between two groups of medical students[n,%]
组别 人数(n) 职业暴露(n) 职业暴露率(%) χ2 P 对照组 30 9 30.0 5.455 0.02* 实验组 30 2 6.7 − − *P < 0.05。 -
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