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齐贞光 李晓云 张巍巍

齐贞光, 李晓云, 张巍巍. 利那洛肽联合复方聚乙二醇电解质在慢性便秘患者肠道准备中的临床应用[J]. 昆明医科大学学报, 2022, 43(11): 130-135. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20221116
引用本文: 齐贞光, 李晓云, 张巍巍. 利那洛肽联合复方聚乙二醇电解质在慢性便秘患者肠道准备中的临床应用[J]. 昆明医科大学学报, 2022, 43(11): 130-135. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20221116
Zhenguang QI, Xiaoyun LI, Weiwei ZHANG. Clinical Application of Linaclotide Combined with Compound Polyethylene Glycol Electrolyte in Bowel Preparation in Patients with Chronic Constipation[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2022, 43(11): 130-135. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20221116
Citation: Zhenguang QI, Xiaoyun LI, Weiwei ZHANG. Clinical Application of Linaclotide Combined with Compound Polyethylene Glycol Electrolyte in Bowel Preparation in Patients with Chronic Constipation[J]. Journal of Kunming Medical University, 2022, 43(11): 130-135. doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20221116


doi: 10.12259/j.issn.2095-610X.S20221116
基金项目: 中国高等教育学会“十四五”基金资助项目(21JXYB02);南京医科大学教育研究课题(2021YJS-ZC022)




  • 中图分类号: R574

Clinical Application of Linaclotide Combined with Compound Polyethylene Glycol Electrolyte in Bowel Preparation in Patients with Chronic Constipation

  • 摘要:   目的  研究利那洛肽联合复方聚乙二醇电解质(PEG)在慢性便秘患者肠道准备中的效果及安全性。  方法  选取2021 年 3月至2022年2月在青岛市第八人民医院行结肠镜检查的174 例慢性便秘患者作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为A组、B组、C组 ,每组各58 例。A组患者采用3LPEG分次清肠,B组患者采用3粒利那洛肽联合3LPEG分次清肠,C组患者采用4LPEG分次清肠。比较3组患者的肠道准备质量、结肠镜检查时间及不良反应发生率。  结果  B组和C组的左半结肠、横结肠、右半结肠评分及Boston肠道准备量表(BBPS)总评分均高于A组(P < 0.05);B组的左半结肠、横结肠、右半结肠评分及BBPS总评分与C组比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。老年便秘患者中,B组的左半结肠、横结肠、右半结肠评分及BBPS总评分与C组比较,高于C组(P < 0.05)。B组和C组进境时间、退镜时间、肠镜总时间均小于A组(P < 0.05);B组的进境时间、退镜时间、肠镜总时间与C组比较,小于C组(P < 0.05)。A组和B组与C组比较,每项不良反应发生率均小于C组(P < 0.05)。  结论  利那洛肽联合分次口服3LPEG相对单独分次口服3LPEG而言,提高了肠道准备质量并缩短了结肠镜检查时间,相对单独分次口服4LPEG而言,可以达到同样的肠道准备效果,且可以降低不良反应的发生率,安全性较高。对于老年慢性便秘患者,利那洛肽联合分次口服3LPEG与单独分次口服4LPEG比较,肠道准备效果更佳。
  • 表  1  3组患者一般资料比较[($ \bar x \pm s $)/n(%)]

    Table  1.   Comparison of general data of three groups of patients [($ \bar x \pm s $)/n(%)]

    A组30/2857.72 ± 13.87164.19 ± 6.0768.12 ± 7.886(10.3)9(15.5)
    B组27/3158.10 ± 13.26164.02 ± 6.6567.16 ± 7.735(8.6)6(10.3)
    C组32/2661.28 ± 9.98164.10 ± 5.5869.75 ± 6.697(12.1)8(13.8)
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    表  2  3组老年患者一般资料比较[($\bar x \pm s $)/n(%)]

    Table  2.   Comparison of general data of three groups of elderly patients [($ \bar x \pm s $)/n(%)]

    A组17/1368.73 ± 5.72165.03 ± 6.6267.83 ± 7.393(10.0)6(20.0)
    B组13/1469.70 ± 6.22163.15 ± 5.4564.90 ± 7.593(11.1)4(14.8)
    C组21/1168.44 ± 5.22164.22 ± 7.3267.28 ± 5.264(12.5)5(15.6)
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    表  3  3组患者BBPS评分比较[($\bar x \pm s$),分]

    Table  3.   Comparison of BBPS score in three groups of patients [($ \bar x \pm s $),points]

    A组582.24 ± 0.472.22 ± 0.502.24 ± 0.436.72 ± 0.74
    B组582.74 ± 0.442.71 ± 0.462.67 ± 0.478.12 ± 0.73
    C组582.72 ± 0.452.78 ± 0.422.76 ± 0.438.25 ± 0.79
    P < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001*
      *P < 0.05;与A组比较,P < 0.05。
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    表  4  3组中老年便秘患者( ≥60岁)BBPS评分比较[($ \bar x \pm s $),分]

    Table  4.   Comparison of BBPS scores in three groups of elderly patients with constipation (≥60 years old) [($ \bar x \pm s $),points]

    A组302.17 ± 0.382.20 ± 0.482.17 ± 0.386.53 ± 0.63
    B组272.78 ± 0.422.78 ± 0.422.74 ± 0.458.30 ± 0.78
    C组322.44 ± 0.502.47 ± 0.512.47 ± 0.517.38 ± 0.94
    P < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001*
      *P < 0.05;与B组比较,P < 0.05。
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    表  5  进镜时间、退镜时间、肠镜总时间比较[($ \bar x \pm s $),min]

    Table  5.   Comparison of entry time,exit time,and total colonoscopy time [($ \bar x \pm s $),min]

    A组589.78 ± 2.009.36 ± 2.6319.13 ± 2.96#
    B组587.39 ± 1.497.40 ± 1.5814.45 ± 1.92
    C组588.07 ± 1.356.77 ± 1.0915.93 ± 1.95△#
    P < 0.001* < 0.001* < 0.001*
      *P < 0.05;与A组比较,P < 0.05;与B组比较,#P < 0.05。
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    表  6  3组患者不良反应率的比较[n(%)]

    Table  6.   Comparison of adverse reaction rates among the three groups of patients [n (%)]

    呕吐4(6.9) 3(5.2) 12(20.7)8.6260.013*
    嗳气4(6.9) 5(8.6) 13(22.4)7.5970.022*
    腹胀6(10.3)5(8.6) 15(25.9)8.2300.016*
    腹痛2(3.4) 3(5.2) 11(19.0) 10.0490.007*
    头晕1(1.7) 2(3.4) 9(15.5) 10.2040.006*
    头痛1(1.7) 2(3.4) 8(13.8) 8.3460.015*
    乏力5(8.6) 4(6.9) 14(24.1)9.1180.010*
      *P < 0.05。
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