Influencing Factors of Echocardiographic Abnormalities in HIV/AIDS Patients
目的 回顾性地分析HIV/AIDS患者超声心动图出现异常的影响因素。 方法 选取2020年12月1日至2021年11月30日在昆明市第三人民医院就诊行超声心动图检查的HIV/AIDS患者(386例),采用卡方检验和Logistic回归进行单因素和多因素分析。 结果 386例的研究对象中,54.1%(209/386)的患者吸烟、45.3%(175/386)的患者饮酒,合并高血压者占20.7%(80/386)、合并糖尿病者占21.5%(83/386)、合并高脂血症者占25.1%(97/386)。HIV/AIDS患者超声心动图的异常率为40.2%(155/386),多因素Logistic回归分析表明,年龄 > 44岁(OR = 3.579,95%CI 2.200~5.823)、有高血压(OR = 1.847,95%CI 1.075~3.175)、有高脂血症(OR = 1.868,95%CI 1.120~3.115)、接受ART治疗(OR = 1.855,95%CI 1.029~3.345)是HIV/AIDS患者超声心动图出现异常的影响因素。 结论 年龄 > 44岁、有高血压、有高脂血症、接受ART治疗是HIV/AIDS患者超声心动图出现异常的影响因素。 Abstract:Objective The influencing factors of abnormal echocardiography in HIV/AIDS patients were analyzed retrospectively. Methods A total of 386 patients with HIV/AIDS who received echocardiography in the Third People's Hospital of Kunming City from December 1, 2020 to November 30, 2021 were selected, Chi-square test and Logistic regression were used for univariate and multivariate analysis. Results Among the 386 study subjects, 54.1% (209/386) of the patients were smoker, 45.3% (175/386) regularly consumed alcohol, and 20.7% (80/386) complicated hypertension, 21.5% (83/386) complicated diabetes, and 25.1% (97/386)complicated hyperlipidemia. The abnormal rate of echocardiography in HIV/AIDS patients was 40.2% (155/386). Multifactorial logistic regression analysis showed that age > 44 years (OR = 3.579, 95%CI 2.200 to 5.823), hypertension (OR = 1.847, 95%CI 1.075 to 3.175), hyperlipidemia (OR = 1.868, 95%CI 1.120 to 3.115), and ART medication (OR = 1.855, 95%CI 1.029 to 3.345) were factors influencing the presence of abnormal echocardiograms in patients with HIV/AIDS. Conclusion Age > 44 years, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and ART medication were factors influencing the presence of abnormal echocardiograms in HIV/AIDS patients. -
Key words:
- Echocardiography /
- Abnormalities /
- Influencing factors
表 1 HIV/AIDS患者资料分析[n(%)]
Table 1. Demographic information [n(%)]
合计(n= 386) 超声心动图正常组
(n = 231)超声心动图异常组
(n = 155)χ2 P 性别 1.055 0.304 男 263(68.1) 162(61.6) 101(38.4) 女 123(31.9) 69(56.1) 54(43.9) 年龄 > 44 岁 39.646 < 0.001* 是 227(58.8) 106(46.7) 121(53.3) 否 159(41.2) 125(78.6) 34(21.4) 婚姻状况 2.334 0.311 已婚 248(64.2) 143(57.7) 105(42.3) 未婚 74(19.2) 50(67.6) 24(32.4) 离异/丧偶 64(16.6) 38(59.4) 26(40.6) 民族 0.735 0.391 汉族 338(87.6) 205(60.7) 133(39.3) 少数民族 48(12.4) 26(54.2) 22(45.8) BMI ≥ 24.0 kg/m2 4.683 0.030* 是 63(16.3) 30(47.6) 33(52.4) 否 323(83.7) 201(62.2) 122(37.8) 吸烟 1.603 0.206 是 209(54.1) 119(56.9) 90(43.1) 否 177(45.9) 112(63.3) 65(36.7) 饮酒 0.972 0.324 是 175(45.3) 100(57.1) 75(42.9) 否 211(54.7) 131(62.1) 80(37.9) 高血压 12.633 < 0.001* 是 80(20.7) 34(42.5) 46(57.5) 否 306(79.3) 197(46.4) 109(35.6) 糖尿病 5.974 0.015* 是 83(21.5) 40(48.2) 43(51.8) 否 303(78.5) 191(63.0) 112(37.0) 高脂血症 6.995 0.008* 是 97(25.1) 47(48.5) 50(51.5) 否 289(74.9) 184(63.7) 105(36.3) 传播途径 5.157 0.076 性传播 208(53.9) 119(57.2) 89(42.8) 吸毒传播 106(27.5) 73(68.9) 33(31.1) 其他/不详 72(18.6) 39(54.2) 33(45.8) 接受ART治疗 14.407 < 0.001* 是 298(77.2) 163(54.7) 135(45.3) 否 88(22.8) 68(77.3) 20(22.7) HIV病毒载量< 105 (拷贝/mL) 2.221 0.136 是 270(70.0) 155(57.4) 115(42.6) 否 116(30.0) 76(65.5) 40(34.5) CD4+T细胞计数(个/μL) 251.4(80.8,456.5) 269.0(70.9,483.5) 213.0(84.9,460.0) 2.003 0.157 *P < 0.05。 表 2 HIV/AIDS患者超声心动图异常相关因素变量赋值表
Table 2. Variable assignment table of factors associated with echocardiographic abnormalities in patients with HIV/AIDS
因素 变量 赋值 年龄 > 44岁 X1 否 = 0,是 = 1 BMI(kg/m2) X2 <24.0 = 0,≥24.0 = 1 高血压 X3 无高血压 = 0,有高血压 = 1 糖尿病 X4 无糖尿病 = 0,有糖尿病 = 1 高脂血症 X5 无高脂血症 = 0,有高脂血症 = 1 ART治疗情况 X6 未接受ART治疗 = 0,接受ART治疗 = 1 超声心动图 Y 超声心动图正常 = 0,超声心动图异常 = 1 表 3 HIV/AIDS患者超声心动图异常的多因素Logistic回归分析结果
Table 3. Results of multifactorial logistic regression analysis of echocardiographic abnormalities in patients with HIV/AIDS
变量 参考类别 β S.E. Wald value P OR(95% CI) 年龄 > 44岁 否 1.275 0.248 26.371 < 0.001* 3.579(2.200~5.823) 高血压 无 0.614 0.276 4.936 0.026* 1.847(1.075~3.175) 高脂血症 无 0.625 0.261 5.737 0.017* 1.868(1.120~3.115) 接受ART治疗 否 0.618 0.301 4.221 0.040* 1.855(1.029~3.345) *P < 0.05。 -
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