The Incidence of Premature Delivery and Its Influencing Factors: A Maternal and Infant Health Cohort Study
目的 了解云南省曲靖市早产发生情况,并探讨其影响因素,为早期干预提供科学依据。 方法 以曲靖市妇幼保健院为依托,选取2020年9月1日至2021年10月31日符合纳入标准的孕产妇为研究对象,随访孕妇的基本情况及分娩结局,采用卡方检验、Logistic回归模型分析早产流行病学特征及其影响因素。 结果 7302 名孕妇中发生早产477例,早产率为6.53%;其中晚期早产、中期早产、早期早产分别占77.15%、12.79%、 10.06%。多因素分析结果显示,早产的危险因素有:文化程度低(即小学及以下、初中、高中)、孕次≥3次、产次≥3次、前置胎盘、双胎或多胎妊娠、有剖宫产史、有流产史、产检次数≤8次、妊娠期高血压、妊娠期糖尿病、胎膜早破、胎儿或子宫畸形(P值均 < 0.05)。结论 早产的发生率较高,可能受孕妇的文化程度、孕期前置胎盘、双胎或多胎妊娠、产检次数、妊娠期高血压、妊娠期糖尿病、胎膜早破、胎儿或子宫畸形以及既往有剖宫产史、流产史等影响。应加强早期准确识别早产高危因素的能力,做到早发现、早预防、早治疗,减轻其带来的母胎影响,促进母婴健康。 Abstract:Objective To understand and analyze the incidence of premature delivery and its influencing factors in Qujing city, Yunnan province, so as to provide the scientific basis for the early intervention. Methods Based on Qujing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, we selected the pregnant women who met the inclusion criteria from September 1, 2020 to October 31, 2021 as the research objective, followed up the basic situation and delivery outcome of pregnant women, and analyzed the epidemiological characteristics and influencing factors of premature delivery by chi-square test and logistic regression model. Results Among 7302 pregnant women, 477 cases were premature, with an incidence of 6.53%. Among them, late preterm labor, middle preterm labor and early preterm labor accounted for 77.15%, 12.79% and 10.06% respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that the risk factors of premature delivery were: low education level (i.e. primary school or below, junior high school and senior high school), pregnancy ≥3 times, parity ≥3 times, placenta previa, twin or multiple pregnancy, history of cesarean section, history of abortion, number of check-ups ≤8 times, gestational hypertension, gestational diabetes, premature rupture of membranes, fetal or uterine malformation (all P-value < 0.05).Conclusion The incidence of premature delivery is high, which may be influenced by the education level of pregnant women, placenta previa during pregnancy, twin or multiple pregnancies, the number of prenatal checkups, pregnancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, premature rupture of membranes, fetal or uterine malformation, and previous history of cesarean section and abortion. Therefore, we should strengthen the ability to accurately identify the risk factors of premature delivery at an early stage, so as to achieve the early detection, early prevention and early treatment, reduce its impact on mother and fetus, and promote the health of mother and baby. -
表 1 孕妇的人口学特征对早产影响的单因素分析[n(%)]
Table 1. Univariate analysis of the influence of demographic characteristics of pregnant women on premature delivery [n(%)]
变量 合计 早产 χ2 P 是 否 年龄(岁) 28.27±4.94 < 24 1623 (22.22)108(6.65) 1515 (93.35)14.567 0.002* 24~29 3058 (41.88)180(5.89) 2878 (94.11)30~34 1815 (24.86)112(6.17) 1703 (93.83)≥35 806(11.04) 77(9.55) 729(90.45) 民族 1.153 0.283 汉族 6934 (94.96)448(6.46) 6486 (93.54)少数民族 368(5.04) 29(7.88) 339(92.12) 户籍所在地 5.553 0.018* 农村 2046 (28.02)156(7.62) 1890 (92.38)城镇 5256 (71.98)321(6.11) 4935 (93.89)职业 13.913 0.016* 无职业 5632 (77.13)386(6.85) 5246 (93.15)职工 476(6.52) 22(4.62) 454(95.38) 农民 77(1.05) 9(11.69) 68(88.31) 商业/服务业 287(3.93) 18(6.27) 269(93.73) 专业技术人员 527(7.22) 20(3.80) 507(96.20) 自由职业 303(4.15) 22(7.26) 281(92.74) 文化程度 24.321 < 0.001* 小学及以下 2910 (39.85)215(7.39) 2695 (92.61)初中 785(10.75) 64(8.15) 721(91.85) 高中 2089 (28.61)139(6.65) 1950 (93.35)本科及以上 1518 (20.79)59(3.89) 1459 (96.11)孕前BMI(kg/m2) 6.153 0.104 < 18.5 958(13.12) 63(6.58) 895(93.42) 18.5~23.9 4681 (64.11)282(6.02) 4399 (93.98)24~27.9 1266 (17.34)98(7.74) 1168 (92.26)≥28 367(5.03) 29(7.90) 338(92.10) *P < 0.05。 表 2 孕产史和妊娠期并发症对早产影响的单因素分析[n(%)]
