Analysis of the Difference between Different Delivery Modes and Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome X-ray Imaging Classification
目的 通过分析不同分娩方式的新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(NRDS)的胸部X影像表现分级差异,探讨不同分娩方式新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征发生情况,提高临床对该病的认识。 方法 根据胸部X线诊断及分级标准,回顾性分析2015年至2021年昆明医科大学第一附属医院经临床诊治证实的133例新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征的胸部X线表现,记录患儿胎龄、体重及分娩方式。 结果 不同分娩方式的NRDS患儿,剖宫产组胸部X影像分级Ⅱ级、Ⅳ级的人数较阴道分娩组明显增多,2种不同分娩方式患儿的胸部X线影像分级有差异,且差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),剖宫产组NRDS患儿的胸部X线影像表现分级,较阴道分娩组的NRDS患儿程度更重。 结论 不同分娩方式中,剖宫产较阴道分娩更易患NRDS,剖宫产的NRDS患儿在影像表现分级上存在差异,剖宫产的NRDS患儿的影像分级较阴道分娩的程度更重,病情也更重,临床应重点关注剖宫产出生婴儿及早产儿患NRDS的风险。 Abstract:Objective To explore the occurrence of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome in different Delivery Modes by analyzing the graded differences in the chest X-ray imaging performance of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome in different Delivery Modes and to improve the clinical understanding of the disease. Methods According to the diagnostic and grading criteria of chest X-ray, the chest X-ray manifestations of 133 cases of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome confirmed by clinical consultation in our hospital from 2015 to 2021 were retrospectively analyzed, and the gestational age, weight and mode of delivery of the children were recorded. Results In the children with NRDS of different delivery modes, the number of chest X-ray image gradesⅡand Ⅳ in the cesarean section group was significantly higher than that in the vaginal delivery group. The chest X-ray image grades of the children with two different delivery modes were different, and there was statistical significance (P < 0.05). The severity of NRDS was more severe than that in the vaginal delivery group. Conclusions Cesarean delivery is more prone to NRDS than vaginal delivery in different delivery modes, and there are differences in the image classification of children with NRDS in cesarean delivery. The image classification of children with NRDS in cesarean delivery is more severe than that in vaginal delivery, and the condition is more serious. Clinical attention should be paid to the risk of infants born by cesarean delivery and premature infants with NRDS. -
图 1 X线分级的NRDS患儿图片
A:女,3 h,顺产,NRDS胸部X线分级Ⅰ级 右肺下野见小颗粒状影,小斑片状影模糊影,右肺下野见小颗粒状影,小斑片状影模糊影;B:男,3 h,顺产,NRDS胸部X线分级Ⅱ级 双肺见散在斑片状模糊影,右肺中上野见少许空气支气管征;C:女,4 h,剖宫产,NRDS胸部X线分级Ⅲ级 左肺弥漫分部的片状模糊影,其内见空气支气管征,左心缘消失,部分左侧膈肌模糊不清;D:男,5 h,剖宫产,NRDS胸部X线分级Ⅳ级 双肺片状模糊影,双肺下野见空气支气管征,左右心缘及双侧膈肌消失,双肺未见含气影,呈“白肺”表现,双肺片状模糊影,双肺下野见空气支气管征,左右心缘及双侧膈肌消失,双肺未见含气影,呈“白肺”表现。
Figure 1. The NRDS infants of the different NRDS X-ray imaging classification
表 1 133例不同分娩方式NRDS患儿的胸部X线影像分级差异比较[n(%)]
Table 1. Comparison of the difference between different delivery modes and neonatal respiratory distress syndrome X-ray imaging classification[n(%)]
Ⅰ 33(24.8) 31(23.3) Ⅱ 28(21.1) 11(8.3) Ⅲ 8(6.0) 8(6.0) Ⅳ 12(9.0) 2(1.5) Z 2.026 P 0.043* *P < 0.05。 -
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