Application of TBL-PBL-CBL Combined Teaching Mode in the Clinical Practice of Cardiology
目的 探究TBL、PBL和CBL联合教学模式在心内科临床实习中的应用效果,为临床优质人才的培养提供新的方向。 方法 抽取2021年7月至2022年3月期间至昆明医科大学第二附属医院心血管内科实习的学生80名,并以完全随机方式将学生分为对照组(n = 40)和实验组(n = 40)。对照组施以传统教学模式教学,实验组则以TBL、PBL和CBL联合教学模式教学。最后分别以理论考核成绩、心电图考核成绩、心脏体格检查成绩和问卷调查结果评价教学效果。 结果 与对照组相比,实验组理论考核、心电图考核及心脏体格检查成绩均更高 (P < 0.001) ,且实验学生普遍认为此教学模式可提升自身学习积极性及主观能动性(P = 0.002)、逻辑思维能力(P = 0.012)、临床思维能力(P = 0.043)和团队协作能力(P = 0.010)。 结论 TBL、PBL和CBL联合教学模式对学生临床个人能力起正向促进作用。 Abstract:Objective To explore the effect of TBL-PBL-CBL combined teaching mode in the clinical practice of cardiology, and provide a new training direction for high-quality doctors. Methods 80 students participating in the clinical practice in the Cardiology Department of The Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University were selected from July 2021 to March 2022 and were randomly divided into the control group (n = 40) and the experimental group (n = 40). Those in the control group were taught with the traditional lecture-based mode, while those in the experimental group were given the teaching method of TBL combined with PBL and CBL. Finally, the teaching effect was evaluated by questionnaire survey and test result. Results Compared with the control group, the test results of theory, electrocardiogram and cardiac physical examination in the experimental group were higher (P < 0.001). Furthermore, students in the experimental group thought that the teaching method of TBL combined with PBL and CBL had improved their ability in autonomic learning, logical thinking, clinical thinking and team cooperation. Conclusion The teaching method of TBL combined with PBL and CBL has a positive effect on promoting the clinical ability of students. -
Key words:
- TBL /
- PBL /
- CBL /
- Cardiology Department /
- Clinical practice
表 1 实验组组与对照组的区别
Table 1. The differences between the experimental group and the control group
组别 日常查房 心电图阅读 典型病例讨论 心脏体格检查 实验组 PBL教学法为主:在日常查房工作中,以提问为主,由教师针对病人提出问题,学生回答,现场不能回答的可以查资料找出答案,第二天查房时回答。 PBL教学法为主:在日常工作中,针对每一份心电图,需要学生先独立给出诊断报告,然后老师修改,给出正确答案。 CBL及TBL教学法为主:教师选取病例,以小组为单位,每周由两名学生负责PPT制作,对疾病发生发展、病因诱因、临床表现、诊断和鉴别诊断、辅助检查、治疗方案等方面进行全方面学习并组内讨论,最后完成PPT制作、演讲,组内其他学生在聆听PPT汇报后进行讨论。最后由老师对学生的PPT内容、演讲技巧等进行评价。每周1次,共3次。 PBL及TBL教学法为主:在日常查房工作中,以小组为单位,由学生独立完成心脏体格检查,其他同学指出错误及补充,教师负责纠正。 对照组 传统教学法为主:在日常查房工作中,以教师讲授为主,由教师针对住院病人进行讲解,传授相关理论及临床知识。 传统教学法为主:在日常工作中,针对每一份心电图,老师负责给学生讲解,给出诊断报告。 传统教学法为主:教师选取病例,制作教学PPT,并向学生讲述该疾病的发生发展、病因诱因、临床表现、诊断和鉴别诊断、辅助检查、治疗方案等相关知识,并对疾病重点理论知识进行总结和提炼,以达到将疾病相关知识点教于学生的目的。每周1次,共3次。 传统教学法为主:在日常查房工作中,教师带领学生完成心脏体格检查。 表 2 实验组和对照组学生考核成绩比较[(
$\bar x \pm s $ ),分]Table 2. Comparison of examination results between the experimental group and the control group [(
$\bar x \pm s $ ),points]项目 对照组 实验组 t P 理论考核成绩 66.38 ± 16.60 81.63 ± 12.98 4.577 < 0.001* 心电图考核成绩 67.50 ± 14.54 83.38 ± 9.83 5.719 < 0.001* 心脏体格检查成绩 70.48 ± 9.58 81.58 ± 9.07 5.323 < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 3 传统教学模式组与新型教学模式组问卷调查相关指标的比较[n(%)]
Table 3. Comparison of relevant indicators of questionnaire survey between traditional teaching mode group and new teaching mode group [n (%)]
问卷调查项目 教学分组 χ2 P 对照组(n = 40) 实验组(n = 40) 1. 能激发对心内科内容的学习兴趣 20(50.0) 22(55.0) 0.201 0.654 2. 能激发学习积极性及主观能动性 24(60.0) 36(90.0) 9.600 0.002* 3. 能更好的掌握理论知识,提高逻辑思维能力 30(75.0) 38(95.0) 6.275 0.012* 4. 能将理论与临床相结合,提高临床思维能力 32(80.0) 38(95.0) 4.114 0.043* 5. 愿意查阅文献、书籍等资料,学习最新进展 21(52.5) 39(97.5) 21.600 < 0.001* 6. 能提高PPT制作能力 20(50.0) 40(100.0) 24.918 < 0.001* 7. 能提高演讲能力 22(55.0) 40(100.0) 23.226 < 0.001* 8. 能提高团队协作并解决问题的能力 25(62.5) 35(87.5) 6.667 0.010* 9. 增加了学习负担 10(25.0) 30(75.0) 20.000 < 0.001* 10. 赞成本教学方法 34(85.0) 32(80.0) 0.346 0.556 *P < 0.05。 -
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