Table 2. Univariate analysis of the influence of pregnancy history and pregnancy complications on premature delivery [n(%)]
变量 合计 早产 χ2 P 是 否 孕产史 孕次(次) 21.525 < 0.001* ≤1 2519 (34.50)140(5.56) 2379 (94.44)2 2237 (30.64)124(5.54) 2113 (64.46)≥3 2546 (34.87)213(8.37) 2333 (91.63)产次(次) 34.816 < 0.001* ≤1 3676 (50.34)197(5.36) 3479 (94.64)2 2770 (37.93)187(6.75) 2583 (93.25)≥3 856(11.72) 93(10.86) 763(89.14) 剖宫产史 29.097 < 0.001* 有 1281 (17.54)127(9.91) 1154 (90.09)无 6021 (82.46)350(5.81) 5671 (94.19)早产史 9.953 0.002* 有 245(3.36) 28(11.43) 217(88.57) 无 7057 (96.64)449(6.36) 6608 (93.64)流产史 − 0.474 有 33(0.45) 3(9.09) 30(90.91) 无 7269 (99.55)474(6.52) 6795 (93.48)产检次数(次) 60.297 < 0.001* ≤8 1571 (21.51)170(10.82) 1401 (89.18)>8 5731 (78.49)307(5.36) 5424 (94.64)辅助生殖 41.595 < 0.001* 是 276(3.78) 44(15.94) 232(84.06) 否 7026 (96.22)433(6.16) 6593 (93.84)双胎/多胎妊娠 475.424 < 0.001* 是 168(2.30) 80(47.62) 88(52.38) 否 7134 (97.70)397(5.56) 6737 (94.44)妊娠期并发症 妊娠期高血压 37.877 < 0.001* 是 403(5.52) 56(13.90) 347(86.10) 否 6899 (94.48)421(6.10) 6478 (93.90)妊娠期糖尿病 15.712 < 0.001* 是 526(7.20) 56(10.65) 470(89.35) 否 6776 (92.80)421(6.21) 6355 (93.79)妊娠期合并贫血 5.029 0.025* 是 624(8.55) 54(8.65) 570(91.35) 否 6678 (91.45)423(6.33) 6255 (93.67)前置胎盘 163.486 < 0.001* 是 105(1.44) 39(37.14) 66(62.86) 否 7197 (98.56)438(6.09) 6759 (93.91)胎膜早破 34.987 < 0.001* 是 1167 (15.95)122(10.45) 1045 (89.55)否 6135 (84.02)355(5.79) 5780 (94.21)胎儿宫内窘迫 3.744 0.053 是 128(1.75) 3(2.34) 125(97.66) 否 7174 (98.25)474(6.61) 6700 (93.39)胎儿或子宫畸形 − 0.021* 是 34(0.47) 6(17.65) 28(82.35) 否 7268 (99.53)471(6.48) 6797 (93.52)*P < 0.05。 表 3 早产儿的胎龄、性别、分娩方式、出生体重、胎数分布情况
Table 3. Distribution of gestational age,sex,delivery mode,birth weight and fetal number of premature infants
变量 例数(n) 构成比(%) 胎龄(周)( $\bar x \pm s $) 34.5 ± 1.96 早期早产(28~31+6周) 48 10.06 中期早产(32~33+6周) 61 12.79 晚期早产(34~36+6周) 368 77.15 性别 男 260 54.51 女 217 45.49 分娩方式 顺产 208 43.61 剖宫产 269 56.39 出生体重(g)( $\bar x \pm s $) 2378 ± 781.13< 1500 30 6.29 1500 ~2500 256 53.67 > 2500 191 40.04 胎数 双胎/多胎 80 16.77 单胎 397 83.23 表 4 影响早产的多因素Logistic回归模型分析结果
Table 4. Analysis results of multivariate Logistic regression model affecting premature delivery
变量 β S.E. Wald χ2 P OR OR 95%CI 文化程度(Ref:大学及以上) 小学及以下 0.522 0.162 10.363 0.001* 1.685 1.226~2.315 初中 0.617 0.201 9.393 0.002* 1.854 1.249~2.752 高中 0.511 0.169 9.169 0.002* 1.667 1.197~2.320 产次≥3次(Ref:≤1次)
1.007~2.228剖宫产史(Ref:否) 0.786 0.142 30.772 < 0.001* 2.196 1.663~2.899 流产史(Ref:否) 0.807 0.232 12.098 0.001* 2.242 1.422~3.532 产检次数≤8次(Ref:>8次) 0.871 0.110 63.210 < 0.001* 2.388 1.927~2.960 妊娠期高血压(Ref:否) 0.770 0.171 20.196 < 0.001* 2.160 1.544~3.023 妊娠期糖尿病(Ref:否) 0.443 0.167 7.091 0.008* 1.558 1.124~2.160 前置胎盘(Ref:否) 2.411 0.232 108.199 < 0.001* 11.147 7.077~17.558 胎膜早破(Ref:否) 1.084 0.125 74.853 < 0.001* 2.958 2.313~3.781 胎儿或子宫畸形(Ref:否) 1.376 0.493 7.794 0.005* 3.959 1.507~10.400 双胎或多胎妊娠(Ref:否) 3.048 0.178 292.745 < 0.001* 21.073 14.862~29.878 常量 -4.488 0.239 351.548 < 0.001* 0.011 *P < 0.05。 -
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